The Sponsored Heroines Are Coming for Me

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

The Snowflake Sword Master, Asilia, was steadily recovering her health.

The Northern Mansion where she returned after a long time—

Richard’s second child, Yerina, made every effort to ensure Asilia could rest comfortably.

Thanks to this, Asilia was able to recover smoothly.

Her once cold body temperature returned to normal, and her long hair regained its luster.

As she regained her depleted internal energy, the frost mana began to sparkle around her.

Even the straight-backed knights would glance her way when she walked through the mansion.

It was then that Asilia realized this mansion was no longer a place for her.

This was the mansion built by Richard Pierce.

His presence imprinted in every corner.

Asilia was not incompetent; she didn’t need to stay in a place built by the one who had consumed her.

Even the annex where she used to live with her young daughter, which she could somewhat call home, was long gone.

At that moment, she received a reply from her disciple.

[Lichten Academy Aether Class Swordsmanship Professor Recruitment Notice]

“… That child, really. Hehe.”

Asilia smiled broadly for the first time in a long while.


He was truly a beloved disciple.

How could he be so deep and empathetic?

Being able to form a bond with Ian made the long years in the Dantian worth it.

But there were things she missed because of that.

Sharon Pierce.

Her precious daughter.

Another worry was growing in Asilia’s heart.

“Thank you for the meal, Mother.”

The small table set for just Asilia and Sharon.

Sharon’s hand trembled slightly as she stood up.

“I’ll go first.”


Sharon staggered toward her room.

Watching her, Asilia tightly closed her eyes.

Sharon shut herself in her room except when eating meals together.

She was not originally like this.

Sharon’s hands used to grip the sword daily without fail.

But that wasn’t the only problem.

The dark circles under her eyes grew deeper day by day.

Her gaze became increasingly anxious.

Asilia’s daughter, Sharon, was clearly falling apart.

And the reason was Sharon herself.

Asilia’s heart ached.

She couldn’t correct Sharon’s wrong path because they were apart.

Not being able to help her walk the right path by her side.

That was something Asilia had to fix.

She was delighted to see her daughter again after so long.

She wanted to hug her tightly for years.


Now was the time to teach her daughter.

— Knock, knock.

Asilia knocked on Sharon’s door.

But inside, there was only the sound of rustling.

Asilia cautiously opened the door and went in.

A spacious room, a bed in the corner.

A white blanket bulged slightly.

Just enough for someone to sit inside, hugging their knees.

From within, a muttering voice leaked out.

“… Ian. Yes. You were right. You were right about everything. Absolutely everything. Hahaha…”

It was a self-deprecating and hollow laugh.

Sharon had always been bold and upright since she was young.

She was a child with high pride, never bending in what she believed was right.

But now.

“… It wasn’t you. You never cursed me. You never blocked my path. It wasn’t even the Bloodstone Cult. None of it. Hahaha…”

In Asilia’s eyes, there was only a girl who had lost her way, drifting in the room.

Asilia knew well why Sharon was breaking down.

— Actually, Ian Blackangers and…


Her disciple.

— …Things like this happened, Mother.

Just hearing about Sharon and Ian’s relationship painted a clear picture.

She could envision Ian sincerely taking care of Sharon.

Ian standing nearby to help when Sharon hit a wall in her training with his magic.

When Sharon’s equipment couldn’t withstand her mana, gifting her an excellent sword.

Ian was a warm child.

When he took care of someone, he did it sincerely and wholeheartedly, without making a fuss.

From what she heard, it seemed he took even more care of Sharon.

But at some point, things went awry.

Sharon started to suspect Ian.

She thought her suspicions were justified.

It was the beginning of the tragedy.

“Ha… ha. Ian, I cursed and hated you so much. But it wasn’t you. Everything was my misconception. Isn’t it funny? I suspected you alone and got angry alone. How ridiculous and stupid I must have seemed to you. Ahaha… ha.”

The blanket trembled slightly.

The silhouette of shaking shoulders was visible.

Asilia knew Sharon well.

Sharon always pursued what she believed was right.

Once she set a goal, she relentlessly followed that path. She was cold, decisive, steadfast, and disciplined.

She was like a sharply honed sword.

Sharon thought her suspicions about Ian were correct.

So, she pursued them.

And she was wrong.


The certainty she had firmly believed in had shattered.

For the first time, everything was wrong.

It must have been a tremendous shock.


When grass receives a shock, it bows its head.

Trees fall.

And swords, they shatter into pieces.

Sharon was a sword.

So she shattered into pieces.

“Didn’t you ever want to just kill me? It would have been better that way. Ah, I would rather end my own life. Yes. Since everything was wrong, I’d rather commit s*icide. How about that? Would that give you any solace? Ian. Answer me. Answer… please.”

Her only daughter was breaking down.

Asilia wanted to embrace her daughter.

With all her might. Tightly.


She couldn’t do that.

For her disciple and for her daughter.

Asilia spoke softly.



The blanket inside shook violently.

And then, after a moment.

— Rustle

Sharon emerged from under the blanket.

“… Yes, Mother.”

Dilated pupils.

Deep dark circles.

Blood dripping from her bitten lips.

Yet, she forced a smile, as if nothing was wrong.

Seeing her broken daughter smile, Asilia felt her heart shattering.

Therefore, she spoke even more firmly.

“Go and ask for forgiveness.”

It was a simple and direct statement.

But it was enough.

Sharon’s barely maintained smile collapsed.

She shut her eyes tightly as if she couldn’t bear to face the world.

Tears burst forth, soaking her clothes as they trickled down her chin.

She choked out words that made no sense.

“Ah. No. He won’t… he won’t accept my apology… Ian won’t accept my apology… there’s no way.”

Sniffle. Sob.

It was the first time Asilia had seen her daughter cry so intensely, but she just watched quietly.

Only after Sharon Pierce’s sobbing subsided did she speak again.

“Sharon Pierce.”

“…Sob. Yes, Mother.”

“What are you hesitating for?”


“My daughter doesn’t hesitate to do what she believes is right.”

“…Yes. Sob. But…”

“Sharon, if you realize you were wrong, you know what’s right. Go forward.”

“But… Sob. But…”

Sharon lowered her head.

Her lips trembled slightly.

Tears kept falling.

“What are you worried about?”

In response to Asilia’s question, Sharon barely opened her mouth.

“… He must be disgusted with someone like me. He won’t even meet me.”

“Maybe so.”

Knowing Ian’s character, he might indeed be treating Sharon as if she didn’t exist.

That was more frightening than hatred.

Asilia sighed softly and took out a memo.

Scrible, Scrible.

“Give this to him.”

Sharon’s hand trembled as she took the note.

Asilia added to her daughter,

“An apology should be made until it is accepted. Even if it takes a lifetime.”

Sharon simply nodded, tears streaming down her face.

Eternal atonement.

Once the path was set, moving forward.

It was what Sharon had done well and what she could do now.

The only path for her.

Lichten Academy

Dessert Research Club Room.

I glanced down at Sharon standing outside the door.

And fell silent.

I had nothing to say to Sharon.

She must have come to say something.


Sharon glanced up at me for a moment.

Her face was like a puppy about to be scolded.

It didn’t fit her image at all.

“If you have nothing to say, I’m closing it.”

I closed the door. Close to a promotion battle that’s right in front of my nose.

There’s a lot to do. I didn’t want to waste time.

But soon.

Knock, knock.

I opened the door again.

“Just a moment!”

Sharon urgently called out.


I took a deep breath.

Then cautiously opened my mouth.

Her voice was like a crawl.

“May I come in? I have something to say…”

“I’m only interested in business here. I’m busy.”

Sharon looked puzzled and bit her finger.

– If I hand this over, there will be no way to meet him again.

Muttering that, she took out a small note from her pocket.

“… I have something to deliver. It’s a message from my mother.”

“Message from Master?”


What’s this?

I checked the note.

— Thank you, disciple. Thanks to you, your master seems to have found a job.

It must be a response to the employment notice I sent.

It was such a simple line.

I wondered why she sent this.

The meaning behind the note could be understood.

“Thank you. Then.”

“Just a mom…!”

Sharon put her hand in and blocked the door that was about to close.

Then, she herself was startled and quickly put her hand away.

“Ian. J-just a little time…”

“Sorry. There’s a lot to prepare for today.”

Everything has its priorities.

And most of my priorities are now aligned with the promotion round.

Unfortunately, Sharon’s priority was not on my list.

“Thank you for passing this along.”

“Um, Ian-”

— Thud

I closed the door.

Not just empty talk, I was really busy.

Already, early lunchtime.

I have to make Snowflake Tomatoes to compensate Elena.

— S-sorry. Apologize…

Knock knock knock knock knock.

Ignoring the sound coming from the other side of the door, I focused on making Snowflake Fruit.

It takes quite a bit of concentration like this.

After making a few Snowflake Tomatoes.

Knock knock!

The sound of knocking on the door had changed a little.

“It’s me, Brother Ian!”


I let her into the club room.

(TLN: Writing perspective has changed here, idk if it will continue with 1st person or alternate… oh well.)


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