The Simple Life of Killing Demons

Book 2: Chapter 2: Blockhead, Dragon’s ability, and Satsuki’s mom

Book 2: Chapter 2: Blockhead, Dragon’s ability, and Satsuki’s mom

Volume 2 Chapter 2 Blockhead, Dragons ability, and Satsukis mom

I Nerdy Lin Xiang had a feeling that Kamiki hated me, but "I" assumed that she only hated me for dragging the class rank down.

But now, after experiencing that kind of hostile aura from her for myself, and the disgust she had when I talked to her a few times, I understood that what she hated wasnt me, but some other reason that I dont know about.

Even though she didnt really have this sort of attitude towards all of the other guys, her terrible attitude towards me was obvious.

I carefully recalled whether I had offended her somehow before, but after thinking for a while, I couldnt think of any. Though, I couldnt say that Ive had no interaction with her whatsoever. Aside for Satsuki and Takahashi, the only one who Ive talked to the most was Yamada Yukihito.

Me? I came here with Lin Xiang. Satsuki was curious as to why she asked this, so she replied after looking at me.

Strangely, Kamiki Kuji smiled. Suddenly, she shot a glance at me and held it for a second, making me hold my breath.

Being another one of the popular girls at my school, Kamiki's looks weren't inferior to Satuski's. Furthermore, she had a noble aura that Satsuki didn't have, that added to her character. While her eyes and looks may not be as great as Satsuki's, Kamiki was wise, sharp, and had an ability to see through a persons heart at a single glance. She makes me feel intangibly pressured.

It seemed as if a heavy weight had been lifted off of Kamiki's chest. Sure enough, she heaved a sigh of relief: Is that so? Actually, Lin Xiang-san isnt that bad. In that case, you guys please take your time. I think I still have something else I need to do, so Im leaving first.

After seeing Kamikis figure open the door and leave, I felt happy. Im not sure what happened but I do know that was my first time seeing Kamiki smile.

Lin Xiang ! ! What she said just now. Yuki mistake Italy her. Satsuki, with a reddened face, stuttered like shes speaking some unknown Japanese dialect.

Yuki, Italy, mistake = you better, misunderstand, not?

What Kamiki said just now, was there a special meaning behind it? What Kamiki said just now, was it related to why she was so happy? If I dont understand something, I must ask about it. This has always been my way of life.

After listening to what I said, Satsukis somewhat excited expression had calmed down. She nagged in a low voice: Thats right. a blockhead will forever be a blockhead.

(The previous conversation from Satsukis perspective:

Isnt that Satsuki-san? Someone called out my name, and it was a girl. I turned my head to look, and saw that it was Kamiki-san: Oh? Its Kamiki-san, hello.

Kamiki-san smiled at me: Is Satsuki-san alone? I was never that close to her before, why is she smiling at me?

Suddenly, I remembered that Lin Xiang was standing right next to me! What does she mean by this? Mocking me?

I snuck a glance at Lin Xiangs face. It looked like he was thinking about something and I replied: Me? I came with Lin Xiang. I didnt wish to see Lin Xiang being looked down on.

After listening to my reply, Kamiki-san looked at Lin Xiang, and revealed a charming smile: Is that so? Actually Lin Xiang-san is pretty good! In that case, you guys should take your time and choose~ Oh, I just remembered that I have something to do, so Ill leave first.

Listening to her words, I suddenly realised it was a pun ! On the surface, she asked us to choose our clothes, but in reality, she must have thought that were going out, right? This is her way of giving us her blessings, right? Even though I admit that I like Lin Xiang, this idiot can win an international prize for being a genuine blockhead!

I peeped at Lin Xiang. he was currently deep in thought while looking at Kamiki's back Wait, don't tell me that this blockhead has finally realised??

Lin Xiang ! ! What she said just nowYuki mistake Italy her. In a moment of excitement, I bit my tongue.

What will he say next? He won't laugh and say : Are we not like how she said?

Unfortunately, theres a huge difference between dreams and reality. All I saw was a face that was deeply pondering: What Kamiki said just now, was there a special meaning behind it?

Hearing his reply, I laughed at myself: Thats right. a blockhead will forever be a blockhead. Why did I even get so excited? He didn't hear what I said that night because he was injured. Furthermore, even after doing so many embarrassing things, he still doesnt understand a thing! So why would a single line with a hidden meaning from Kamiki-san. No! As long as I work hard, Ill definitely be able to make that blockhead change change. change into splithead (splithead is a made up word, Satsuki really couldnt think of any other vocabulary, so she used splithead to show cracking the blockhead open).)

Note: The embarrassing things Satsuki said she did was actually the weird behaviour pointed out by Lin Xiang in the previous chapter.

I only saw Satsuki muttering something, and then she regained her spirit: Theres no meaning! She only said that you must pick nice clothes. Let me say this to you Lin Xiang, for the rest of the day, you need to accompany me.

Okay! Are Kamiki and Satsuki close friends? Was that why she was so happy when there was someone to help pick clothes for Satsuki?

If it really was like this, then why have they never talked to each other before? Forget it, it doesnt matter. All I hope for now is to quickly pick nice clothes for Satsuki so that I can return home and head to the demon world to find something grass? Rano Grass? Or was it Nora Grass?

Sigh, Im getting old. From the looks of it, having memories of both world is the same as me being 34 years old, my memory is deteriorating..

Oh, oh~~~ Satsuki came out from the changing room, and it was a feast for my eyes. I already knew that Satsuki had a good figure, with her being 1.7 meter tall, and having long legs and a small body. Now, shes wearing a sleeveless vest which displayed her white shoulders, blue denim shorts that completely shows her slender thighs, and furthermore, she also wore black stocking that reached to the end of her thighs. This how do I say it? Its sure to make many peoples blood boil.

Afterwards, even though Satsuki wasn't sure if her clothes matched, after I took a look, she immediately decided to buy it. I took a look at the price tag. That sleeveless vest actually costs 6k, and the denim jeans that have little fabric can actually cost up to 11k?? If you add another 1k to the denim jeanss price, it would be the same as the beautiful blue dress that I bought for Silent Water. Did the store switch to a black-hearted manager? 100 Yen = 6 RMB

Isnt this too expensive? Satsuki, do you really like it?

Expensive? Is it expensive? I dont think so. As long as it can make a certain someone show some reaction, itll be worth it. After saying some weird remarks, Satsuki continued picking clothes.

Youve worked hard today. Standing in front of Satsukis house, Satsuki said to the me who was covered in bags.

Uh its not hard, its not hard. Open the door, Im going back after I put down the bags. If it was the me in the past that was carrying these bags, I would be exhausted to death. Now that the dragon gods are living inside me, Ive changed into a human dragon. My body was 5 to 6 times stronger than an average human, which was also equivalent to a Battle King class.

But, it was only my physique that had reached Battle King class. I didnt have the ability of a battle king, the ability to apply spirit power to weapons, or the ability to use formidable combat skills. The reason was that my spirit power was very weak.

I thought about it before. Since my spirit power was so weak, and magic power is converted from spirit power, then where did all that magic power that I gave to Silent Water come from? Freed told me. My spirit power capacity should be unable to change. It would always remain this weak, but since theyre living in my body, my body produced a dragons ability that only dragons will have.

Dragons ability, is a really strong ability. A little bit of the dragons ability is able to transform into a Magus class magic power. which is equal to Silent Water absorbing the magic power once. (Recently, it feels that she is absorbing more and more, but the time I can hug her has increased as well, which is really great since I can justifiably hug a girl.)

Even though my bodys dragon ability is able to convert into a lot of magic power, to be able to make use of Freeds special purification ability Sacred Fire, this dragons ability doesnt help much. Probably only about 20% is needed for Sacred Fire. So if I want to use Sacred Fire, I need to burn my soul to make up the remaining 80%. Freed also said that my soul was very powerful. If Im a person from this world, Ill definitely be able to become a Ruling God or Battle God. But the me from the previous world didnt have spirit ability, and the reason why the people here were able to generate spiritual power, was that ever since birth, they were exposed to spiritual ability, so their souls transformed. Thats why they had the ability to produce spiritual power.

When I first heard Freed talking about spiritual ability transforming souls, and souls producing spiritual power, I quickly felt a headache, but I do know one point, and it is that even though my soul is powerful, I wasnt exposed to any spiritual ability, so, I cant produce spiritual power.

Ah ~~ little Risa is back? When Satsuki had just opened the door, a beautiful woman that looked a little similar to Satsuki was standing at the entrance.

Satsuki, who had a terrible expression and was a little flustered, said: Mom.. why are you back so early? Werent you paying a visit to Uncle Mingde?

Sorry about that, a young and beautiful mother suddenly thought of her precious daughter at home, and since shes finally on holiday, she wanted to reward her by cooking for her. And after cooking, she was preparing to go outside to see if her daughter is back yet. Now that mother is feeling guilty. Little did she know that she came back too early, and spoiled her daughters plan. Even though Satsukis mom was speaking from a third person perspective, others were able to understand her. However, the plan that shes talking about, I dont understand what it meant.

I Satsuki only said the word I and her face reddened.

Satsukis mom smilingly looked at the reddened and speechless Satsuki, and gently laughed: What happened? Not going to introduce this young man to me?

He. hes Lin Xiang, dont misunderstand, were just friends. Were really just normal friends. Satsuki quickly pointed at me, trying to emphasise that Im just her normal friend.

I know! Why are you so nervous? I know that you guys are just normal friends. Only normal to the point of going out and buying clothes type of friends ! Mom understands. Satsukis mom raised her voice when mentioning about buying clothes, but I paid no attention to it. Its just that I felt Satsukis mom was unexpectedly reasonable. At first I even thought that shell think that Im Satsukis boyfriend.

Mom! Buying clothes doesnt necessarily mean. Satsukis face became even redder. She glanced at me, and became speechless again while her two delicate finger kept making circles.

Well, even though your dad and I have been busier with our work and rarely come home anymore since you started high school, youre still my daughter, so do you really think mom wouldnt understand you? Quickly come in, look at this girl, making Little Xiang look like a shelf. Even if you like them, was there really a need to buy so much? When Satsukis mom called me Little Xiang, it gave me an intimate feeling.


Relax, unless your dad drinks with your uncle till they collapse, he wont come back.

Oh Satsuki heaved a sigh of relief after hearing her moms words. It should be because her dad doesnt like her daughter bringing a guy back home?

After putting down the bags, I wanted to head home but was persuaded to stay by Satsukis mom. So I stayed over at Satsukis house for dinner. Then, I awkwardly sat on her houses big sofa. Both my straightened hands were placed on my knees to let Satsukis mom look at me.

Hm~~~ thick eyebrows, honest looking, strong and courageous, not bad not bad, my daughters normal friend is pretty good. Satsukis mom laughed and said.

Uh youre flattering me, Aunty. Whats this? This feeling of some weird atmosphere floating around in the room.

Mom, why are you sitting over there? Come here and help me, theres too much food, I cant manage it. At this moment, Satsuki was holding a fish as she said.

Satsuki, youre really great. To tell the truth, I cant really stand your mom. Since just now, shes been asking me question non-stop, as if shes interrogating me.

Aiyo, my good daughter. Mom didnt complain when she made this much food, and youre complaining? Mom only wants to understand more about your normal friend, perhaps in the future.

MOM!!!!! I just remembered. Satsuki interrupted her mom. Even though I kind of want to know what Satsukis mom meant by that, I have a feeling that if she continued to talk, this weird atmosphere would become even heavier: Lin Xiang, didnt you say that you need to make a call to your uncle before dinner? Come with me, Ill take you to the phone.

My uncle? I repeated the statement, unclear of what she meant. After looking at the time, it was already 6, even though the sky wasnt completely dark yet, the sun had already set. Silent Water was waiting for me at home.

Thats right. Aunty, excuse me. Ill go outside for awhile. After speaking, I went outside with Satsuki, and left behind Satsukis mom who was grinning face to face.

Im really sorry. My mom has reached menopause, so shes very annoying. So please dont mind what she said. After closing the living room door, Satsuki had an apologetic face as she said this.

Its fine, its fine.

Okay, then Ill go serve the dish. You can wait outside, for show. Satsuki turned around and went back into the kitchen.

Its not an act, I really needed to make a call. I took out my phone and dialed my houses number, Beepbeepbeep

Hello, this is the Lins residence. As expected of Silent Water, her speaking manner is really polite. Speaking of which, this is my first time talking to her through the phone.

Hello, Silent Water. Its Lin Xiang. Uh tonight, I have something going on, so I cant come back for dinner. You guys go ahead and eat first. Honestly, I really cant come back to eat. You guys must eat without me, understand? Its not that Im naggy, its just that if I dont say it like this, they would definitely wait till I get back home before they start eating.

I understand, master. Silent Water replied and the phone was became quiet.

She hung up the phone? I felt a little suspicious, so I asked again: Silent Water?

Yes? Is there something wrong? From the phone came Silent Waters voice.

No, nothing, ah, thats all, Ill come home later.

Ok. Silent Water replied, and no more sound came from the phone.

Silent Water, this girl, unless I hang up the phone, will she never hang up? Really, how should I deal with her However, with her by my side, it always feels really great.

I said to the phone again: In that case, see you later. And I hung up the phone.

Suddenly, I heard someone knocking on the door so I went and open it. Opening the door, I saw a man with a briefcase under his arm. His body reeked of alcohol and a serious look was on the uncles face as he stood there. He should be a salesman? Hence, I said: Sorry, were not interested in sales.

Oh? Is that so? My apologies, wrong place. Replied the uncle as he turned around and started to leave.

At this moment, Satsuki who was serving the dishes, ran over: Dad?


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