The Soul System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 39: Engaging the Two-headed Wolf

Chapter 39: Engaging the Two-headed Wolf

Inside the mouth of the red head, a ball of flames was immediately spated out. While on the other hand, several wind blades were released from the green head. While the ball of fire headed for Olivia, the wind blades headed for Henry.

Henry frowned when he saw the attack. As the wind blades cut through the air, they attacked him like real swords. Without wasting any time, Henry hurriedly blocked the attack.

From the intensity of the attack, he could immediately tell that if the attack landed, it was going to be fatal. Additionally, he was greatly surprised to find out that the two-headed wolf in front of them was actually capable of using elements.

Rapidly swinging his sword, Henry managed to deflect some of the wind blades that were heading to him. But still, there were some of them that managed to land on him.

But, what greatly surprised Henry was the fact that, even though the blades contained immense power, the moment that they landed on his armor, they left nothing other than a scratch.

This armor was never given a rank in the system store. And for that reason, he didn't even know at what star level it was.

Even though it was true that the armor managed to block the attack, the intensity and the power contained within the attack managed to push Henry a few steps backwards.

It was also at this moment that Henry finally began realizing the power of the apocalyptic creatures. The wild animals that they had been facing all along, although they had already been strengthened, they were not as strong as a true apocalyptic creature.

All the same, since he was supposed to kill this creature in front of him, then, Henry was determined to use all the cards that he had to make sure that he managed to destroy the creature in front of him.

With that, this time, he didn't care whether Olivia was present or not, or whether the two elements that the two of them possessed were going to clash.

Mobilizing the energy in his body, he immediately enveloped the sword in his fire element. Even though he did not understand much about the sword, he knew that the sword that he was holding was a good conductor of fire element.

As the sword began burning red, Henry immediately went ahead to attack. This time, he wasn't holding back, because at the same time as he was charging forward, he had already begun summoning fireballs.

On the other side, Olivia faced the fireball with all seriousness. Even though she knew that she was strong, and she possessed a special profession, she knew that in the face of the creature in front of them, she had to be careful.

When facing the fireball, she immediately released several ice balls to try and reduce the intensity of the fire. But even though it was effective, the effect that it had on the fireball was not enough.

At this moment, Olivia could already feel that the temperatures around her had already began rising, making her uncomfortable. Still, she managed to grit her teeth and slash with her sword that was covered in ice at the fireball that had been slightly reduced in size.

At the same time that she was attacking with the sword, she immediately released an ice storm. Since she was dealing with a creature that was proficient in using fire magic, then, she had to utilize her eyes magic to the limit.


The moment that her sword and the fireball came into contact with each other, a loud explosion echoed in the air. At the same time, Olivia was blasted backwards by the immense shockwave, with some parts of her exposed skin being burnt.

As she landed on the ground, Olivia grimaced in pain. At the same time, she looked at the two-headed wolf warily. Although it was true that previously she had taken the wolf seriously, the moment that she finally came into contact with its real power, it was the time that she came to know that the wolf in front of them was not easy to deal with.

Even so, when she saw that Henry was still charging towards the two-headed wolf, she was reminded about the punishment that would fall upon them the moment that they failed to kill this two headed wolf in 30 minutes.

Gritting her teeth, she managed to get back on her feet. At the same time, she began mobilizing the energy present in her body before summoning a large ice ball.

Since she wasn't as proficient as Henry in attacking at a closer range, then she was going to utilize the ice element from a distance to the maximum.

An ice ball that was way bigger than any that she had utilized before immediately appeared in her hand. At the same time, she began looking at the wolf that was already engaged in a fight with Henry. She was just waiting for a chance to launch the attack.

On the other hand, Henry didn't care about what Olivia was going to do. To him, as long as he managed to kill the wolf in front of him, then, he might perhaps get something good.

Currently, he was waiting for a good chance that he was going to unleash the power surge skill. He wanted to be able to deal maximum damage to the two-headed wolf the moment that he utilized that skill.

The more that he tangled with the two-headed wolf, the more he came to a realization that the wolf was not only proficient in using magic elements, but it was also good when it came to close combat.

The fight between the two of them had already attracted the attention of the other people present. They couldn't help but get amazed by the power of the two, but at the same time, fear had already appeared in their bodies as they thought about the possibility of facing the two-headed wolf.

Henry retreated after colliding with the paw of the two-headed wolf. He stared at it as he began making different plans on how to deal with the wolf.

With each head showcasing piercing red eyes and sharp, gleaming fangs, the monster stood twice the size of a regular wolf, exuding an aura of malevolence.

The massive body of the wolf contained immense raw strength. Even though he was currently stronger than before, Henry found out that he couldn't get any advantage over the wolf.

The monster lunged towards him with incredible speed, its two heads snapping violently, aiming to tear him apart. At the same time, it opened the two mouths and ready to spit out the two attacks of the elements that it possessed.

But at this moment, the wolf was forced to stop the attack, as a big ball made of ice was launched at it. Even though it tried to evade, since it was already in the air, there was no way that it could make big movements.

And for that reason, the only thing that it could do was to turn its heads to the side, before the ball made of ice landed on it.


The ball made of ice immediately exploded, spreading a chilly air into the surrounding. The wolf that had already lost momentum immediately went crashing towards the ground.

With a quick side-step, Henry evaded the body of the wolf and swiftly swung his blade, aiming for one of the heads. He was aiming to utilize this chance to make sure that he dealt a considerable amount of damage on the wolf.

But, the monster's reflexes were astounding, as it dodged the attack, barely avoiding the sharp edge of the sword. Henry quickly recovered from his missed strike, adjusting his stance, before he made a move, charging towards the wolf once again. He wasn't going to give it a chance to regain the initiative.

The two-headed wolf monster howled ferociously, its haunting sound reverberating through the forest. It pounced again, launching itself towards Henry, its powerful jaws lunging forward.

Acting swiftly, Henry timed his strike perfectly, deflecting the creature's attack with his red sword, preventing the vicious fangs from sinking into his flesh. But at the same time, he was still pushed backwards a few meters.

The wolf landed on the ground, and was just about to charge at Henry once again when another ball that was made out of ice attacked it.

This time, the wolf seemed infuriated, that it immediately spat out a ball made of fire.

Bang! Boom!

The two attacks collided causing an explosion in the air. At the same time, a shockwave was created, destroying the trees that were in the surroundings.

The wolf was just about to attack using the wind blades, as it wanted to destroy Olivia as soon as possible, but Henry attacked.

Henry unleashed a barrage of strikes, targeting the monster's exposed flank. His sword sliced through the air with precision, heading towards one of the heads.

However, the wolf was able to react in time, by taking a few steps backwards. But all the same, the tip of the sword still managed to land on it. As such, a small wound was formed.

The Wolf immediately released a roar of pain and anger. Although it was true that the wound that had been formed was just small, the sword that Henry was using had already been covered by his fire element.

For that reason, the moment that a wound was formed on the wolf's body, the fire element that was coated on the sword immediately began attacking the internal organs of the wolf.

In anger, the wolf retaliated with unmatched strength, knocking Henry backward. This time, it wasn't going to give him any time to relax, as it began launching several attacks one after the other.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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