The Simple Life of Killing Demons

Book 4: Chapter 17.2

Book 4: Chapter 17.2

Thats all? Nothing else happened?

Nothing else

How annoyingthat stupid Lin Xiang, why did he tell me another incomplete story last time? Was that because he didnt want to piss me off? If thats the casewellthen it means Im still quite important to him.

Just when I got happy secretly, I heard that annoying voice again, Lin Xiang, how come youre still not here? Have you already given up? If not, well still give you three minutes. If you still arent in the lounge in three minutes, well take that youve given up.

I looked at the horn of the corridor in confusion and murmured, which bastard wants to harm Lin Xiang?

Judging from the voice, he sounds like our class teacher, Mr. Katou

Your class teacher? Thats really not nice, isnt it a malicious attack?

Hehes always treated Kitashima like a new super star, so

I dont care how he perceives Kitashima. All in all, both he and Kitashima are bastards. Go, lets go to the auditorium, we might see Lin Xiang there.


We hurried up and walked toward the arena.

Bi~~~the competition is about to start, please get yourselves prepared.

The next second after we heard the announcement, wed already arrived the auditorium. There were many students and they all looked pretty excited.

Yorikawa and I randomly selected two seats and sat down. Then, we heard the announcement again.

Contestants of both sides, Kitashima Daigo from class A of first grade and Lin Xiang from class C.

The douchebag Kitashima walked out from the entrance proudly. Umwheres Lin Xiang? Shouldnt he already get prepared at the entrance when they were told to?

On the screen, I could see that its empty on the other entrance of the arena. No ones there.

Lin Xiang, please come out quickly, or simply tell us that you dare not to.

Again that disgusting voice! Students around us started laughing loudly

Xiangwhat are you doing? Come out quicklyoh, there he is

On the screen, I saw Xiang pushing open the door and he was looking far awayI supposed hes looking at Kitashima.

At this moment, everyone started yelling, Lin Xiang! Courage!

Whatwhat happened to them? They were cheerleading for Lin Xiang. I thought theyd be teasing him. Buthow come Xiang was smiling bitterly after hearing them yell? Shouldnt he feel happy instead?

Xiang slowly walked to the center of the arena. I could see Kitashimas ugly smile and he reached out his hand, nice to see you here, Lin Xiang.

Xiang hesitated for a while before grabbing his hand. He also smiled handsomely, nice to see you here as well, Kitashima.

Thats exactly how Xiang ishes always being himself. Unlike Kitashima, whenever I saw him, Id feel disgusted. I had no idea why girls around him admire him so much. They all smiled at him when they saw him on the big screen.

Contestants, you may choose your arena now.

The disgusting Kitashima shook his head and pretended as if he didnt care, I give the authority to Lin Xiang.


Kitashima is so handsome~~~

Kitashima is so polite.

Kitashima is so amazing~~~

The girls were all shouting. I really didnt get it why would they think that way?

Then, Lin Xiang, please choose the arena.

Lin Xiang stared at the card in the referee's hand for a while and chose the wasteland. Why is that? Why would he choose the wasteland without any bunkers? If he chose the geocentric lava, he might win

"Lin Xiang, are you sure that you want to choose this one?

UghI really couldnt stand looking at that disgusting man. Yorikawa next to me also frowned. It seems that that she really hated Kitashima as well.

Yes. Theres no facial expression on Xiangs face. Obviously, its his first competition and yet he still looked so calm.

The referee asked his opinion again. After nodding his head without any hesitation, Xiang left.

Then, the competition will start now.

It started, Xiang and Kitashima both ran toward each other. They were slow and even chatting. It didnt look like they were here for the game, more like for a walk.

Xiang and Kitashima were nearer to each other now. Xiang rolled to the side, a tall stone pillar emerged from the place where he was standing Kitashima pulled out his titanium sword and started attacking Xiangthats very evil of him! How dared he ambush

It would certainly be bad this timeXiang was hit, and after a dong sound, Xiang took out a titanium sword and blocked Kitashima successfully. There were flashes where the two swords hit each other.

After seeing this scene, the boys and girls that had been chatting all became quiet.

Xiang pushed forward and jumped back a distance. He looked at Kitashima cautiously.

Wow~~~Lin Xiang, I didnt expect you to know any sword skillsnow I feel excited. Kitashima licked the body of his sword and rushed to Lin Xiang again

After a dang noise, he blocked Kitashimas attack successfully. Then, with a quick action that one couldnt spot by his naked eye, he rapidly used his sword to attack Kitashima.

When Kitashima used his sword to defend himself, Xiang had already cut open his abdomen. When Kitashima started protecting his bottom half, Xiang had already cut his body for many times. After the last dang, hed hit Kitashimas sword to the ground

Pa-da. The girl sitting in front of me dropped her snacks to the ground. It was a very clear sound in this quiet environment, but I was sure that no one had noticed it, since they were all staring at the screen.

"Youyouthats impossible, theres no way that youre Lin Xiang. After escaping the attack of Xiang thats like wind, Kitashima looked quite like a mess. Wait, thats exactly hows supposed to look like.


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