The Simple Life of Killing Demons

Book 3: Chapter 5

Book 3: Chapter 5

The Shield of the Water God, the Gleeful Dirge, the Sacred Fire that is Filled with Ones Soul

SilentWater? With a great deal of effort, I called out to Silent Water, who was standing right in front of me. The pain that I felt all over my body told me that this wasnt a hallucination.

Master! Silent Water nervously knelt down beside me, then when she saw Reidy, who was in my arms, she asked, Master, who is she?

Shshe is Reidy My chest was hurting a lot, so were my shoulders; did I break some bones?

Is that right? A lightning type spirit, eh Master, you dont have to worry, just leave everything to me As she told me this, Silent Waters took on a dark expression Very scary This was the second time I saw Silent Water with this kind of expression

How dare you how dare you injure my master? Silent Water turned around; her beautiful voice had changed to a lower octave and had taken on a threatening tone.

A water spirit? If I remember right Didnt you live somewhere near Golubzi?

Oh? So, you know me? However, I do ask that you refrain from saying that we have any sort of relations. Towards anyone who dares to injure my master, I will definitely not forgive

After hearing what Silent Water said, the demons face had a look like he was intrigued, Wont forgive me, hmmm I recall you being that spirit hunter, Genuoduolasus prey? You standing here is proof that that arrogant guy bit it You really are impressive

At this moment, a black magic circle materialized in front of the demon

That guy could do magic? I didnt realize that this whole time I thought he was a close-quarter combat type of demon

Thats right, it was I who injured that no good, weak master of yours. But you should wait till after you have tried my Stones of Evil before deciding whether you will forgive me or not. As soon as the demon finished talking, I could see some black stones shooting out at a rapid speed from inside the magic circle We are done for This was what I thought in that instant.

Plunk, plunk, plunk (The sound of stones falling into water.)

What?! You caught all of them?

In front of Silent Water was a thick wall of water. Those black stones were floating inside the wall after being caught.

When facing off against the Shield of the Water Gods impenetrable defense, do you think these pathetic attacks of yours count for anything? As Silent Water began explaining this, she reached out her right hand with her palm facing the demon then one two three many bluish white magic circles appeared, Oh water that is the source of life, please grant me strength. Through your alternate form, I shall obliterate all things that oppose my master.

When Silent Water chanted her spell, the bluish white magic circles emitted a pale light. Inside the magic circles, countless icicles formed and caused the air around it to condense into a frosty mist. Then, they all shot towards the earth type demon

Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam The icicles went straight for the demon and hit him, then a large amount of rock dust came out and completely blocked the view demon.

Wow!!! Silent Water is so cool! This must be what awesomeness feels like but, why did Silent Water come here?

She used teleportation magic to get here since she is your contracted spirit After spirits form contracts with humans, most live in the masters magical worlds, awaiting the masters summon. However, humanoid spirits arent the same as the rest of the spirits, they have the option to live a normal life like humans do Like just now, when you felt as though you were on the brink of death, she felt your spiritual tremor and knew that you were in danger. This caused her to use teleportation magic to transport herself to your side.

So, that was what happened Freed, my back hurts a lot, my bone wouldnt have been shattered, would it?

Youre fine. Right when you were about to get knocked over by that earth type demon, we adjusted the dragon power within your body, and focused it on your back, reducing the damage that you took from that hit by ninety percent.

The damage that I had taken was already reduced by ninety percent? Is that for real? I only felt ten percent of what that demon had dealt me? This just how strong is this demon?

Humph it is just that you are too weak Relax, you just need to wait a little while and you should be fine. Right now, the dragon power is being turned into curative power to heal you.

Dragon power even has this kind of use? No wonder a moment ago, I felt like I was about to drop dead because of the pain, and now, I just feel that it is really painful, so that was what is happening

Hey! Hurry up and let go, you foolish human! What do you think you are doing, staring at me like that?

When I came to, Reidy had already stood back up. She looked dumbfounded as she stared at her own two hands. Her face had this expression like she couldnt believe what had just happened. She muttered to herself, My magical power even got restored? Just now that feeling so it really is Then, Reidy looked at me suspiciously, You just who are you?

I am just a normal Koff I coughed up some more blood before I could finish my sentence. Freed wouldnt be lying to me, would he? Just now that blood has already been somewhat coagulated.

Hey human, are you alright? Master Reidy and Silent Water asked at the same time.

I am alright no big

Whwho told you to take it upon yourself to shield me you brought it on yourself Reidy put her hands on her hips and turned her face away from me, looking at me like I was the one asking for it.

Hey you! What is the meaning of this? Master got hurt because he was protecting you! Silent Water was angry.

So what? I didnt ask him to help me if that isnt him bringing it on himself then what is? Reidy kind of faltered as she answered Silent Water.

You try saying that again? If Master didnt save you, you would have

Dont worry about it, Silent Water Hmmm? Watch out! That demon isnt dead

When the white fog dissipated, I could see that the demon called Derecho was still standing there. The arms that he used to shield his head as well as his body were impaled with numerous icicles

I didnt thinkyour attack could be this powerful No wonder that arrogant guy died. But regrettably, you have bumped into me The demon was wheezing and gasping as he said this. His voice had a hint of anger in it. It looked like Silent Water had upset him.

The stones in the nearby area floated up in the air, and flew towards Derecho; then, those icicles that were pinned on his body earlier were all pushed out by the rocks he was absorbing, which made him even more brawny. You are very powerful, thats why you have what it takes to enjoy my Gleeful Dirge. Now, lets see whose techniques are stronger, the blocking ability of your Shield of the Water God, or the piercing attack of my Gleeful Dirge.

Right at this moment, a gigantic magic circle appeared above our heads

Enjoy! Savor the time you have left to try to enjoy whatever happiness you can have while lamenting your imminent demise.

The magic circle radiated a black light, then I could see a bunch of sharp stones fall out from the circle overhead, at a slow speed.

Silent Water mobilized two layers of the Shield of Water God, shielding us overhead. Meanwhile, the sharp stones just continued their descent to us. They didnt speed up, nor slow down. They just fell towards us at a constant pace. Then, they pierced through the first layer of the shield; they didnt show any signs of slowing down

How could this be? Silent Water began to panic when she saw that her first layer of water shield had been completely penetrated.

Hows that? Its quite formidable, isnt it? Actually, I deliberately slowed them down, so that I could enjoy that fantastic expression on your face. Derecho let out a hideous roar of laughter.

Freed, the situation is horrible, do you have any idea any idea that can

Let me think disintegrate? Quick quickly now and tell the lightning spirit to discharge her electricity onto the shield.

Reidy, quickly, strike at the shield with your lightning bolt.

Dont order me around, you human. Reidy regained her composure from the shock earlier, then lifted both of her hands up at the shield and shouted, Thunder Cut!

An enormous bolt of lightning struck Silent Waters water shield. Steam rushed out and the area was rapidly covered by a layer of mist

Ridiculous! How could my Gleeful Dirge be The misty steam then quickly dispersed and dissipated into the sky. Above us, Silent Waters water shield was gone, those sharp stones were gone there was nothing left except for the starry night sky.

Freed That was incredible! Just exactly what had happened?

Honestly speaking, that magic of his was very powerful and those stones could pierce through any defensive mechanism, even a dragons scale is no exception But, those stones contain magical power; so in the water shield, under the condition where electricity can electrolyze the water, the electrolysis process generated a great deal of energy and significantly elevated the temperature this disturbed the magical elements within the stones and broke the magic that held them together.

When Reidy saw that all the sharp stones had disintegrated, the concerned expression she had before faded, Even though I dont know what happened, I am sure your death is upon you now, Guntheru.

So, his name is actually Guntheru

Hahahaha Even though you broke down my Gleeful Dirge attack with your puny attacks that neither hurt nor itch me, what harm could you possibly do? When Guntheru saw that we countered his advanced magic, he was only mildly surprised and quickly recovered his composure.

He lifted his hand, that was as big and strong as a tree trunk, and with his fist, he hit the ground. The dust and soil from the ground rose up like a shock wave and came at us

Shield of the Water God!

Silent Water used her Shield of the Water God, but the blast from that shock wave was too powerful. Even though it didnt break through Silent Waters shield, the force knocked the shield into Silent Water and Reidy Bam They were sent flying and crashed into a tree then fell back down hard It looked really painful

Damn it!!!

Kid, do you want to use that?


Have you really thought this through? You have used up quite a bit of your dragon power already. So, to compensate for this, this time around, we will need to burn up more of your soul.

It doesnt matter.

So what if it would burn up my soul? If I had to watch Silent Water and Reidy get hurt, then Id rather die. Even if it wasnt for that reason, if I couldnt kill this demon, we would all die anyway.

Guntheru! I stood up.

Even though my body still hurt a bit, it was basically all healed up.

Oh? Human kid, what do you think you are doing? Just now that attack, did it hit you so hard that you are coming back for more?

You are very powerful.

Yes, I am very powerful. But your spirit isnt bad either. I really dont understand why such a powerful spirit like her would form a contract with a weak human like yourself.

Do you want to know the reason why?



My right hand began to light up with that long forgotten white flame.

SasacredFire? Thats impossible

Guntheru, tremble before me

Stones of Evil!

Guntheru began his magic and those black stones came at me like a fierce rainstorm. But, to me, this was a rainstorm happening in slow motion.

Left, right, left, down, left, left, right

I was like a gust of wind and easily dodged all of Guntherus Stones of Evil. Then, in one punch, with my soul fueled Sacred Fire, I hit him squarely on his body.

Yeowch! Oh! Ahhh

The Sacred Fire quickly spread throughout Guntherus entire body. He screamed for about 2 seconds or so before he was vaporized and vanished into thin air. I couldnt help but be amazed by his power it even took the Sacred Fire that long before it could purify him

That demon actually was about to evolve into a special class demon, so, he was much more powerful than the other demons you have encountered before Meh All in all, you did alright, kid.

Ho thanks for the compli All of a sudden, a wave of extreme fatigue hit me.

Thunk. Before I fell onto the ground, everything in front of my eyes turned pitch black.

Kid, you were really cutting it close this time; you almost bit it.

Yo Freed.

Whats the matter? Knowing that you almost got yourself killed makes you happy?

No It is just that I proved that I had the ability to protect Silent Water

Humph really the resolve to protect her or die trying

My soul, is it almost all used up by now?

Yeah, youve only got that little bit left. I am telling you, kid, even if you have a death wish, you didnt have to do a double whammy, you lit the Sacred Fire and went into wind state at the same time.

But, if I didnt go into wind state, wouldnt I be stopped by Guntherus Stones of something or another back there?

Mmm youve got a point.

Erm I Later on, if I were to release the Sacred Fire again, I will die, right?

More or less. It depends on how far in the future you plan to use it again. If you release the Sacred Fire in the near future, you will die for sure. If you can wait till the dragon power has fully fixed your soul up, then you wont die.

Wait a minute, did you just say that dragon power can fix up my soul?


Why didnt you say something about this before?

Because you didnt have any dragon power before Your body only began to generate dragon power after we were able to interact with you in your conscious mind.

Really? Then, if you were to fix up my soul, how long would it take approximately?

About a month. After all, it isnt that easy to convert dragon power into power of the soul.

So thats how it is

Um, kid, you have been asleep for a while get up now, someone is getting worried

Ack My head hurts; this whats this on my face that is all wet? Is it raining? But how could rain be this warm

After I struggled to open my eyes, in front of me, I saw Silent Waters tear stained face.

Master Silent Water quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and held onto me tightly, her warm tears fell onto my neck.

Si Silent Water I gently and steadily patted Silent Water on her head

Look, you water spirit, like I said before, this human wouldnt die that easily

I took a look at Reidy, who was half kneeling, half sitting in front of me. Her eyes were a bit red. From the looks of it, she must have blamed herself for what happened, thinking that it was because of her that I got hurt, right?

Silent Water I am alright now. Youd better watch out, if you keep on crying like this, I might just leave you here.

Masters a meanie Silent Water stopped crying, let go of me and wiped the tears off her face.

I sat up and noticed that at the moment, I was situated in the same cave that we were in earlier and the sky was already bright.

I how long had I been out?

Two days

Wait two days?

Then, in the Human World, wouldnt this be Sunday morning already? I havent even found Nora Grass yet, and Nagisas father is still waiting for me. I have to hurry up and get back.


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