The Stars Beyond

Chapter 3: The Extension Of Life

Chapter 3: The Extension Of Life

They were desperate. Time was the only resource they found to be finite. The research must be completed as soon as possible. They recruited youths into the Old Arts Research Department. Children were too immature, while the youths were sufficiently developed mentally and were more motivated.

The Scattered Arts originated from the Old World. Thus the decision was made for the department to be established on Earth. They wanted to trace them back to its source. It was their understanding that the decision was most likely the best one. The possibility of a “mystery genome” on the Old World that might be the key to immortality and long life.

Of course, this was not recorded in any official papers for they were simply myths that originated from the Old World. One does not simply include sources of such unreliable origins in documents scientific in nature.

But the study of the occult had always been the center of many beliefs by those who were rich and powerful ravaged by old age.

These powerful individuals knew deep down that it could all be for nought. But rationality gave way to desperation as the clock ticked on. With the immense resources at their disposal, they decided to make a gamble.

Their goal? The pursuit of a longer life. It was what they tried to achieve through myths and legends recorded in ancient texts.

After all, what use would the resources they have managed to squander throughout their lifetime be, if they could not live long enough to enjoy them?

This was how their greedy ambitions slowly turned towards the Old World. The wealth gobbled up by the “researches” that they have conducted was something that a commoner could not even begin to imagine.

Mankind had tried to reach the realm of immortality since the days when the First Emperor of China still walked the Earth. But none have managed to escape death.

The rich and powerful of this era too attempted to stand defiant in the face of such a fate. They funded researchers in every field in their quest to obtain the key that will finally free them from the shackles of mortality, determined to not let something as feeble as dying of old age be their end.

The research of the Old Arts was only but one of the many projects under this effort. It only made sense for the capable to not put their eggs only in a single basket.

Throughout the years, the megacorporations have funded research into life and genetics and have obtained shocking results.

These projects, dubbed the “Life Extension Program”, were all closely related, especially under the influence of the megacorporations behind them. They would often work together in cooperation. The food and supplements received by Wang Xuan and his classmates was an example of such cooperation. This was the work of their department working closely with a medical research facility.

This allowed the students in the Old Arts Research Department to recover from their daily fatigue quickly. It was a godsend for those involved, as they slowly began to realize an improvement in their physique as the experiments carried on.

A group of scientists specializing in genetic research had also stated their intent in collaborating with the Old Arts Research Department. Genetic engineering was proposed as a possible component in the improvement of the students’ physique, but it was met with stiff resistance from the department.

They were not lab rats. They were living, breathing human beings. There was no way they would allow such an experimental idea to be implemented on their flesh and blood. Even Wang Xuan himself nearly quit the department.

Such a thing was against his morals. Based on his understanding of the Scattered Arts, the improvements that they sought should only be attained after training in the realms of meditation and chi cultivation. Abruptly changing the genetic composition of a human might achieve the same results, but it could also bring potentially adverse effects on the subject.

This idea was also quickly rejected by those in power on grounds that genetic engineering was not a perfected field at that time. There were even rumors claiming that among the students was a scion from an influential family which refused the risky procedure being performed on their own.

There was also a rumor that Qin Cheng believed but Wang Xuan did not. A fellow student with a powerful background revealed that there was a “situation” in the New World. Someone had successfully mastered parts of the Old Arts. And that was that the megacorporations were willing to invest so much in their research in the Old World.

Wang Xuan had dismissed it as nothing but rumors at that time. He held firm to his belief that it was some sort of discovery on Nova Terra that had triggered their sudden interest.

But Qin Cheng knew that it was likely the truth, because it was information he obtained after managing to get the student drunk.

The moon had finally reached its highest spot in the sky. The chilly autumn wind was a sign of the coming winter.

Qin Cheng was nodding at whoever was at the other end of his call. He turned around and sighed at Wang Xuan who was standing behind him, “I guess Zhou Kun was right after all.”

The phone call carried news from the New World. There were clues hinting at several mysterious phenomena happening on the planet.

The writing on the wall had already been there three years ago. Zhou Kun, the transfer student from Terra Nova, gave them a hint. Of course, it was not his intention to divulge the information in his drunken state.

“You must secure a spot in the New World no matter what!” Qin Cheng said before bidding his farewell.

Due to a need to meditate and practice physical arts, the dormitory of the Old Arts Study Department was relatively quiet. The researchers do not wish for their students to be interrupted. They were each provided with their own room while being supplied with food delivered from beyond the stars.

Wang Xuan woke up early in the morning to practice a form of physical arts known as the Vajra Fist before moving on to perfecting his chi cultivation under the rays of the rising sun. Techniques such as chi cultivation and meditation were things that must be mastered according to his professors. They were the foundation of the Old Arts. The source of power for its practitioners.

Physical arts such as the Xingyiquan[1] and the Vajra Fist[2] were all leaves supported by a strong bark with healthy roots.

And Wang Xuan took their words seriously.

Wang Xuan stood with his eyes closed in this most quiet part of the campus. In the midst of trees and fields covered with fallen leaves. It was a moment of tranquility for him. He was absorbing the chi around him, while also channeling his inner cultivation. In his mind’s eye, he could imagine rays of golden light drowning out his form.

The cultivation of his inner self was supposed to be a matter of the mind, but it felt as if his body was actually heating up, as if he was actually being covered by golden flames.

Bystanders, if any were present, would observe something strange about him. It was like the morning sunlight shone brighter around him. The golden light that Wang Xuan could see in his mind’s eye was materializing in real life.

His body was boiling with heat, followed by a numbing sensation. He could feel energy worming in his flesh. Pain and fatigue threatened to overwhelm his senses before giving way to a wave of pleasant sensation.

Wang Xuan knew that this was the fruits of his labor after years of practicing chi gathering and inner cultivation. His ability to leave a mark of a thick tree bark was living proof that the “base” of his cultivation was beginning to form.

It was a big leap for him in the path of mastering the Old Arts. Many in his department including Qin Cheng and Zhou Kun were simply able to improve their physique by practicing the Old Arts. Wang Xuan was the only one among them who was able to slowly master the art of chi gathering and inner cultivation.

But even the likes of Qin Cheng and Zhou Kun could take on ten fully grown individuals who were not practitioners of the Old Arts easily in a brawl. It was all thanks to the constant nutrients they received from the high quality food required of their diet.

Wang Xuan himself was already stronger than most of his classmates even before his mastery of chi gathering.

This was also the reason why Qin Cheng refused to believe that Wang Xuan was not among those who made it through the cut. None among the Old Arts Study was a match for him when it came to the Old Arts. He was even able to easily suppress any of his peers using only one hand.

Wang Xuan’s body continued to boil. He could even feel electricity shooting through his flesh and bones. This was a sign that his chi gathering and inner cultivation technique has reached a new height.

In his mind’s eye, he imagined the rays of sunlight being absorbed into his body while black mist was being repelled.

He could feel his metabolism increasing. Thick sweat began covering his body as he continued.

It was as if he was being baptized by the sunlight. He felt fresh and alert. His body was full of energy.

Four of his classmates happened to be walking through the area, enjoying the beauty of the rising sun. The two girls of the group seemed to be discussing something. Something that was also of interest to the two other guys.

One of them, a beautiful girl who could not stop giggling as she talked, could easily be identified as someone with a boisterous personality.

The second girl of the group was smiling gently. She was someone who seemed to be well studied. She was plain and yet pretty at the same time.

They were all transferred to the Old Asts Research Department from the New World.

“Hey, isn’t that Wang Xuan? Why does it look like he’s glowing?” asked the lively girl as she stared at him with her large, round eyes. Am I imagining things? She thought to herself.

The quiet girl was surprised as well. “Don’t tell me... He succeeded in mastering chi gathering?”

“Someone actually succeeded in this experimental class?” their male companions were equally astonished.

One of them quickly shook his head. He knew that it was meaningless.

“It’s a shame that the Old Arts have been officially declared as obsolete. They’re giving up on it. Soon we’ll be recalled back to Terra Nova. They’ve made some new discoveries there. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime. The dawn of a new era is upon us.”

The transfer students from the New World knew that the Old Arts would soon be something in the bygone. Better opportunities lay ahead of them.


[1] Xingyiquan: 形意拳, A form of Chinese martial arts. The name of the art translates approximately to "Form-Intention Fist", or "Shape-Will Fist".

[2]Vajra Fist: 金刚拳, A traditional form of martial arts practiced by Shaolin monks.


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