The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 300 300 - Sudden Speed

Chapter 300 300 - Sudden Speed

"There are only three minutes until the fight between Garestsa and Aiden starts, quickly take your seats!" The announcer said through his microphone.

Aiden hearing this picked up the pace without using his [Lightning Steps] as he didn't want to run out of mana during the fight. If he did then he would be at a disadvantage.

"Just why did I sleep for so long?" Aiden muttered as he kept running like a madman toward the Coliseum that he could see from the distance.

He knew that the reason he had slept for so long was quite simple, it was because he had been recuperating energy because of the fight between him and the director.

While Aiden was running not caring about his surroundings, the others who were also in the process of going toward the Coliseum started asking themselves, who the person running was.

"Is that Aiden? Why is he here?" Someone asked his friend, unsure if it was Aiden or not running.

However, his friend wasn't of the same opinion at all.

"No, there's no way, it's him. Don't you remember what that person can lose... he can lose his discipleship to the director of the Magic Academy if he were to lose. There's no way that Aiden or whatever his name wouldn't take this seriously."

'Of course, I'm taking this seriously, you fucker, I just overslept,' Aiden thought as he heard what those guys had been saying about him.

Nonetheless, Aiden stopped looking at them as he started running even faster, making sure that he would be there in time.


Two minutes later, Aiden was at the entrance of the Coliseum, all dirty with his hair in horrible condition.

"What the hell are you doing arriving so late!" The director nagged Aiden.

However, he kept himself from going to hard as he knew that it was already a miracle for Aiden to be able to participate, in fact, David couldn't help but worry about what was going to happen in there.

He could only hope that Aiden was in top shape and that he wouldn't crumble from over-exercising, even if that seemed unlikely considering that he had ran all the way from the dorms to the Coliseum.

"Sorry, sorry, where do I need to go?" Aiden asked as he could barely talk because he had used so much energy coming here.

'Ahh, maybe I should have used [Lightning Steps],' Aiden thought.

That way, he would have been in much better shape, but it seemed that he wouldn't be able to do such a thing this month.

"Just follow me, I'll show you the way," the director said as he knew that there were only a couple of seconds left before the fight started.

Then, as soon as the director said that, the announcer said that there was only a minute left before the start of the fight.

That meant there was no way that Aiden would have any time to get ready whatsoever, as soon as he entered the arena, the fight would be starting.

Garesta, the beast girl, was surely stressed at the moment as she knew that a lot depended on this victory.

However, what she didn't expect was that her opponent wouldn't even use magic to defeat her.

A few moments later, both David and Aiden were running at full speed toward the entrance of the arena, making sure that he would arrive on time.

"Just a few more meters," David told Aiden, as they continued to run.

Those who were seeing such a scene simply couldn't believe their eyes at all. The director of the Magic Academy, one of the strongest mages, that ever existed was currently running in a hallway without even looking to his left or his right.

"Is that really the director? Why is he running toward the entrance for fighters... wait who's that behind him?" Someone questioned out loud.

Both Aiden and David heard that but couldn't bother to explain why they were in such a situation because it was too hard to explain. 

"I think that's Aiden, his disciple, seems like he was late to this duel and that director had to go get him."

"Just how did that guy become the director's disciple, why was he chosen... he doesn't even look all that strong," another one commented.

The director knew that Aiden would most likely not care about all those comments, but he still thought that he should at least tell him something to comfort him.

"Just make sure that you destroy that girl, they will stop yapping after," the director said as he quickly looked back in Aiden's direction, making sure that he was all right.

Aiden nodded, knowing that the director was right. All he would need to do was completely demolish that beast girl.

A few meters later, Aiden was finally about to enter the arena as he could hear the announcer's final countdown.

"If Aiden isn't here in five seconds, the fight winner will be Garestsa's and Aiden Nightshade will lose his discipleship with the director of the academy.

Aiden hearing this wasn't too worried about it since he knew that a duel wouldn't determine whether he would keep learning from the director.






The announcer made sure that the last second would last as much time as needed, waiting to see if Aiden wouldn't magically appear on the other side of the Arena.

Aiden hearing the countdown, made a quick wave toward the director as he entered the arena with a huge smile on his face as he knew that this right here would be quite the easy win.

"And he's here, he didn't run. It seems like he was just late to the fight, everyone applaud him, Aiiiden Niiightshadeee!"

However, all he got in return weren't cheers but booing as it seemed that not many in the Arena liked him at all.

Such a scene made Aiden remember what happened back in the Inter Family Tournament, where everyone in the stands had been hating on them.

However, we all know how the tournament ended, right? He had won, destroying every single opponent that was in his way.

'You will all see what happens when you decide to fight against me,' Aiden thought as he looked around at the crowd who were all cheering against him, calling him a fraud.

"We can't waste anymore, and it's now time for this fight to start once and for all!" The announcer continued, trying his best to animate the crowd.

While he was saying all those things, Aiden and Garestsa were talking to each other, well it was like they were shouting against one another because they were so far away from each other.

"So, you didn't run, huh?" She shouted.

Aiden didn't answer keeping his mouth shut for the moment, he preferred letting his actions speak for himself.

"That's what I thought, you're too scared to even open your mouth," Garestsa continued, trying to mock him to the best of her abilities.

Aiden, this time, decided to answer her.

"Try not to die," he muttered, not saying it loud enough for Garestsa to hear it.

However, she could see the smile on his face, and it was cruel. She didn't know what he had just muttered, but it hadn't been nice at all.

"Everyone, let's do a countdown once again! When it reaches zero, the two of you will be able to do whatever you want to one another. Also, don't worry about going for strikes that may kill the opposing side, we have people who will stop you."

Then, he started the countdown as everyone in the public participated.




"May the best win!" The announcer shouted as Aiden immediately dashed toward Garestsa without losing a single second.

Everyone in the arena was absolutely shocked by this sight as this wasn't a common way of fighting at all.

"Does he want this to end faster? Why is he running up at her?" A person in the crowd shouted.

"He's not even casting any spells, man that guy really was one hell of a fraud," another one commented.

Garestsa, on the other hand, had no idea how to react to this sudden increase in speed. She had never seen anyone run so fast in her entire life, so just what was happening right now.

'Just how is he moving so fast,' she thought as she started casting several spells in her direction.


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