The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 228 228 - Lies

Chapter 228 Chapter 228 - Lies

'Where's that parkour?' thought Aiden as he looked around.

Sure, his vision was limited, but he should be able to at least see the start of the parkour.

However, no matter how much time he spent looking around he couldn't see anything. He was extremely confused because of that.

"Where are you going little Reaper?" asked Evelynn as she was now on his right, softly saying it to his ear.

Once again, Aiden was extremely surprised by that appearance because he hadn't seen or felt anything, it was as if that white-haired girl was a ghost.

She was able to move everywhere without a single person even noticing it, well both Isolde and Aiden weren't able to at least.

Dan seemed to be able to.

This meant one thing, and it was that Aiden's senses weren't developed enough. If she could move as she wanted without him even knowing about it, then it was a big problem, especially for an assassin like him who depends on his senses.

"I'm searching for the parkour," replied Aiden as he gained control of his emotions once again.

He didn't want to sound surprised nor scared which was why there was a little delay with his answer.

However, the answer which came from Evelynn surprised him even more.

"Well, I'll give you a hint, but you aren't going the right way," she said as she got closer to his ear, slowly saying it.

'Why is she trying to scare us this badly?' thought Aiden as he remembered hearing her scream earlier, so why was she acting so differently right now, it simply made no sense.

However, hearing that he wasn't the right way, Aiden slowly turned around to do a three-sixty and as he was doing so he made sure to be as clumsy as possible since he didn't want Evelynn to know that he could see a little.

After all, he didn't know if she would try to make things harder for him if she knew.

Then, as he finally turned around, he walked back to where he had been earlier and that's when he saw Isolde's feet once again, it seemed that they were really close by.

"Isolde," whispered Aiden, as he slowly got closer to her.

Then, Aiden tried to grab her shoulder, trying to tell her that he was right beside her. He was once again pulled away from her by that white-haired bitch called Evelynn.

"I forgot to mention, but you guys can't help one another or there will be consequences," said Evelynn, menacingly as her voice slowly started to get further and further away from where Aiden was currently.

Hearing this the two of them quickly moved their heads up and down in understanding as they realized that they had just broken rules that they hadn't even known of.

Well, then maybe it wasn't a rule to begin with, maybe she had just created it on the spot, but at the end of the day, none of that really mattered.

After being pulled away from Isolde, Aiden was somewhat concerned about his position as he didn't remember which way he had gone towards earlier, nonetheless, he knew that he was in a much better situation than Isolde who simply couldn't see anything. She was basically walking.

To be honest, Aiden remembered losing his sense of sight in the trial for the VIP Entries for the Auction House and he remembered how lost he had felt, not knowing where he was going at all.

It really was a weird feeling after all.

He had to admit that he didn't know how they were supposed to beat this challenge if they couldn't see anything.

Right now, Aiden was able to see which made it possible for him to beat this challenge, but he knew that this wasn't the normal way of doing things.

There had to be something which he ignored that would be able to help him in this scenario, there just had to.

So, instead of trying to reach the parkour, Aiden decided to use a similar strategy to earlier, sitting down and thinking of possible solutions.

A few minutes later after sitting down for the purpose of thinking, Aiden realized that this method wouldn't work once again because of one yet simple detail.

There had been no information on what he should do, all they had been told was to reach the end of a parkour which he didn't know the emplacement and if he were to ask Isolde for help, then he would have an unknown consequence which he preferred not knowing about to be honest.

So, because of those reasons, he decided that sitting down and thinking really wasn't the best strategy at all.

What he needed to do was experiment.

That was the conclusion that he had reached.

If he wanted to find a way to beat this challenge, there was only one thing he could do, try and fail or try something and succeed while doing so.

Also, this time, failing wouldn't be the same as the aura as he had no idea of what to do.

So, there wouldn't be the same type of reaction, if Aiden was to fail right now since he had absolutely no idea of what to do.

'Well, I guess what I need to do to experiment would be to find that parkour,' thought Aiden, grateful that he could still barely see in this darkness that was enveloping his surroundings.

Then, he started walking slowly, making sure that he wouldn't get hurt by some random obstacles or some plant that would come out of the ground.


'Finally!' said Aiden to himself, happy to have found what seemed to be the start of the parkour as he could something which didn't resemble grass or wood, so this could basically only be the parkour.

Then, he slowly put a foot onto the concrete-looking material, but as he did so, he was pushed back with great force as if something was restricting access to that concrete slab.

'Just what's happening?' thought Aiden, as he slowly started to stand up once again, completely lost.

He had been pushed back by so much force that he wasn't anywhere to where that concrete slab was.

But, thinking about it, it was probably a good thing since he probably would've gotten ejected once again.

Then, as he was finally back on his own two feet he heard the voice of Evelynn which surprisingly came back after such a thing had happened.

"Did you think that it was going to be that easy?" she asked, a bit surprised that Aiden had found the parkour this soon in the challenge as she had expected it to take at least a day since the two of them were blind.

In fact, Isolde hadn't been able to find it for the last few days which was why Evelynn had let her leave this forest in hopes that she would be helping the Reaper reach this place faster since she was extremely disappointed in her.

Evelynn had watched Isolde for the past day and honestly, there had been no progress, she was still as lost as before.

On the other hand, the Reaper who was the winner of the Inter Family Tournament had succeeded in finding the start of the parkour in not even a day.

It was simply incredible the gap between the two of them.

However, the time that Aiden had spent finding it and how he had found it, made Evelynn doubt whether or not he could see around himself.

With only a quick look at him, that didn't seem to be the case as he was always looking down, never putting his head up.

However, as she had observed him from far away, she had noticed that every time there was a little rock or something that could potentially make him fall. He would simply raise his leg over it without a second thought.

It seemed that he didn't have all of his vision, but he had access to it somewhat.

So, that's why Evelynn had decided to act when she saw that he had reached the parkour this soon into the challenge.

It was she who had pushed him away by using the concrete slab, it was some sort of punishment because of his cheating and it was now time to make the Reaper tell her about his secret.

She would make sure to enjoy every single second of it.

"Why didn't you tell me that you could barely see?" she questioned seeing the dumbfounded AIden slowly standing up.

Isolde who wasn't too far away from them heard that as she questioned out loud, "Wait you can see?"

It was clear that there were some hints of jealousy when Isolde said that, but it wasn't like she could change something about it.

"Wait, how did you do it?" continued Isolde as she simply couldn't endure it.

It had been hours and hours where she hadn't been able to see anything but complete darkness, she needed someone to help her.


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