The Sims: I Open the Immortal Path for All Beings

Chapter 483: 431: Breaking the Tradition and Publicizing Skill?

Chapter 483: 431: Breaking the Tradition and Publicizing Skill?

Seeing the attitude of the two men, Pei Xuanjing was not surprised. One could say, their reactions were all within his expectations.

In his original world, many inherited traditions were held in tight gatekeeping, let alone passing on their unique skills to everyone. Some people would rather let their unique skills become lost than pass them on to someone they deem unworthy.

Pei Xuanjing didn’t judge any of it because, in his previous life, he didn’t feel qualified to pass judgment on these matters.

However, in this world, he had the qualifications and the power to carry out this matter.

Moreover, it involved his objective.

“Are both of you placing such a high importance on exclusivity?” Pei Xuanjing asked calmly.

Zhao Baiyang furrowed his brow, “It’s not my exclusivity, but it has been a tradition since ancient times not to casually pass down our practices. How can one simply give them out recklessly?”

Xue Wuheng added, “Doing so, where does that leave us? Our Demonic Cult’s tradition, developed over thousands of years, is precious. How can we let others cultivate it so casually?”

If these practices are given out freely, will cultivators truly treasure them?

Pei Xuanjing didn’t argue this point. He asked, “What’s your greatest goal right now?”

Without waiting for them to answer, Pei Xuanjing said, “My biggest goal is to become immortal!”

Become immortal!

Hearing Pei Xuanjing’s goal, both of them couldn’t help but long for a moment.

Perhaps in the past, it wouldn’t matter, but now, with the revival of heaven and earth and the hope of cultivation, strong warriors like them, of course, harbored the idea of immortality.

Seeing them considering it, Pei Xuanjing seized the opportunity to press on, “For us, everything else is an irrelevance. Immortality is our only true pursuit.”

He looked at the two men and asked, “Over the ten thousand years, not even at the peak of the Tang Dynasty’s cultivation momentum, where countless strong men fell and died without achieving immortality. Do you think you can become the unprecedented true immortals of the millennia?”

Hearing Pei Xuanjing’s words, both men felt as if they had been doused with cold water. Their excited gaze was quenched and their longing vanished without a trace.

Becoming an immortal is exceedingly difficult!

Through their various interactions within the cultivation world, and many secrets they have learned, they clearly know that over these thousands of years, countless formidable cultivators have died in the pursuit of immortality.

Although they have extreme confidence in themselves, they still remain at Spirit Realm Second Layer, not even reaching the ultimate Nine Heavens of the Spirit Realm. How could they be convinced that they will definitely be able to become immortal?

Zhao Baiyang hid a hint of disappointment and looked at Pei Xuanjing, “Can revealing our cultivation techniques to the world help us in our path to immortality?”


Pei Xuanjing was adamant.

With confidence, he said to the two men, “Over the millennia, countless powerful cultivators have been born. They have devoted countless efforts in studying the mystery of immortality. But why has no one truly ascended to immortality?”

“Please enlighten us, National Master,” Xue Wuheng chimed in at the right moment.

Pei Xuanjing’s strength far exceeded his own and had close contact with the people from the Sky Wasteland, naturally he had learned many secrets unknown to others. He was naturally curious about what answers the other party had.

Of course, whether he believed or was willing to fully trust this answer was still an open question.

“It’s because they are reinventing the wheel, unwilling to collaborate. Most powerhouses either work alone or within a sect, refusing to openly share their experiences. That’s why they can’t discover the mysteries of becoming immortal,” Pei Xuanjing said coldly, his tone full of dissatisfaction with this approach.

Zhao Baiyang retorted, “But those powerful individuals often exchange ideas, exploring together. How can this be considered reinventing the wheel?”

Pei Xuanjing glanced at him, making him shiver, before counter-asking, “Let me ask you, even if you and Master Xue were to debate and exchange ideas, would you willingly discuss the core techniques that you base your cultivation on?”

After saying that, he looked at the two of them, smiling as he waited for their rebuttal.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Baiyang and Xue Wuheng both awkwardly smiled, their expressions full of embarrassment.

Indeed, even when they discuss and exchange ideas as allies, they stop just short of revealing crucial secrets, and tacitly avoid probing into each other’s core techniques.

If they are like this, then so are the other powerful characters, right?

Pei Xuanjing added, “The power of many is infinite, compared to that of one. Take your sects as an example. Your current grandeur resulted from the continuous development by many generations of disciples. Countless cultivators have achieved their abilities by standing on the shoulders of their predecessors. But, if the wisdom of all living creatures can be gathered together, the benefits would undoubtedly be great. Perhaps, one day, we might unravel the secrets of becoming immortal and living forever.”

I am of all living creatures and all living creatures are of me.

Only in this way, can Pei Xuanjing achieve his goal. Once one person becomes immortal, all people could become immortals.

Hearing Pei Xuanjing’s words, the two men were silent. They didn’t speak but they were no longer as resistant as before. Instead, they were lost in thought.

Clearly, Pei Xuanjing’s words struck a chord within them, and sparked their interest.

They were unyielding about their unwillingness to give up the inheritance of their cultivation techniques, not only because they complied with the rules of their sect against leakage of their inheritance, but also due to their understanding of the consequences.

Just as Pei Xuanjing said, everyone’s wisdom amounts to a lot. Although their talents might not be top-tier, their achievements today are largely due to their luck, in addition to exceptional talent.

Among the numerous martial artists and ordinary people in the world, perhaps there are many extraordinary individuals who ended up being lost among ordinary people just because they lacked some luck.

“However, our cultivation techniques, handed down until today, have been studied and tried by many generations and have reached a limit. At this stage, the experience left by our predecessors not only doesn’t help much, it has invisibly become a sort of shackle. If we could explore new paths, perhaps we might achieve some surprising results.”

“Regarding the cultivation techniques in our sect, I, with my current power, have many different ideas. Initially, I only intended to record these thoughts to pass them on to my successors. However, if others are willing to practice and explore another way of cultivation, it might lead to a great discovery.”

The two men each had their own thoughts and, after making eye contact, saw a hint of motivation in each other’s eyes.

This method might not be such a bad idea.

After all, for powers that have been passed down for thousands of years, even if they can’t disclose their core cultivation techniques, the secondary cultivation methods they provide are things countless martial artists in the world strive to acquire.

Seeing their response, Pei Xuanjing added fuel to the fire, completely cementing their determination.


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