The Spider Queen

Chapter 739 An Innocent Little Lamb

(Insectoid Empire- Lo'vrean Galaxy)

(Unknown Location- Hijacked Starship)

"Hello Sophie," Thai'lle smiled warmly as she embraced her daughter and wrapped her arms around her back.

"It has been some time since I last saw you... you look more beautiful than before... thank goodness you inherited my looks."

Sophie opened her mouth, and her words came out in a rush as she excitedly spoke to her mom for the second time in her life,

"Mom... I wanted to come but I got a mission... then I had to break into the void stage... there was this tournament,"

"The hunter... goddess... she..."

"Breathe darling... breathe," Thai'lle laughed softly as she raised up her hand and stood on her tip toes to touch the side of her daughter's cheek.

Why was she so damn tall?!

Sophie closed her mouth and followed her mother's advice. She took in a few deep breaths and then gently exhaled.

The excitement of seeing her mother again was still rising up in her chest but now she could compose herself just a bit more.

"Mom... before I tell you what happened to me... do you know if dad is alive?" Sophie asked hesitantly.

"And why wouldn't he be alive?" Thai'lle raised an eyebrow and replied with a bemused glint in her eyes.

"My lover is too stubborn to die. Believe me... I planned to kill him the first time we fought but that handsome bastard won me over."

"He... just didn't know it at the time."

Thai'lle finished her sentence with a sly wink and a small smile briefly surfaced on her face.

Sophie got the feeling that her mom and her father had vastly different perspectives of their first encounter.

The former princess of the Arachnais tribe closed her eyes and took a few steps back. She placed her right palm on her chest right above the pinkish mark branded onto her skin.

Thai'lle explored the connection and used her mental energy to send her mind through the link.

It was a process that would tire her greatly but if this is what her daughter wanted then she was happy to oblige.

Sophie waited with bated breath for several minutes as her mother stood perfectly still with her eyes tightly closed.

You could cut the tension in the room with a knife.

Sophie did not even dare to blink in case she missed a subtle expression or a hint of what her mother was going to find.

There was a part of her that did not want to know the answer.

Was it better to have a thin thread of hope no matter how flimsy than to have that hope severed forever?

She was not a religious person but, in that moment, Sophie whispered a silent prayer to any God who was watching her situation.

Please... please...

Let me father be alive...

Thai'lle finally opened her eyes, and her golden pupils were tinged with a faint trace of a pinkish colour.

"I don't see what you are acting so worried about," Thai'lle spoke calmly.

"You father is alive and quite healthy."

"I can't sense any internal injuries and since he is a god stage cultivator, he should be able to immediately regenerate any external wounds."

"Thank you," Sophie choked back a sob as she rushed towards her mother and gave her another tight hug.

"Dad... he disappeared during a battle... the Earth Federation government announced that he was dead, so I became the head of House Peterlor."

"I was so scared... I was so scared... that it was true..."

"Sweetie..." Thai'lle gently whispered as she stroked Sophie's back.

"Your father is always going to be fine... because he knows that I would kill him if he decided to die."

"That doesn't make any sense," Sophie tearfully said with a small hint of a smile lingering around her lips.

"Yeah... that saying works better in my native language..." Thai'lle laughed happily as she enjoyed feeling the warmth of her daughter.

Sophie and her mom continued to hug for several long seconds before the hybrid girl broke away.

She wiped away the tears on her face and took a moment to observe her immediate surroundings.

"Mom... where is this place? I thought you were trapped on... wait... did you break out?" Sophie's voice trailed off in shock as she finally realised that she was on a spaceship.

She was so focused on reuniting with her mother that she did not pay attention to what was going on around her.

"Yeah! No prison can contain me for long," Thai'lle pridefully boasted as she walked over to the window and pointed at the planets outside.

"Wow! That's amazing! So, what is your plan now?" Sophie asked curiously as she followed her mom's footsteps.

Thai'lle thought about her daughter's words and then opened her mouth to reply,

"Well, my original plan was to pass through the Fayera controlled territories and then enter the Earth Federation but now that you mention that your father is missing..."

"I can vaguely sense his location through the connection that we share, and it is not leading me in the direction of the Earth Federation."

"I'm not sure where he is exactly but he is definitely in a remote galaxy far away from both the Earth Federation and the Insectoid Empire."

"I might as well go and rescue him... sigh... he's such a damsel in distress."

Sophie felt a wave of relief as she heard her mom's words. Thai'lle was one of the most powerful god stage cultivators in the universe.

If she was going to rescue her dad, then unless an Ascension Stage cultivator came out... there was no one who could stop her.

"Thanks mom," Sophie replied happily.

"Oh, don't mention it darling... I can't wait to see my lover myself... in fact who knows... you may have some siblings when we finally meet in person," Thai'lle winked slyly as she spoke.

"Gross! Mom! I didn't need to know that," Sophie quickly blurted out as she covered her face using her hands.

"Tsk... tsk... that must be your human side talking. Honey... there is no shame in the physical manifestation of love," Thai'lle shook her head and tried to educate her daughter.

"In fact, it is very important in relationships to have both physical and emotional compatibility. You must be able to give pleasure to your lover and receive pleasure in return."

"Mom! I know that! I just don't want to hear about those kinds of things from my mother!" Sophie loudly spoke up as she tried to end this awkward conversation.

"Sigh... well... I hope you're telling the truth," Thai'lle shook her head and felt a tinge of pity for her daughter's unfortunate girlfriend.

Her little girl was quite the... what was the human word for it?

Ahh yes... a prude!

Little did Sophie know that in her mother's mind she was now an innocent little lamb who did not know the first thing about lovemaking.


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