The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 142 142 - Emma Everheart vs Lucius Nightshade (2)

Chapter 142 Chapter 142 - Emma Everheart vs Lucius Nightshade (2)

As the voice of Thorin resounded inside of the arena, Emma and Lucius both didn't move which was weird, especially when someone would be announcing the start of the fight.

Normally, both opponents would try to end each other's lives as soon as they could by running as fast as possible toward one another.

But, this time it was different, as both of them were slowly moving toward one another.

Well, let me correct that, it was only Emma which was currently moving, as Lucius was still immobile looking at the ground.

Not caring about this fight at all, well... that was what it looked like from a distance.

Emma who had her bow in her hand started to draw as she put all the strength which she could possibly muster into that one shot, even fusing it with a skill of hers which made her arrows more powerful.

Then, when she was ready, she glanced one last time toward Lucius, making sure that he hadn't moved yet and that he was still not paying attention to anything around him.

When she had confirmed that he still hadn't moved, she released her arrow as a massive resounded throughout the arena.

Even Aiden who had heard her shooting arrows often, had never heard such a powerful noise from only one arrow begin released.


It started to move faster and faster toward Lucius's head, but Lucius still hadn't moved a single muscle, still looking with a dead-pan expression at the ground.

This caused everyone around to doubt what they were seeing, and why was Lucius Nightshade still not moving.

Because if it kept being immobile then he would die.

Even the referee started to have some sweat on his face as he just couldn't understand what was happening to the Nightshade protege.

It was supposed to be a simple fight, one where the victor would be determined in a single second.

But it seemed that everyone had been wrong because of Lucius's behaviour.

Even Aiden who was watching just couldn't understand why he wouldn't try and win as soon as Thorin announced the start of the fight.

In his mind, it simply made no sense, however, he kept watching as it still wasn't done.

Even, the founding families heads started to look weirdly at the Nightshade Patriarch as they couldn't understand what his son was doing.

And without much surprise, Thorin was the most vocal about it, as he didn't back down from insulting Lucius and the Nightshade Family.

However, as the arrow was getting closer and closer to Lucius, one small movement came out of Lucius.

If someone was too far away then they wouldn't have been able to see it, Lucius had only moved his hand upward really fast, before putting it back to its earlier position.

And because of that movement, the arrow which was sure to hit him, started to deviate upwards for no apparent reason.

Lucius had only moved his hand and the arrow which contained all of Emma's strength had changed its course.

He had been able to do such a thing without even breaking a sweat.

Emma just couldn't begin to imagine what would happen if he were to move as he was still back ti his immobile position, patiently waiting for god knows what.

Emma started to draw another arrow putting as much strength as she humanly could.

And she released it once again, however, the same exact scene happened.

This time, Lucius moved his hand to the right and the arrow went exactly in that direction.

Emma just couldn't understand how such a thing was possible, it was as if the world was obeying all of Lucius's commands.

Whatever he would do, the world and the environment would listen.

It was simply crazy, and Aiden was literally as confused as her.

From the smallest of his hands, he would be able to influence his surroundings.

Aiden who was seeing this, just couldn't help but imagine himself in Emma's situation trying to win against such an opponent and no matter how hard he tried to think about it, he couldn't even see himself winning.

However, if wouldn't draw conclusions yet as he still hadn't seen the person fight. Nonetheless, without even moving he had left a deep impression on everyone watching the fight.

Then, it wasn't his hand which moved this time but his legs as he started to slowly walk toward Emma who kept shooting arrows toward him.

But, those didn't matter as he kept doing a simple move with his hands to deflect it.

She also knew that she wouldn't have the time to activate the Everheart Technique, so she decided to change her plan completely still thinking about what Aiden had said earlier.

'Just do your best.'

That was the thought that was currently inside of Emma's mind which kept coming over and over again, giving her the confidence to do her next move.

She opened her inventory, letting go of the bow and grabbing a completely new weapon which wasn't her cup of tea.

A weapon which she had trained shortly with Aiden before he went A-wall on her, a dagger.

Realizing that her bow and arrows were useless, she didn't have any other choice but to pick up a close-range weapon.

Then, she started to advance slowly toward Lucius wondering whether or not he was about to do some weird move against him.

Lucius didn't change his pace and didn't even seem surprised to see another come out of Emma, as he kept an emotionless face.

It was as if nothing could perturbed him, as he kept advancing.

Aiden seeing that face was weirded out as it made him think of himself before transmigrating.

He remembered always being emotionless always killing the next opponent that was in his way.

He was never rushed or scared as he was just doing what he was asked to do.

The more he looked at Lucius the more Aiden started to see his old self inside of him.

He had to admit that it was quite a weird sensation to feel.

But, nevertheless, he stopped thinking about his past life as only bad memories would come to his mind and started thinking about the present.

He was excited to see what Emma was about to pull off with a dagger in her hands.

Aiden obviously remembered a little about him teaching her and wondered if she had gotten better with it since then.

Then, he looked at Lucius who still didn't have any weapon in his hands, keeping the same pace as earlier.

The people in the stands that Lucius was scary as if there was nothing that could stop him or hurt him.

Thorin who was with the other heads, was beginning to feel annoyed as nothing was happening. There were only walking toward one another for absolutely no reason.

"Hey, stupid, tell your son to pick up the pace. If this continues, I'll fall asleep," said Thorin, as he couldn't be bothered by such an actionless fight.

Sure, he had been impressed by how Lucius had deviated from Emma's arrows, but that was it.

After that, nothing else had happened, except for the fact that they were both slowly getting closer to one another.

The Nightshade Patriarch had only one thing to say about Thorin's annoying behaviour.

"Shut up and watch, you won't be bored soon," he said with confidence as he knew what was going to happen next.

He had seen his son fight multiple times and whenever he was acting this way, there was literally no way for him to lose as he was completely focused on the task ahead of him, not letting him get distracted by anything.

Thorin hearing the confidence inside of the Nightshade Patriarch's voice, went back to his seat anticipating a big moment.

Then, as Emma and Lucius started to get closer and closer to each other, Lucius accelerated out of nowhere appearing right beside of Emma with a dagger in his hands.

From Emma's vision, he had completely disappeared from her sight to appear right beside her. She hadn't been able to see anything of what happened.

'What?' she thought, as she felt pain inside of her shoulder.

Blood started to come out of it, however, Emma hadn't even seen Lucius attack her. He didn't even have a weapon goddammit.

Then, Emma glanced toward one of Lucius's hands and saw a bloody dagger in his hands.

'But how?' she thought, shocked.

She was paralyzed by fear as she couldn't move anymore.

That person in front of her was simply too powerful. He had disappeared and reappeared right beside her, and during that moment, he had found the time to slash her in the shoulder.

Emma hurt on the shoulder couldn't use her arm anymore as it was too painful too move, and then as everyone had become silent in the crowd, a single voice made them realize that the fight was already over.

It was Thorin's voice which resounded inside of the arena and he had to admit that the Nightshade Patriarch hadn't been wrong this time.

That last move of Lucius had been spectacular, well... for those who had caught sight of it.

Everyone in the crowd started to roar over such a spectacular move as most of them hadn't even been able to see what had just happened.

One minute, Lucius was at least 50 meters away from Emma, and the next moment, he was standing beside her with a bloody dagger in his hands.

However, incomprehension didn't change the fact that they all started cheering.


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