The Slacker Stepmother and the Non-Domineering CEO

Chapter 63: Go Crazy, Then Create Flying for Everyone

Chapter 63

At this point, no one was really paying attention to things like traffic or follower counts anymore. No one had expected the situation to develop to this stage.

Qiao Yan noticed that Xiao Mo's mental state wasn't looking good, and planned to quickly pull him out to prevent him from going crazy.

But Xiao Zheng felt it wasn't enough. Since they had already torn off the facade, there was no need to hold back anymore.

"Don't you remember how I got lost when I was little? I still remember even if you don't! You're just a coward. I didn't blame you, but what about you? Ever since I came back home, you've been afraid to face me. What are you scared of? Are you afraid people will find out you lost your own little sister and don't dare to admit it?"

At this point, Nian Suian, Qiao Peipei, and Gu Zhijing had already retreated to a corner of the living room. The situation seemed to be getting out of control, so it was better for them to stay far away.

Hearing Xiao Zheng's words, Xiao Mo's face changed suddenly, and he sat down on the sofa in a daze.

Seeing him calm down, Qiao Yan also let go and sat back in his original position.

The living room returned to the previous state of silence after Ren Man and Yue Qingchi had left, but no one dared to breathe a sigh of relief. Nian Suian was the same; her sixth sense told her that something else was going to happen today.

"I see our task is almost complete, we're about to reach 10 million followers," Pei Sheng said with a smile, trying to liven up the atmosphere. "Haha, were Xiao Mo and his sisters just acting earlier? Putting on a show for the audience, right?"

Nian Suian was internally criticizing: Brother, do you really have to show off at a time like this?

Sure enough...

The final fate of those who don't leave the battlefield is to be destroyed.

"You can drop the act too. What business do you have here?" Xiao Zheng was already tired and didn't want to say anything, but since someone insisted on bothering her, fine then, she'd deal with them all at once.

Xiao Zheng opened her phone and directly shoved the screen in front of the camera.

Pei Sheng's voice came through the microphone loud and clear.

"Why am I here to participate in the show? If it weren't for Xiao Mo, I wouldn't have come. I don't know what the director was thinking, pairing me with ordinary guest participants."

Pei Sheng's face instantly became quite colorful. He hadn't expected that someone had seen and recorded a video at that time.

At the time, because Qiao Yan said there weren't enough phones for the task, Xiao Zheng volunteered to go back and get one, since she didn't like interacting with people anyway. As a result, she happened to witness this scene. Initially, she recorded it without intending to expose it directly, only wanting to find an opportunity to warn Nian Suian and Gu Zhijing.

Nian Suian and Gu Zhijing hadn't expected the drama to involve them as well.

"You didn't want to do the task yourself, so you had your sister pretend to be sick. You're still that sunshine boy, able to sell the loving sibling act. You're quite impressive, aren't you?"

Xiao Zheng was now in full attack mode, and the others didn't dare to speak, afraid that she might target them next.

Pei Sheng forced a smile, "Xiao Zheng, you might have some misunderstandings about me. I really came because of Xiao Mo. What actor wouldn't want to be on the same show as him? I was hoping Xiao Mo could give me some acting tips."

Unfortunately, Xiao Mo himself was dealing with a heap of troubles and had no mind to respond to Pei Sheng's attempt at friendliness.

Seeing Xiao Mo ignore him, Pei Sheng's face darkened even more. "Besides, I don't know where you heard that my sister was pretending to be sick. My sister really wasn't feeling well. Right, sis?"

Pei Sheng turned his gaze to Pei Zhi, expecting to hear her affirmative answer.

Pei Zhi knew that at this moment, she should speak up, should admit, should explain, "Yes, that's right. I wasn't feeling well. Sheng was late for the task because he was worried about me." She knew she should say this.

From childhood, her parents and people around her always said,

"Pei Zhi, you should give in to your brother."

"Pei Zhi, look how successful your brother is, and then look at you. It's a good thing we had Sheng."

"Pei Zhi, you're so lucky to have a celebrity brother."

"Pei Zhi, your brother is a big star now, you must take good care of him."

Yes, she should say it.

But, but she opened her mouth, and in the end, said nothing.

Seeing Pei Zhi remain silent, Pei Sheng let out a cold laugh, stood up, and stormed off angrily.

Xiao Zheng glanced at his retreating figure and sneered.

Gu Zhijing carefully tugged at Nian Suian's sleeve, "Let's go out too." He really didn't want to stay here anymore; it was too suffocating.

"Gu Zhijing." Xiao Zheng suddenly spoke, startling both Gu Zhijing and Nian Suian.

"You overheard me talking to Xiao Yan on the back hill, didn't you? Eavesdropping isn't a good habit."

Gu Zhijing was dumbfounded and didn't dare say anything.

"But it's okay, I know you probably didn't mean to eavesdrop. I can tell that you and your stepmother are decent people."

"Uh... thanks?" It was the first time he'd been praised, but he felt no joy at all.

Qiao Peipei and Qiao Yan were also afraid they might be next, so all four of them quickly left the living room and went to Gu Zhijing and Qiao Yan's room.

Only after closing the door did they let out a long sigh of relief.

"I've lived for over twenty years and never seen a scene like that," Qiao Peipei said, still shaken. It was truly spectacular, but also truly terrifying.

"Can we even continue filming this show? Won't we all just go home tomorrow?" Nian Suian found it hard to imagine these people staying together anymore. At the very least, Xiao Mo and Pei Sheng probably couldn't stay.

"But didn't we sign contracts? We'd have to pay a penalty if we don't film."

"Xiao Mo earns so much, would he care about that small penalty?"

Qiao Peipei thought about her own income, then said, "Xiao Mo might not care, but Pei Sheng definitely would. You don't earn much filming web dramas."

"They might be able to stay, but I can't. I'm the kind of person who fears awkwardness the most," Nian Suian felt.

"Don't worry, your Gu can definitely afford the penalty fee," Qiao Peipei patted Nian Suian's shoulder, comforting her.

"Guess how many followers our livestream has now?" Qiao Yan, who had been quiet, suddenly spoke up.

"Ten million?"

Qiao Yan shook his head, "Twenty-three million."

"Wow!" Qiao Peipei was shocked at first, but then found it reasonable. "But it's not surprising. Today's scene... I think it would take the four top celebrities in the entertainment industry announcing their marriages together to surpass this level of explosion."

The four of them sat down in silence and began to contemplate life.

Suddenly, a phone ringtone broke the silence.

Nian Suian glanced at her phone, "Your dad is calling."

"Hello? Ah? Oh... okay, got it."


"Your dad is coming over tomorrow."


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