The Simulacrum

Another re-editing update

Another re-editing update

Hello, Dear Readers.

Just a little heads-up for you all: it took way, waaay too long to do this, but I finally finished re-editing the third volume. There weren't many major changes this time around, at least compared to the first and second volumes, but for the sake of transparency, here's a not-at-all-comprehensive list of things I tweaked:

* The scene were Leo casually reveals that he's playing Bel to Sebastian is changed so he, well, doesn't do that. It's to keep things consistent, and it was also a little out of character anyway.

* I tweaked some of Leo's interactions with Jaakobah a little to better foreshadow a future plot-point.

* I made Sahi/Saahira's valley girl speech patterns more consistent.

* The duel at the finale got streamlined. In particular, I simplified a couple of info-dumps and removed some of Leo's sidetracks during the fight.

* I changed the way Leo taunts Penny during the duel to make it less over-the-top and mean.

On top of these, there were naturally tons and tons of typo-fixes, paragraph-streamlining, tense-standardization, and other really annoying and tedious things to take care of, and hopefully I caught the majority of them this time around.

That's all for the moment. I really wanted to get this re-edit out of my system before I started working on the new chapters, and now that it's done, I'm going to switch over to full-time writing mode. The next proper chapter's coming as soon as I sort out my schedule, which might take anywhere between a couple of hours to a day or two, depending on how much the universe hates me at a the moment.

In any case, stay tuned, stay safe, and have a nice day.




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