The Spider Queen

Chapter 753 Countermeasures And Plans

(Hydra Star System- Planet Eleron)

(Xeron City- Little Mouse Café)

"A private room for two please," Sophie gently spoke.

The waiter nodded and then gestured towards the back of the restaurant where the private rooms were located.

Little Mouse Café was a high-end restaurant very popular with the upper-class students and those who had the means to afford one of the many pricey dishes on the menu.

Sophie followed the waiter while Qiana walked slowly behind her with quiet steps. The waiter opened the door to a private room and then stepped away.

Qiana went inside first and saw a very cozy environment. 

A large wooden table had been placed in the centre of the room with benches covered in soft cushions on either side.

A small flickering candle hung from the chandelier on the ceiling and the roaring fireplace in the corner of the room provided enough light for a pleasant atmosphere.

Qiana sat down on the left side bench while Sophie entered the room. The hybrid girl closed the door behind her with a soft click and then sat on the bench opposite to Qiana.

"It's been quite some time since we last hung out together… just you and me," Sophie remarked as she stretched out her arms and let out a small yawn.

"Yeah… I mean we do have our Friday meetups but that is more of a group setting than a one on one," Qiana replied with a smile.

"But I'm sure you didn't invite me here today just for some small talk."

"Ha! Nothing can get past you," Sophie teased lightly as she picked up the electronic menu on the table.

She browsed the different options on the menu before settling for a lightly pickled and then fried fish covered in butter and herbs.

It came with a side of either roasted potatoes or a root-like vegetable salad made from plants native to planet Eleron.

Hmm… adventure or comfort?

Sophie rubbed her chin softly and then decided on just going for the roasted potatoes. It was always better to order what you liked.

Especially when you had to pay such high prices…

Two thousand Enas just for a piece of fish and a potato? 

Geez… that fish better come battered with gold…

Meanwhile Qiana reached into her pocket and pulled out a small metalloid device that was orb shaped.

She pressed a button on the side of the orb and a glowing green light was emitted from a small opening.

This light swept the room multiple times before making a soft beeping noise. 

Qiana then pulled out another device and Sophie could feel her skin slightly tingling under the electric field.

"Good… there were no bugs or listening devices and I set up a local magnetic disruption field," Qiana calmly spoke as she placed the second device next to the first.

"I was just about to do the same… but err… how are we going to order now? Using the tablets won't send any information to the kitchen," Sophie replied while stifling a laugh.

Qiana blushed as she realised her mistake. Sophie chuckled lightly and then turned to a more serious conversation topic.

"Well, we might as well discuss the important matters first and then we can eat," Sophie's voice lowered to a mere whisper.

"Are you going to the Succession Ceremony?"

"I believe so… but my father is just waiting for the other noble families in our alliance to come to a decision," Qiana replied with furrowed eyebrows.

"I do understand why it is important to show up but… I do not look forward to entering that den of poisonous vipers."

A den of poisonous vipers.

Sophie found herself agreeing with Qiana's choice of words. 

The upper-class aristocrat society was nothing more than a playground for those with too much power and wealth.

Smiling faces while a dagger plunged into your back, alliances forged one day and then broken in the next, high self-esteem and even higher egos…

And that was before even mentioning blackmail, crimes, warring factions, hostile families and forced political marriages.

If Sophie was given a choice, then she would never step foot in that world of debauchery and chaos.

But as the leader of House Peterlor… she had no choice.

She needed to at least be familiar with the political game in order to ensure her family's survival among the serpents.

Sophie opened her mouth and said the thoughts that were on her mind, "I do agree with you, but we have no other choice."

"It is one matter to not pick a side and be neutral and another to completely ignore the ceremony to choose the next leader of the Imperial Family."

"Regardless of who wins… there will be gossip about our fearfulness if we choose not to show up and display our presence."

"The Human Supremacy faction may be weakening but there are many nobles who share similar sentiments."

"We must continue to project strength to make sure that they do not act upon their beliefs."

Qiana nodded thoughtfully at her friend's words. It would be a mistake to assume victory before the war had been won.

"But speaking of the winner… I know we are neutral, but do you have someone who you want to become the next leader?" Qiana asked curiously.

"Ideally I would want someone who is fair and just or at the very least able to make policy changes that are popular with both nobles and the general public," Sophie replied slowly.

"But in terms of a name… I don't have anyone. I have been reading up on the profiles of the top contenders and they each have flaws that make them unsuitable for leadership."

"At the very least… I just want the crown prince not to win."

"Prince Theseus? Most information networks and betting sites have him as the eventual winner with pretty decent odds," Qiana remarked as she leaned back against her chair.

"I'm not surprised. He possesses a high cultivation level and has been forming key alliances with powerful noble factions and various financial corporations," Sophie responded with a frown.

"The issue is that I do not believe that he will become an ally for hybrid rights. Besides… I suspect that he may see me as his enemy in the near future."

The mood in the room lowered as Sophie finished her sentence. The truth of the matter was that she was worried.

She was very worried.

Prince Theseus becoming the next leader of the Imperial Family would be bad news for her on a personal level.

Unlike the previous monarch, he was quite popular and had already ingrained himself in several key noble families.

If he started to target House Peterlor, there may not be a backlash. In fact, some nobles may quietly support him hoping to get a piece of the spoils.

Sophie let out a small sigh as she rubbed her temples and thought about what countermeasures to put in place.


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