The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 288 288 - Killing Her?

Chapter 288 288 - Killing Her?

However, just by having this thought, Aiden knew that it would be very difficult to figure out the situation regarding Mia.

'Just what can I fucking do? She has no memories,' Aiden thought as he realized that there was basically no way for him to know if she was real unless he asked the system.

But, for some reason, he was almost sure that the system wouldn't be telling him anything at all.

He just knew that asking about it to the system wouldn't do anything.

But... he still did it, hoping that he would be right this time.

'Is she real?' 



'Argh, why the hell is that shit, just tell me what I need to do to reach the next level of this evaluation or whatever it really is,' Aiden said to himself, frustrated.

Why couldn't the system help when he needed it the most?

'Alright, let's go to plan B, figure out what I need to do to reach the third level,' Aiden thought as he knew that there was no way that he would be able to figure out if Mia was real or not.

She seemed real from a physical aspect, however, there was no way to figure out the mental one.

Then, Aiden came out of his thoughts as he heard the voice of the person whom he had his hand on.

"I'm okay, thank you," Mia said, thanking him for using [Gentle Touch] which was quite a rare occasion to be completely honest.

He remembered how most people reacted after he had used it on them, so this was quite refreshing.

"It was no problem."

"Alright, so any ideas of where we are?" Mia asked as it seemed that she didn't even remember this forest which was from her own world.

But, that was normal if Aiden took into account that she had forgotten about every single thing in her life, except her name.

'Should I tell her about the system? After all, it was that thing that brought her here or made her appear,' Aiden thought.

He wondered if the system would once again intervene if he were to tell Mia.

'Wait, I got an idea!' 

Aiden seemed to realize something about the system.

The system or the Lumithars didn't like information about them being shared which was why they had intervened in his third trial regarding that.

'What if I tell her, wouldn't I be able to figure out if she's real or not?'

Based on what he knew, if Mia was a real person, then if Aiden were to tell her about the system then it would intervene and in case it was the other scenario then the system wouldn't interfere.

'Yes, I really am a genius.'

It seemed that Aiden had forgotten that the system or rather the Lumithars could hear his every thought but that was only a small detail or maybe a big one, but oh well... he forgot.

"I do actually have an idea of where we are," Aiden said out of nowhere.

"You do?" Mia replied surprised that Aiden knew something about this place.

"Actually I have a good idea of where we are right now, however, it's a little complicated to explain."

He waited for Mia to concentrate before continuing what he was about to say.

"You see, this forest and this tent with the monster is already a moment that I lived in the past. In fact, I lived it with you."

As Aiden was about to continue he was quickly interrupted by Mia who seemed confused about what he had just said.

"So... we know each other?'

'Maybe that's why he was so desperate trying to save me as if his life depended on it. Who am I to him?'

There were a bunch of questions that were popping into Mia's mind, but she stayed silent letting him answer the first question that we asked.

"Um, actually, that's complicated... We do know each other, in fact, we spend some time together, but you probably still don't know who I am."

Mia hearing this was even more confused.

"What do you mean?"

What Aiden had just said literally made no sense, if they had spent time together then why wouldn't she remember it?

"You see, I wasn't really... the real me when we spent time together I was under another name, but that doesn't really matter just listen to what I'm about to say," Aiden continued, cutting off short the explanation as he realized that it wouldn't even matter if she knew about the trials and all that stuff.

'Why am I even talking about all that stuff, let's just tell her about the system and be done with it,' Aiden thought, a little mad at himself for wasting time.

"You see the people that brought us here are a group of people named the Lumithars. We are probably not even in a real forest and the monsters that I just killed probably weren't even real."

"Truth be told, right now, I'm doing an evaluation that they gave me. However, don't ask me why, even though I don't why I need to do such an evaluation."

'Looks like the system won't intervene, huh?' Aiden thought as he realized that this probably meant that the Mia which was in front of him was fake.

"You don't know why you were brought here?" Mia asked a little confused.

Didn't he just say why he was here?

"It's a little bit more complicated than how I explained it," Aiden continued explaining to the fake Mia.

While he said that, his mind was obviously somewhere else completely as he was now almost certain that she wasn't a real person.

'The dwarf and that assassin weren't real, so why would she be?' Aiden thought, trying to convince himself that she wasn't real.

'Do I really need to kill her to reach the next level of this evaluation?' 

Aiden hesitated as he looked down toward the weapon that he was holding in his hand.

'Should I?'


Read Author's Note, Important Notice.


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