The Spider Queen

Chapter 757 The Opening Ceremony Ends

(Alpha Star System- Planet Gaia)

(Imperial Palace Complex- Main Throne Room)

When the guardian of the Imperial Family spoke… everyone listened. 

Sophie relaxed her posture and carefully observed the figure who was covered in a heavy brown robe.

"It is my honour to oversee the process to choose the next leader of the royal family… I know that whoever is chosen will be the strongest," the Ascension stage cultivator slowly spoke.

"They will have the force of Will necessary to make the decisions to protect the interests of not just themselves but humanity as a whole."

"The next few decades will be a time of great change for the Federation, and I know that the new ruler will have all of your support and loyalty."

The guardian stressed the word 'loyalty' as he spoke, and the message was clear. 

Whoever dared to go against the new leader of the royal family at least in the first few decades would suffer terrible consequences.

Of course, this protection period would not last forever but by the end hopefully the new leader would have already established themselves politically.

The guardian stepped back behind the iron throne and the doors leading to the hall opened once more.

Hundreds of servants dressed in pure black robes entered the room holding silver platters covered with cups filled with an orangish-blue liquid.

The servants went around the hall and gave out a cup to each of the nobles. The process was smooth, quick, and efficient.

Sophie nodded her head subtly at the servant who handed her a cup and took one for Cleo as well.

She passed the cup to her girlfriend who quietly mouthed to her a word of thanks. 

The gentle melody that had been filling the hall now ceased and the room fell completely silent.

The guardian raised up his right hand and the nobles all followed his lead by raised up the cups to their lips.

Sophie held on to the cold metal exterior of the cup and glanced at the liquid inside. It was bubbling slightly, and an unpleasant scent wafted upwards.

She was not the only noble grossed out by the strange liquid and Sophie could see aristocrats with furrowed brows and wrinkled noses.

The guardian's raised palm became a clenched fist and that was the signal for the nobles in the hall to consume the liquid.

Sophie mentally prepared herself and then quickly swallowed the entire contents of the cup in one smooth gulp.

It was just as horrible as it smelled.

The mixture tasted like burnt food in a liquid form. The unpleasant concoction was also spicy, and it burnt her throat as it slid down her esophagus.

The sound of gagging and violent coughs echoed through the hall as the nobles tried their best to swallow the liquid.

Cleo's eyebrows were furrowed she kept raising up her left hand to her mouth to cover up the coughs that were escaping her lips.

The servants went around the hall collecting the cups after inspecting each one to ensure that they were empty.

Sophie placed the cup on the tray and then waited patiently as her girlfriend tried her best to finish off the drink that she had been given.

"Gods… that was awful," Cleo whispered as she handed her now empty cup over to the servant who took it from her hand.

"Don't worry… I packed your favourite milkshakes in my storage bag," Sophie quietly replied as she stretched out her hand and gave Cleo's palm a brief squeeze.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you babe?" Cleo whispered gently as she smiled at her girlfriend.

Sophie winked and then turned her attention back to the ceremony. It took around fifteen minutes but eventually the servants collected all of the cups.

They formed a neat single line and then marched out of the hall with synchronised steps. The melody started back once again and this time it resembled a light jazzy tune.

The opening ceremony was now entering its closing stage. At least according to the program that the nobles had been told to memorise.

The doors leading to the hall swung open and three figures walked into the room. 

The first was an attractive middle-aged woman wearing a dark navy-blue robe whose fabric fell down to her ankles.

The second was an elderly man who only wore a simple pair of short white pants with no shirt, and one could see heavy wrinkles on his exposed dark brown skin.

Finally, the last person was completely covered in a large black cloth. It was impossible to tell the age, race, or gender of the final figure.

The woman approached the throne and kneeled down. She reached into the pocket of her robe and pulled out a small globe.

On the globe was a painting of Earth in its state during the abduction of humanity by the Draxi Empire.

Back during the time when there were still seven separate continents. 

Now Earth's tectonic plates had shifted quite substantially, and the continents were all joined together in a supersized landmass.

"The past…" the woman whispered as she placed the globe on the ground and then stood silently behind the small object.

The elderly man slowly walked up to the throne and knelt down. 

The flesh on his exposed back started to wriggle and squirm as if something inside was itching to break out.

He reached into a pocket of his white shorts and pulled out a simple-looking crown that was cracked, disfigured, and stained with dried blood.

The elderly man placed the crown near his feet and then stepped back to be in line with the first person.

"The present…" the man spoke in a hoarse, gravely voice.

Finally, the last person took quiet steps and approached the throne. 

They were completely covered by the heavy black fabric, so it was impossible to get any details about their appearance.

They stopped in the same spot as the woman and the elderly man. They then proceeded to kneel down on the ground and stayed completely motionless.

"The future…" the mysterious figure softly spoke. Their voice was both feminine and masculine, young and old, happy and sad.

Sophie watched quietly as all three figures slowly departed from the hall while making minimum noise.

This opening ceremony truly was something special. It was bizarre, solemn, and steeped in traditions.

The last part in particular stood out in her mind. She understood why the last figure had been so tightly wrapped up in cloth.

It was to symbolise the unknown of the future. 

No one could tell what would happen once the new leader of the Imperial Family had been chosen.

Sophie could only hope that they would be able to rule both justly and wisely no matter the challengers that lay ahead.


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