The Story of a Man Who Is Reincarnated as the Shi*tiest Guy in a Doujin, but the Heroine Keeps on Coming Close to Him

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

I see. So Ryuichi

Yes. Hes been very kind to meand hes become all I can think about these days.

Shizuna and Chisa were talking amicably in front of Ryuichi. He was relieved to see that nothing awkward had transpired between them, but at the same time he also felt a little uncomfortable. The reason was that their conversation had been all about him for quite some time now.

Girlscould you not talk about something so embarrassing in front of the very person youre talking about?

Oh, dont be such a wet blanket.

Thats right, Ryuichi-kun.


He gave a small click of his tongue, which only had the effect of making them laugh. Originally, Shizuna was the only one who was supposed to visit today, but as usual, Chisa decided to join in without calling ahead. At first, Shizuna had had a complicated look on her face, but as could be seen from the scene unfolding before Ryuichi now, the two quickly became friends.

Chisa-san, would you like to eat with us too? I actually came here today to make some meat and potato stew for Ryuichi.

Oh, really? Id love to try some homemade cooking from a younger girl!

Fufu, Ill get started then. Ryuichi-kun, Ill be borrowing your kitchen.


Meat and potato stew. Ryuichis stomach rumbled the moment he heard those words. It was a sign that Shizuna had completely captured his stomach. Chisa stared at Shizuna as she stood in the kitchen and began cooking.

Shes a good girl. Too good for you, in fact.

For sure. Ive gotten my hands on a pretty good catch, if I do say so myself.

Gotten your hands on a pretty good catchhuh. You said the same thing about me too, yknow?

Did I?


Now that shed brought it up, Ryuichi remembered that he really did say that to her. When he had met Chisa at a party Makoto had invited him to, Ryuichi had asked her out at that moment. Their relationship continued to the present, and those were the words hed said to Chisa, whod become infatuated with Ryuichi.

I didnt think much of it because I was fine with our relationship remaining purely as it was, but now I can tell you really care now. Not just for her, but for me as well.

Really? Cant really tell myself, though.

As has been said before, Ryuichi had had a change of heart ever since he regained his memory. However, it wasnt to say that the way hed been until now has changed. He wasnt going to prioritize a certain partner hed had before, and had accepted his relationship with Shizuna and Chisa as it was.

I think youre much better now, yknow? Though I dont think Ill ever have romantic feelings for you. I think you and the girl are a good match for each other, dont you think?

Indeed, just as Chisa said, Ryuichi couldnt imagine being in a lovers relationship with her. Because of the length of time theyd spent together in a sex friends sort of relationship, he couldnt see a future in which they would progress to such a relationship now.

I dont know about Shizuna, but I totally agree with you about our relationship. If I had to say, it feels like youre more of a troublesome sister to me.

Hey, who are you calling troublesome?

Thunk. She hit him on his shoulder quite powerfully. Ryuichis sturdy body didnt seem the least bit phased, however, and neither was it enough to anger Ryuichi. He reached his arm toward Chisa and embraced her body.


You always quiet down when I hold you like this.

I cant help it, you know? My bodys been conditioned to do this when its in the embrace of these arms of yours.

Chisa buried her face in Ryuichis chest. She had once said that any woman held in his arms like this would be captivated, and she herself had experienced this firsthand. When held in his thick, strong arms, Chisa immediately felt her body tingle with desire for Ryuichi.

Hey, Ryuichi. Can I stay the night here?

Thats been your aim from the very start, hasnt it?

Of course!

And so, that was how Chisas sleepover was decided. By the way, could the two have forgotten that Shizuna was still in the room with them? When Ryuichi felt her gaze on them, he turned to look at her. There, he saw Shizuna with her cheeks puffed out sulkily. It was as if she was saying that it was mean of them to exclude her from the group.


Shes seriously so cute.

Ryuichi left Chisas side and made his way to where Shizuna was. She looked up at him with her cheeks still puffed out, but once he took her in his arms, Shizunas face instantly lit up. She hugged Ryuichi like Chisa did earlier and let out a sweet sigh as if to say she was happy.

Im such an easy-to-please girl, arent I?


Butonly for you, Ryuichi-kun. Im only an easy girl for you.

Haha, I see.

Well, in any case, Ryuichi felt good to have such clear displays of affection from a woman. Shizuna then suggested that he take a shower, and Ryuichi did as he was told, leaving the dishes to her.

Geez, he knows just the thing I want him to do.

Shizuna let the words slip as she thought about Ryuichi, who was heading for the bath. She was easy. Too easy. But that was fine with her. Because Ryuichi would do for her what she wanted him to do, just as she had said. Ryuichis existence was already too big for Shizuna, and she was crazy about him in the first place because she could look straight into his true nature.

Youre so different from me, Shizuna-chan. Youre genuinely in love with him.

I dont think somebody genuinely in love would have sex with their crushes before even going out with them.

True. But everybody is different, or are you saying you regret it, Shizuna-chan?

No, I dont. I have absolutely no regrets about doing it with Ryuichi-kun.

Then good. It doesnt matter what others around you think; your thoughts and feelings are the only things that matter, Shizuna-chan.

Shizuna unconsciously stared at Chisas face. She wasnt particularly trying to judge her by her looks, but she couldnt help it. After all, Chisa was so flamboyant-looking, the likes of whom shed never seen at the high school she and Ryuichi went to, yet she was so kind.

Youre so kind, Chisa-san.

I know, right~? Ah, but even I was a naughty girl in many ways before I met Ryuichi, yknow? I think it was only after I met him that I became who I am today.



Such was Chisas story to Shizuna. She told him that when she met Ryuichi, she realized the darkness that lay within him. Of course, part of the reason she continued her relationship with Ryuichi was because she was in love with his body, but the most important reason was that she wanted to watch over Ryuichi, seeing as she was older than his younger self.

Hes usually curt and blunt in many ways, but of course, theres a reason at the root of it all. Shizuna-chan, have you heard about Ryuichis family?

No, I havent heard the details. Just that theyve passed away.

All shed heard was that Ryuichis parents had already passed away. From what she could see of Chisa, Shizuna knew she probably knew the deeper side of the story, but the fact also frustrated her a little.

Youre so easy to understand, Shizuna-chan. But dont worry. Im sureyou will be able to illuminate Ryuichis darkness. Hell probably tell you everything one day, so make sure to tell him whatever you think needs to be said when that time comes, okay?

Alright, I will.

Good girl But I have to say, you really are one heck of a beauty, arent you, Shizuna-chan?

Is thatso?

Those around her often told her she was beautiful, and Ryuichi, too, had told her the same once. But whether she could consider herself above average than others in retrospect was another matter. Whenever she walked down the street, numerous men would look at her, and she would often get hit on, just as she had been that one time. Now that she thought about it, she was able to objectively consider her appearances above average.

Yknow, I think youd rock a showy and flashy look, too.

A showy look?

Yeah. Your pure and innocent look now is fine and all, but I think youd look even cuter if you tried to look a little gyaru-like. Makes for a nice gap, yknow?


Gyaru-like. The idea essentially meant looking more flamboyant and showy. Shizuna had never thought about that before. Although she did worry about her appearance, that only ever extended to her keeping her hair and skin as beautiful as possible.

Next time, why dont we try putting you in some gyaru-like attire to surprise Ryuichi? Seeing you looking different from usual might get him excited, so

Ill do it.

W-Wow, an instant response, huh But sure. Lets do it!

Thus began the plan to turn Shizuna into a gyaru, albeit temporarily, leaving Ryuichi completely unawares. Although today was their first time meeting, theyd gotten quite close to each other. Once Ryuichi finished his bath, it was Shizunas turn to take hers. Then, finally, it was time to serve Shizunas meat and potato stew.

Man, this is just as tasty as I remembered it.

This is so good! Youre amazing, Shizuna-chan!

Thank you. I made seconds for you, Ryuichi-kun, so make sure to eat it all up, okay?

Dont have to tell me that again.

Ryuichi, who carried spoon after spoon to his mouth, abruptly stopped moving his hand, and just as Shizuna had done last time, she offered him a cup of tea. She and Chisa laughed at Ryuichis childish side which hadnt changed.


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