The Simulacrum

Book 3 Extra 3: Self-defense class

Book 3 Extra 3: Self-defense class

The Dracis manor on Critias was huge. It was likely the largest and most luxurious abode in the entirety of Timaeus, and the fact that it was built in the middle of the picket-fenced suburbs of the city made it stick out of its neighborhood even more. In fact, with the combination of the multi-storied mansion with its two wings, the external facilities, servant quarters, and the verdant park in the back, it was nearly the size of an entire neighborhood.

Some of the facilities had their own buildings separate from the mansion itself, such as the dormitories where each of the maids, butlers, gardeners, and other assorted household helpers had their individual rooms. There was also a large kitchen that supplied both the family and the workers' mess hall with meals, and it was supplied with fresh ingredients by their very own greenhouse. Even the main building, which was supposed to be the home of the family, only had a few residential rooms, with the rest taken up by various themed chambers, such as the trophy room, Elly's music room, and even an honest to goodness indoor pool.

More importantly, at least as far as the present situation was concerned, the estate also had a sizeable gymnasium housing a small fitness saloon as well as an indoor tennis court. The latter would've been considered a little excessive by most normal people, but considering that the women of the household were both former tennis stars, it wasn't entirely unexpected. But then again, they weren't exactly normal people either, so maybe the whole point was moot from the start.

The current situation was taking place inside the aforementioned gym, just a little after four in the afternoon, with four women of various apparent ages already in the process of limbering up. The gym itself was bare of decorations, its color palette mainly using dark green and white. On the group's left, there were a series of exercise machines and weight-lifting benches neatly lined up along the wall, its large windows providing a great view of the gardens, while on their other side the ground was covered with freshly laid brown mats forming a fairly large sparring area.

"Come on, Judy! Put your back into it!" Elly called out to the other girl between two stretching exercises, her face already flushed with excitement.

"That's right, dear," Emese, the matriarch of the household, also agreed while jogging in place. "Proper warm-up is essential for avoiding injuries during practice."

"Yes! Judy-ue must be careful not to get hurt!" the tiny miko, currently in her human form, echoed the others' sentiment while doing some splits on the ground.

My dear assistant was less than enthused by their advice, but for the time being, she tried her best to imitate Elly and her exercises anyway. She was wearing her gym uniform from school, while mama Dracis was dressed in a fairly typical exercise ensemble, complete with tight green pants and a supportive grey tank-top that showed off her toned stomach. Considering that she was wheelchair-bound for years, she was in surprisingly great shape, most likely due to her draconic physiology.

Elly was also dressed in a similar fashion, matching her mother, even if her color scheme was centered around red and pink instead. Since the two of them had their hair tied back into ponytails, the otherwise fairly modest family resemblance between the two of them came to the forefront. Speaking of which, Elly already had a curvy body, especially considering her age, but based on her mother's figure, she apparently still had some space to grow in various places. The genetics of this family were truly frightening.

Last, but not least, Ichiko was also wearing a white PE uniform, though its design was very different from Judy's, as hers included dark blue shorts, the kind that some people colloquially call 'bloomers'. It was one of the princess's spares that she had outgrown a long time ago, though they didn't have spare shoes, so she was barefoot. Not that she minded, at least if her enthusiasm was any indication.

"That should be enough," Emese declared after one last squat and she shook her legs to let her blood flow. "Let's begin our first self-defense class."

Judy appeared entirely unenthused by the prospect, so the younger draconic girl quickly sidled up to her and grabbed hold of her shoulders.

"Come, we'll teach you the basics. It's going to be fun!"

"It's also really important," mama Dracis pointed out with a warm smile, evidently amused by their interaction. "If you are going to be part of the family, you have to know how to protect yourself."

"I have a bodyguard though," Judy noted, followed by a glance at the small girl still doing a hand-stand next to her. When she noticed, Ichiko did an acrobatic, if decidedly dangerous, one-eighty spin, and after landing, she stood at attention.

"We have bodyguards too, but there's only so much they can do," Emese explained herself while walking up to her. When she stopped, there was a mischievous glint in her eyes, and before the deadpan girl could do anything, she suddenly grabbed her by the shoulder and, after a series of blindingly fast movements, put her into some kind of hold with both of her arms restrained. It all happened so fast that Judy couldn't even have the time to let out a surprised yelp. "For example, what if someone sneaked up on you like this? Your bodyguard can't really do anything if this happens, can she?"

Judy didn't even try to struggle. She only nodded her head with a strained, "Point taken," at which point the lady of the house promptly let her go. The moment that happened, Ichiko wedged herself between the two with a barely audible growl and pushed the grown-up woman aside.

Emese wasn't offended the slightest. She simply let out a short, tinkling giggle and roughly tousled the little girl's hair.

"You see? One of the first things you have to learn is how to break out of holds so that others can help you escape."

"Ideally, you shouldn't get caught in the first place," Elly added as she patted down the other girl, and once she found everything in order, she sent a petulant glance at her mother. "Mom, don't be rough with Judy."

"I'm not!" Emese responded with a toothy smile. "It's just an important point to get across. I didn't really hurt her, now did I?"

"I understand," Judy interjected once she finished straightening her clothes. "This is for my own good. Please give me some pointers."

"Awww," the Dracis matriarch cooed and this time she rubbed her head in response. "You are such a polite girl. I wish I had a daughter like you."


Emese promptly stuck out her tongue at her daughter's protests and then turned on her heel, leading the girls onto the mats. Once they were in the middle, she made a full turn, crossed her arms in front of her rather generous chest, and addressed Judy again.

"Today, we are going to focus on three things. First, you must learn how to properly break a fall. It's the basic of the basics, and it's a very important skill to learn early on. Next, I will teach you how to break out some of the more common holds and binds. You are not one of the Old Blooded, so not all of it is going to be applicable when you are facing a superior opponent, but if they underestimate you, a well-executed trick at a crucial moment can still let you break free and potentially escape. That leads us to our third lesson." She paused here and sent a meaningful glance at Ichiko before she continued with, "You are certainly stronger and tougher than you look, little one, but while your abilities and techniques might be up to par, you have to learn how to properly use them to protect someone. As a bodyguard, your job isn't to defeat the attackers closing in on you and your charge, but to help them escape."

"I understand, Emese-sama!" the little miko exclaimed with an almost comically serious expression on her face. The Dracis matriarch let out another giggle and rubbed her head once more, which the small girl bore without a change in expression. Emese's face, on the other hand, soon turned wistful as she let out a melancholic sigh.

"Ah, and now you remind me of my Elly when she was your age! Oh, how time has flown by me! Soon, I will be a grandmother!

"Not any time soon, unless things take a sudden turn," Judy grumbled, and since nobody reacted, it was left at that.

For the next couple of minutes, the four of them faithfully followed Emese's outline. Judy was trained in breaking her fall after a throw, rolling, and safely dispersing momentum in general. She wasn't exactly acrobatic, but she did her best and followed Emese's instructions to the letter. Elly also provided support, mostly serving as an example when it came to showcasing proper techniques.

Ichiko was absent from this part of the training, as the little girl not only knew these basics, she was probably better versed in them than Emese herself, and she could literally bounce back from a throw without breaking a sweat. Considering she was a sentient spirit of a magical sword with centuries of combat experience inside a shape-shifting Chimera body optimized for combat, it was only to be expected. Emese wasn't aware of her history though, so she earned quite a few head pats during the lesson.

It wasn't until the second part of the training session that they started discussing something interesting, mostly so that Judy could catch her breath after tumbling around for the better part of half an hour.

"Let's move on to grappling next," the Dracis matriarch proposed while wiping her forehead, even though there wasn't a single drop of sweat on her body.

"Let's," Judy agreed on the ground, and Elly quickly moved to her side to help her up.

"Before we start, let's get one thing clear." Emese raised a lone finger to her eye level, and a beat later she added, "Getting caught in a grab is the worst-case scenario for you. I'll teach you a few moves to get out of one, but you have to make sure to remember that you should always, always try to avoid getting caught. You must always be vigilant."

"Complacency is our greatest enemy," the princess added in the company of a knowing nod.

"That's right," her mother doubled down with a nod of her own. "The accursed knights always attack you when you least expect it. Their frontal attack on our home was a very atypical case; for the vast majority of cases, they would strike at us when we are the most relaxed or distracted. The first step to assure your safety is to be vigilant and ready to escape at all times."

"The best time to retreat is at the very beginning of an attack," Elly followed up her mother's explanation with one of her own. She paused for a second while she gestured for Ichiko to also pay attention. "This is important information that may save your lives in the future, so listen close: the accursed knights are at their weakest right after the start of combat. This means it's the best time to either run away or run them off. The longer the battle lasts, the more disadvantageous the situation will become."

"Why's that?" Judy asked the obvious question, and the two Dracis women shared an uncertain glance between each other.

"We don't exactly know," Elly admitted. "It's just something they do."

"This is based on observations made over centuries of conflict," Emese continued where her daughter left off with a dour expression. "At the beginning of combat, an Entitled Knight can only access about a third of their maximum power. This lasts for anywhere between one to several minutes, after which their physical abilities ramp up to the point even we have a hard time keeping up with them, and in some regards, they can even overpower us."

Seeing Judy's inquisitive look, Elly quickly interjected with, "Each of the Entitled Knights has a specialty. For example, the Minotaur Knights are infamous for their raw strength. They couldn't beat one of us in speed or toughness, but if it was a raw contest of power, we would probably lose. Except for dad. Maybe."

"That's only true for while they are at their peak performance though," mama Dracis pointed out. "They can only maintain it for a limited period of time, and once it's up, their physical abilities take a hit. This is the second-best point to either retreat or to strike them down."

"So they have major weaknesses," the only non-supernatural girl in the room stated, and the hosts grunted in approval.

"That's right, but they are naturally aware of them. It's why they always, without exception, create some form of distraction right before a battle. It might be something simple, like pulling a fire alarm, or something devious, like taking a hostage. So long as it allows them to warm up and reach their full potential before they strike, they will do it. For example, when I got this scar..." Emese paused for a moment and rolled her pants down a little to show off the mark the dragon-slaying spear left on her hip. "They threw multiple flash-bang grenades into a crowded restaurant, and used the chaos to distract us while one of them rushed me from my blind spot."

"They also run away the moment things aren't in their favor," Elly added while conspicuously trying to ignore her mother's exposed butt.

"Correct," said mother agreed as she finally pulled her pants up again. "Their attacks have a very common pattern. First, they start with a distraction, followed by a direct assault. They will inevitably try to end the fight as soon as possible, which is the most dangerous stage. However, if they realize they can't win the battle, they will always retreat and never fight to the last. If we are at a numerical advantage, it is possible to chase them down, but it's risky. You can never know if they set a second ambush beforehand, and occasionally the Named Knights can get a short second wind. When they try to escape, it's usually best to let them go."

"Meaning these battles are relatively short due to the Knighs' fluctuating power levels," Judy noted. Her fingers have been awkwardly fidgeting for a while at this point. She was most likely itching to take notes, but the other people in the room didn't seem to mind her.

"That's right," Elly confirmed with a frown. "We know their weaknesses, but they also know them, and do their best to mitigate them. In return, we come up with ways to ward off and defeat them."

"What ways?" Ichiko suddenly injected herself into the conversation, obviously eager to contribute. "I want to learn these anti-knight techniques too!"

"They are not exactly 'techniques'." Emese's response was accompanied by a difficult expression, but a brief sigh later she shook her head and explained, "I would be more accurate to say that we adapted to counter them." The little girl still looked as interested ever, so after a moment of thinking, she asked, "To properly explain this, I have to tell you about our bloodlines. Do you want to hear it?"

Ichiko repeatedly nodded. As for Judy

"Drink it slowly. It's cold. If you drink it at once after exercising, it will upset your stomach."

Following Elly's advice, she was taking tiny sips from a glass of chilled lemonade a maid sneakily delivered during the break, and then she disappeared just as fast as she came. Seeing the two girls rehydrating themselves brought a warm smile to the matriarch's lips, and she soon lowered herself onto the mats.

"Let's take a proper break then." She crossed her legs and invited the others over as well. Ichiko didn't need to be asked twice, and she practically jumped into a sitting position, while the two older girls did the same in a considerably less dramatic fashion. Once everyone was seated, Emese took a huge breath and began. "The Draconic bloodlines can be roughly divided into four branches. Our Dracis family belongs to the Western Bloodline, which is one of the only two surviving main bloodlines. The other is the Eastern Bloodline. The remaining two are the Mesoamerican Bloodlines and the Northern Bloodlines, but they haven't maintained their draconic blood well, so they either fractured into individual clans, with a lot of the smaller ones merging into the two main bloodlines, or their modern descendants possess such weak blood they can barely call upon their ancestry anymore, if at all."

"Are they also hunted by the Knights?" Judy inquired, and her host immediately shook her head.

"Depends. The accursed knights generally target individuals with either strong bloodlines, or a lot of influence. They've ruined several draconic families in the past. For example, I was born Emese Srkny, and our family was one of the most influential Draconic bloodlines in central Europe for centuries. That is until the accursed knights orchestrated an attack where all the full-blooded adult members of the family were massacred."

"My condolences," Judy blurted out right away, in her usual deadpan, but mama Dracis only shrugged her shoulder in response.

"Thank you, but to be perfectly honest, my family had it coming; my birth parents weren't nice people at all. The Srknys were involved in everything from the drug trade to human trafficking." At this point, Emese let out a bitter sigh before she continued with, "I avoided getting caught in the crossfire due to blind luck. I was orphaned overnight, but my eventual father-in-law just happened to be in the country during the events, and he took me in. That's how I met Abram, and the rest is history." She paused for a second, after which she forcefully shook her head and switched gears. "Sorry, I didn't mean to go on a tangent like that. Let's get back to the original topic: the two main bloodlines use two different methods to counter the accursed knights. Our Western Bloodline focuses on tapping into our Draconic ancestry to strengthen our bodies."

"You've seen my Draconic form, right?" Elly cut in, and Judy let out a small grunt that could be roughly translated as 'Do you think I'm blind?'. The blonde girl didn't catch the nuance at all, and instead she continued to explain herself. "We transform our bodies to be similar to our dragon ancestors. It makes us both stronger and way more resilient, allowing us to outlast the accursed knights even while they are at their strongest, and if we can hit them with our dragon-fire, it can destroy their enchanted gear, at which point that knight is permanently out of commission."

"Regrettably, using our blood to make us closer to dragons also results in a weakness against all dragon-slaying weapons. Luckily most of those were destroyed over the centuries, but so long as they have one, it completely tilts the balance in their favor," Emese added with one hand absent-mindedly rubbing her old wound.

"Emese-sama, Emese-sama!" the tiny miko called out with one hand raised, and when she got her attention, she immediately asked, "What about the Eastern ones? I've met a few of them in the past, but I never saw them transform"

"It's because they don't," Emese explained with a motherly smile plastered on her face. "Or at the very least, their physical changes are negligible compared to ours. A change in eye color, occasionally they change their hair color as well or maybe get slit pupils. Ones with scales are rare, and they seldom get horns, tails, or claws. You see, instead of tapping into their blood to call upon the might of the dragons of old, they use it as an energy source to use various techniques that aid movement, toughen them from the inside, or raise their strength, or even create mystic phenomena reminiscent of spells and magicks. They usually combine these techniques with martial arts and weapons to face the accursed knights head-on."

"Martial arts," Judy repeated after her, after which she glanced at Elly. "Didn't you say you also practice martial arts as well?"

"Yes, but we are talking about entirely different grades here," Elly pointed out with a small huff. "We learn some basic, practical moves to complement our strength, but those guys spend literally all their time practicing it. They are totally obsessed with it!"

"So if I understand this right, the Western Bloodline focuses on strengthening their body through transformation and outlast the Knights, while the Eastern Bloodline focuses on internalizing the power in their blood and use it to fuel their abilities to try and overpower the knights," Judy summarized things, and the two Draconians both confirmed her words with nods. "Which is more effective?"

Her question caused a long beat of silence to descend onto the gym, at least until Emese shrugged her shoulder and stated, "I have no idea. Our way allows us to harness all of our power at once and we can maintain our peak performance for a long time, but aside from our Dragon Fire, we have to rely on our bodies to get things done. Eastern Draconians are the opposite: they have all kinds of special abilities and they can use a variety of weapons to face the accursed knights on equal footing, but the way they fight is inherently stamina-intensive, and once they run out of power, they become easy pickings. Both methods work, and I'm obviously partial to our ways, but I honestly can't tell which approach is better."

"I see," Judy noted, and after that, silence once again descended onto the room. It didn't last long this time either.

"I think we talked enough already!" Emese abruptly declared and jumped to her feet, immediately followed by Ichiko. "You've already finished your drinks as well, so I think it's time to return to the second part of today's class."

The deadpan girl in the middle was still a little reluctant, but in the end, she still placed her empty glass onto the tray presented to her by a maid that came out of nowhere and then vanished just as sneakily. She stood up, and seeing Emese limbering her arms again, she let out a small sigh and asked, "Before we start, I've been curious about one more thing."

"What is it?" Elly asked back, stopping on her original tracks to turn towards Judy again.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but the armors of the Knights are not sealed."

"You mean magically?" Emese blurted out, and my assistant shook her head in return.

"No, I mean hermetically. Even if they wear their full armor, they still need to breathe and they still have eye holes on their helmets, right?"

"That's right," came the answer from Elly this time, and Judy promptly let out a dubious grunt.

"If that's the case, wouldn't pepper spray work on them?"

"No, it" Elly began to answer, only to halt as the words sank in. She opened and closed her mouth a few times to try and form a coherent sentence, but at the end of the day she gave up and glanced at her mother, who looked just as stumped, and the two of them shared an embarrassed, 'How come we never thought of this?' look between each other.


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