The Spider Queen

Chapter 773 Going Above And Beyond

(Nyrean Super Galaxy- Rtern Region)

(Planet Aquanox- Central Trading Port)

Planet Aquanox was a beautiful planet covered almost entirely by a vast and mysterious ocean concealed by a thin layer of ice.

The planet was heated up thanks to the numerous underground volcanoes and hydraulic vents that provided a warm enough temperature to sustain life.

Many fascinating lifeforms swam in the murky depths of the water but there was only one species that ruled the seas.

The Nephtunians.

An alien race with slender, streamlined bodies that were well adapted for life underwater at remarkable depths of over five thousand feet.

Their skin glowed with a bright range of hues and colours from the sparkling steel-like plates that covered their sleek bodies.

Fin-like appendages extended outwards from the side of their limbs which aided them in swimming through the depths.

They possessed large expressive eyes the size of dinner plates which shone with wisdom and curiosity.

Rokan would classify them as a Type 2 civilisation. Highly intelligent but unable to crack the conundrum of interstellar travel.

Fortunately, as a member of the Federines alliance, technology was shared with the Nephtunians to create trading ports.

Planet Aquanox was actually quite popular with merchants since the underwater species that lived in these waters provided exotic and rare meat for the livestock and culinary trade.

Legally the practice was banned but if laws were not enforced then were they really laws? Rokan scoffed as he moved through the trading port.

Corruption was the only universal constant throughout alien civilisations. 

The only exception would probably be hive-mind races, but they had their own issues.

As Rokan wandered through the marketplace, he could hear the shouts of the traders and they called out to the merchants walking around.

"Rare drifter meat! Get your drifter meat here!"

"A great offer! I managed to acquire the egg of a lumineels! Get it now before it hatches… trust me… you really don't want this egg to hatch…"

"Free samples! Free samples of mystery meat! Mystery meat! Just like my ma used to make! It tastes great!"

"Legally though… err… you cannot sue us for any side effects and we accept no responsibility for sickness of injuries."

Rokan chuckled as he pulled his hood closer over his face. He was a wanted man in this sector of space.

Bounty hunters, the Federines policing force, eager mercenaries looking for a quick buck… he had lost track of how many people had tried to kill him over the last few months.

It didn't help that he was the only human in most of the places that he visited, so he stood out like a sore thumb if he did not try to disguise his appearance.

The problem was that someone completely covered by a large robe and wearing a mask was inherently suspicious.

Rokan kept walking through the labyrinth-like maze of stalls and shops until he arrived at a luxurious building made from a rare gemstone material.

The building vaguely resembled a temple with a statue of a horse-like creature in mid gallop prominently displayed at the front of the building.

Very few people entered the temple which was guarded by two heavily armored warriors holding what looked to be primitive plasma rifles.

Rokan strode up to the guards with a confident attitude and reached into the pocket of his robe. 

He pulled out several shiny platinum coins and handed them over to the guards.

The warriors scowled darkly at him, but each still took the coins from his outstretched palm and shifted slightly to the side to allow him entrance.

Rokan tilted his head politely and walled inside. The interior of the temple was just as grand and magnificent as the outside.

Paintings hung on the wall depicting scenes of siren-like beauties rising up the depths of the ocean and luring sailors to their deaths.

There was a large moat running through the hall that led to an open pool that was directly connected to the ocean.

Inside the pool dozens of Nephtunians swam around happily while making cooing noises to each other.

Rokan watched with interest as several of the large Nephtunians lifted up the smaller ones and playfully tossed them in the air.

"Enjoying the sight?" a cool melodic voice whispered sweetly.

Rokan glanced in the direction of the sound and saw a short alien with thick white fur covering most of her body staring upwards at him.

"This is my first time on this planet," Rokan admitted freely as he continued to watch the Nephtunians play.

"I see… well… it is always our pleasure to host someone of your… reputation…" the alien slowly whispered.

"Have you brought the payment?"

Rokan smiled beneath his mask and slid over a storage ring to the alien priestess who grabbed it and tucked it into his robe.

"Paid in full with a little bit extra as well just as a token of my appreciation… for the service that you have offered to me," Rokan calmly spoke as he stretched out his arms and yawned.

He could hear the alien's multiple hearts begin to beat faster and knew that the priestess had taken the bait.

"Please wait for a moment," the alien priestess stuttered as she quickly walked into one of the side passageways that led to the inner areas of the temple.

Rokan watched her get further and further away as he casually leaned against a nearby pillar with his hands resting in his pockets.

When dealing with criminal elements the best option was always to go above and beyond what was necessary.

One did not only need to pay for services but also silence as well and silence was usually the more expensive of the two.

Not that Rokan trusted the alien priestess to never speak of this encounter but hopefully she would not say a word until he was safely out of this region of space.

He needed to return to his daughter.

Rokan furrowed her brows as he felt a throbbing sensation in the center of his chest. 

The pink mark that his wife Thai'lle had branded on his body had been acting strange over the last few weeks.

It would pulsate every so often and sometimes a warm current would flow into his meridians from the mark.

Rokan wasn't sure what was happening since all he could sense was a vague connection and nothing more.

Still there was no use dwelling on what he didn't understand. When he returned home, he could always ask his daughter what was happening to him.

Duke Peterlor waited patiently for a few minutes while distracting himself by watching the Nephtunians play more games like spitting out jets of water to form colour rainbows.

Finally, he heard the faint pitter patter of footsteps as the alien priestess returned while clutching a thin sheet of papers.

She looked around the room to see if anyone was paying attention and quickly scurried over to Rokan's side.

She handed the stack of papers to the human fugitive who tucked them neatly into one of the pockets of his robe without bothering to look.

"One week from now… south side docks… 'the stars shine brightest'…" the alien priestess spoke softly in a voice no louder than a whisper.

"Trust no one human…"

"Thank you for the warning," Rokan politely replied as he departed from the temple. He could feel the stare of the alien priestess on his back as he stepped out of the building's entrance.


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