The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 242 242 - Reveal

Chapter 242 242 - Reveal

Aiden was now in front of that massive door as he slowly pushed forward, apprehending the conversation that he was about to have with Melinda.

He was after all about to reveal his deepest secrets which he hadn't revealed to Maelis and Emma.

'Will this really go down like I want to?' thought Aiden, starting to doubt himself over this whole thing.

He was simply scared of what could potentially happen if Melinda were to tell Sylas, the Nightshade Family Patriarch.

He could only hope that she would act like he had planned which meant she would try to protect as best as she possibly could.

However, there was no way of knowing if she would actually act in such a way. Well, there was, the only way to know was to reveal Aiden's secret.

Then, as Aiden finished pushing the gigantic doors that were in front of him, it seemed that Melinda was already waiting for him as he heard her voice.

"Go upstairs."

That was what the voice had just said and Aiden didn't find the guts to try and complain or refuse and, at the same time, Aiden honestly didn't find anything wrong with going upstairs since that was probably where Melinda was.

Aiden looked up and saw the gloomy set of stairs in front of him, it was surprising but there was absolutely no colour to those stairs which created an interesting contrast with the rest of the place.

Then, a few moments later, he was at the top of those stairs as he glanced to his right and to his left, wondering where he needed to go next as he still couldn't see Melinda anywhere.

"Go to the left," said the feminine voice which belonged to Melinda.

Aiden simply nodded and didn't lose any time as he went in that direction.

"Stop," said the voice a few moments, later as Aiden was approaching a dark red door which oddly made Aiden think of blood.

"Enter that room," continued the voice, instructing Aiden on what he needed to do.

Once again, Aiden listened as he grabbed that doorknob and turned it, entering that room where there were two chairs and a single table.

On one of the chairs, there was Melinda who was facing the door with a pretty weird smile on her face.

"You were lucky."

Those were the first words that she said to Aiden as soon as he entered the room.

'Maybe I was,' said Aiden to himself, as he knew that she wasn't wrong at the moment.

He had skipped one of the challenges after all.

"Um, right you like being silent, here you can sit," she said pointing toward the chair which was right in front of her.

Aiden then complied as he reached that chair a few seconds later.

"Paul told me about the deal that you guys made and I'm not surprised that he broke the rules in bringing you, that's how he acts most of the time after all," she said, basically talking to her as Aiden couldn't respond to such a monologue.

However, what was making Aiden the most surprised right now was the gloomy atmosphere in the room which was extremely different from how the Melinda that he had met at the Inter Family Tournament had acted.

Seeing that she was in a bad mood, Aiden had no choice but to question whether or not it was a good idea to reveal his secret right now.

'Should I wait until she's in a better one?' thought Aiden, worried that she would act based on her emotions.

However, as he thought about it a little more, he realized that he needed to ask her right now since he would never be getting such an opportunity later on.

It was basically now or never.

"But, who cares about that? Since you're here, it's time for you to learn about my technique, right?" she said changing her tone, becoming friendly once again as if whatever that had just happened didn't matter one bit anymore.

'I guess it's time for me, to step in,' thought Aiden, as he knew that it was time for him to tell her about what he really wanted in exchange.

But, as he was about to open his mouth, he couldn't help but have some last-minute thoughts.

This was a big deal, after all.

Nonetheless, after a few seconds, he dismissed all those thoughts as he prepared himself to ask Melinda something that would probably change the rest of his life in Nova.

"Actually..." muttered Aiden, before taking a small break.

"Yes?" asked Melinda, wondering what was happening since Aiden had stopped talking.

"I was wondering if I could ask you something," replied Aiden, still unsure about this whole thing. However, he wouldn't be backing away right now, he needed to continue and have some courage.

"Go ahead," replied Melinda right away, with a smile on her face which seemed somewhat fake.

"Could I ask for something else instead of that technique? What I would want is answers, actually," finally uttered Aiden, waiting for Melinda's reaction.

"Answers, huh?" she said, repeating that word, seemingly unsure what this even meant.

She wasn't in Aiden's head after all.

She knew that he had some secrets, but she didn't expect to reveal any of them at all as they seemed quite sensitive, especially the ones considering his identity as he always wore that Reaper mask everywhere that he was going.

"What sort of answers?" continued Melinda, wondering what could be as worth as her technique which would literally make Aiden's life much easier since he would be able to change his appearance as he wished.

"Answers about me, and where I come from. Actually, I need answers about a bunch of things," said Aiden, as he slowly removed the [Everchanging Item] from his face, revealing it.

"Um, interesting, then go ahead what sort of questions do you want to ask me?" said Melinda before accepting or refusing his offers.

However, it seemed that Aiden wasn't done.

"Before that, I need to tell you something about me..."


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