The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 231 231 - Chains

Chapter 231 Chapter 231 - Chains

'Where do they even come from?' thought Aiden, realizing that he had never analyzed them all that much, simply thinking of them as a part of his body.

He thought that they had appeared because of him.

He thought that they had appeared because he was an anomaly.

But, the more he thought about it, the more he realized that maybe he had been completely wrong from start to finish.

'What if someone from the Nightshade family had put a curse on the old Aiden was he nothing more than a toddler?' thought Aiden, starting to think that this hypothesis was somewhat making a lot of sense.

It would actually explain a lot of things, for example, the old Aiden's lack of talent.

However, it wasn't like Aiden could actually prove any of those thoughts and that was especially true considering the situation that he was currently in.

That was about it.

This whole thing was simply an idea that he had that he would once again not be able to prove.

It was starting to get really annoying, never obtaining answers no matter how much he tried.

First, there had been that mercenary, but he hadn't come. Then, there was Melinda who seemed to have some answers for him, however, she didn't seem too keen on revealing them.

And now... well there was something else that Aiden needed to figure out about the old Aiden.

What had happened to him in the Nightshade Family?

What had made them banish him?

Well, he knew that it was because of how talentless he was, he had seen that in the old Aiden's memories.

But... was that really all there was to it?

What if there was something else which Aiden ignored completely?

'What if, those are all what ifs. I need actual answers,' thought Aiden, frustrated coming out of the focused state which he had just been into.

It seemed that those thoughts were a lot more important than the trial that he was currently a part of.

His past was, after all, a lot more important than some gain toward his strength.

Nonetheless, Aiden realized that it didn't matter the amount that he would spend thinking about those chains and the reason for them being there, he would never be able to figure it out on his own.

However, he knew one person who might know something about them and that person was without much surprise Melinda.

Aiden knew that she had a lot of information about a lot of things, so he could hope that she would actually answer some of his questions.

As he thought of that, Aiden suddenly got a great idea.

'What if instead of learning that technique at the end, I actually bargained with her to obtain some answers,' thought Aiden, knowing that it would be a lot more useful considering that he had already acquired a skill that would help him keep his hidden identity.

'Well, I'll just do that after beating those stupid challenges,' thought Aiden, as he had now more determination than ever to reach Melinda who was patiently waiting for the two of them.

In fact, Melinda was currently watching both Isolde and Aiden as she was obviously interested in their growth. That was why she had organized such a complex training.

She wouldn't have done such a thing if she didn't care after all.

Nonetheless, she had to admit that she had put in a little more effort because of Aiden's participation.

'I wonder if they'll actually have the time to reach the fifth challenge?' thought Melinda knowing that the current challenge and the next ones would be taking a lot of time for sure.

While Melinda was thinking of all those things, Aiden was back to his focused state from earlier as he once again started feeling every single detail of his body.

However, he didn't spend that much time analyzing them as he needed to go back to those damn chains which were within him.

He needed to feel them just as much as the rest of his body after all.

Then, as he arrived in front of those chains. Well, in his mind.

He once again started hearing the constant clinging noise of those chains resisting against all sorts of attacks that were coming from withing.

It seemed that whatever that was contained behind those chains was in the process of trying to get out.

However, no matter how much they tried those chains wouldn't budge staying extremely solid, not letting a single thing pass.

There was no way that those things of all sorts of colours would go and help Aiden, it seemed.

'But, it's not like I need those things,' thought Aiden, as he opened his eyes once again, not caring about whatever that was happening his inside his body.

He had taken enough to analyze this whole thing and he was starting to get tired of thinking of those chains which is why he slowly stood up getting out of that seated position, slowly standing up.

But, even while standing up, Aiden's concentration was at its peak making sure to feel every single muscle moving.

'I wonder if what I'm doing will actually achieve something?' thought Aiden, unsure if this whole thing was pointless or actually useful.

After all, all of his actions were based on what he had figured out from Evelynn's hint.


'How is this even possible?' thought Evelynn, seeing Aiden's standing shortly after being seated seemingly changed.

It seemed that he had already reached a state of mind that would make many extremely jealous.

If the enchantment had been as weak as earlier then Aiden would have already gained his sight back and he would have already learned about the skill that he would be earning in this scenario.

However, it seemed that he still hadn't reached the state that was needed for this new difficulty.

'Just who is that person? How did he figure out everything from that stupid hint that I gave?'

'Well, I guess he still needs a little push, but he's almost there,' continued thinking Evelynn, clearly impressed by this whole thing.


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