The Spider Queen

Chapter 732 The 'Chimera' State

(Hydra Star System- Planet Eleron)

(Forest Lord Kingdom Park)

"I was quite pleased with your performance in the Inter University tournament," Professor Ward calmly spoke as she walked through the forest.

"Although it is a shame that you did not use your frostwing bat and the techniques that I taught you."

"I suppose that you believe that only poison cultivation and your strong body are enough?"

The professor turned around and her three pink eyes stared intensely at Sophie who flinched under the pressure.

"Well… I… err…" Sophie stuttered slightly as she tried to think of a response.

A small smile flashed across the professor's face, and she tilted her head to the side so that her student wouldn't see how her lips were slowing curved upwards.

"Just kidding… you are quite strong and second year combat beast techniques are probably a level below your overall strength," Professor Ward admitted without hesitation.

Squeak! Squeak!

(No! I'm still useful!)

Moon flapped his wings angrily but only managed to mess up Sophie's hair even more.

The hybrid girl sighed lightly as she reached into her storage bag and pulled out a small treat.

She stretched out her hand and gave the treat to her frostwing bat who happily munched down on the snack.

Professor Ward was walking further and further into the forest.

The trees were now huddled closely together, and their long leafy branches blocked out most the sunlight from reaching the forest ground.

Sophie's surroundings became darker and she could sense small furry creatures shuffling about and rummaging through the underbrush.

The air was hot and humid.

A faint white mist hung around the top of the trees and occasionally short drizzles of rain would fall down from these clouds.

Sophie's ears perked up as she heard the sounds of crashing water get louder and louder.

Professor Ward hummed softly under her breath and the trees in her path shifted to the side using their roots almost like legs.

She resembled an ancient wood nymph. A spirit of the forest who was one with nature and protected the land.

Actually, what species was she?

Sophie was pretty sure that her professor had never told her class where she was from but how would she politely ask?

Hey professor… what race are you?

No… no… that was definitely not the right way to find out…

Sophie mused thoughtfully to herself as the professor calmly headed towards a small clearing in the middle of the forest.

A large raging waterfall came into view. The water cascaded down a steep drop and a massive blue lake had formed at the bottom.

Black jagged rocks could be seen poking upwards in the air and a faint rainbow could be seen where the light hit against the mist.

Moon flapped his wings and jumped off the top of Sophie's head.

He landed on the ground with an ungraceful thump and then proceeded to lie down on the soft mud along the shoreline of the pool.

"Okay Sophie we have arrived," Professor Ward cheerfully spoke as she approached the edge of the pool and dipped her toes inside.

She let out a sigh of content and lowered in the rest of her body until she was submerged up to her face.

"So… before we begin. I want to see if you have been paying attention to my classes. What is a 'blood bond' and why is it important?" Professor Ward asked in a more serious tone.

"A blood bond is the link between a cultivator and their combat beast pet. It is not just a means of controlling their pet but also a fusion of consciousness," Sophie replied steadily.

"The stronger the blood bond, the greater the effect of the link will be. At higher levels it is possible for the cultivator to use abilities that belong to their pet and vice versa."

"However, this link could also become a weakness."

"If the combat beast pet were to die then the one bonded to its lifeforce would also suffer from an internal backlash."

Professor Ward leaned back in to the water and stretched out her arms. She calmly floated upwards and used her long, slender tail to keep her balance.

She didn't say anything after Sophie gave her answer.

There was a brief but peaceful moment of silence as the professor floated around the edges of the pool.

"You are right," Professor Ward finally said as she rubbed some water on the side of her neck.

Thick green vines protruded out of small lumps in her skin, and they quickly absorbed the transparent liquid.

"However you did miss out one additional detail," the professor continued while playfully touching the vines poking out of her skin.

"At the highest level… it is possible to physically fuse with your combat pet for extended periods of time."

"It is known as the 'chimera' state. Of course it is quite difficult to reach that level and even cultivators in the god stage have failed to master it."

"It requires… trust from both parts as well as innate talent from both parties. The talent for physical fusion does not depend on the grade of the combat beast."

"I have seen even grade F combat pets display a startling talent for it while some grade S pets were unable to reach the first step."

Professor Ward swam to the edge of the shore and pulled herself up. The green vines poking out of her body calmed down and retreated back inside her skin.

The process only took a few seconds.

Sophie watched in amazement as her professor walked up to her and acted as if nothing special had happened.

"Come we still have more ground to cover," Professor Ward smiled as she pointed off into the distance.

"Moon! Get up we still have somewhere else to go," Sophie moved over to her lazy frostwing bat and nudged his large body using the tip of her foot.

Squeak! Squeak!

(Mom! Let me just relax! It's been a long day!)

Sophie sternly glanced at her pet and the unspoken warning  in her eye made Moon immediately hoist his body upwards and shake the mud off his wings.

Squeak! Squeak!

(Alright Chill! I was going! I was going!)

Moon stretched out his wings and soared into the air.

At least he had the common sense not to climb up on his master's head considering that his fur was now completely covered in the brown mud that he had been rolling around in.

"You have a friendly relationship with your pet," Professor Ward remarked as she looked at the scene with a hint of nostalgia on her face.

"He may be difficult but… don't give up on him."


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