The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Something that could stop an Earthworm that had restarted its roaring noisily around did not exist in this ara.

The running, sprinting, and dashing continued.

When it turned to night, the Earthworm that Luuty was handling finally stopped its progress.

This was simply due to the fact that Luuty, who had continuously poured magical power into the magic ball, was fatigued, and that field of vision becomes smaller when it is nighttime.

It would be a big problem if they blew away a caravan that was encamping at night on the path or something.

Due to that, Shions group ended up passing the night encamped.


Getting down to the ground from the rope ladder, Kain surveyed the area.

At that place where the darkness of night had taken control, Kain was unable to find the person he aimed to be like and was bewildered.

Huh? Shion-dono?

Unable to find the man who should have taken up watch-keeping duty and gone out, when he restlessly looked around, the sound of someone coming down the rope ladder resounded from behind him.

When he reflexively turned around, the Shion that he was searching for was there with an exasperated looking face.

What are you doing?

Eh, um. Shion-dono, I was looking for you

Climb on up. What do you think the Earthworm is for.

Thats right, in this place, Shions group didnt create a single fire.

The existence of the Earthworm was a huge reason for that.

First, one of the reasons to make a fire was as animal repellent.

Animals fear fire.

However, proper animals wouldnt even get close to the Earthworm.

Due to this, one of the reasons to start a fire was erased.

Then, another reason to make a fire was to receive warmth.

However, the area at this time of the year was warm even at night, so the second reason to start a fire was erased with this.

The last remaining reason was to secure light for the sake of being on guard against bandits, but as long as one was looking down from on top of the Earthworm, a surprise attack was probably unlikely unless they were negligent.

Therefore, the reasons for starting a fire were completely erased, and it was only natural for even the watch-keeping to primarily be done on top of the Earthworm.

The reason why Kain was unable to find Shion was due to Shion getting on top of the box which had the best view, and was doing the watch-keeping from there.

So, did you need something?

After Shion returned to the top of the box while saying that, Kain imitated him and also got on top of the box.

The box, which did not make a creaking sound even with two men on top of it, possessed a durability that would be unbelievable for even high-grade carriages.

Yes, its because we havent really had a chance to take our time and talk after all.

I dont think there was really anything to talk about though.

That might be true.

Whats up with that.

In response to Shion making a face that said that he found this incomprehensible, Kain scratched his head looking troubled.

After having his gaze wander in midair as if searching for words, Kain returned his gaze to Shion.

Shion-dono, youve gone on adventurers going all over, havent you.

If we limit it do within this country, then somewhat.


Shion was at a loss as to how he should answer Kains question.

Even if he asked him why, there was no way he could answer him.

He did have an answer.

For the sake of the Mazoku of the Dark Continent, he would crush any problems before it turned to needless strife.

That was all it was.

However, there was no way he could tell him that so frankly.

That is why Shion answered like this.

Is a reason really needed?

With those words, Kain said nothing and gazed at Shions eyes.

Making a small smile in the end, Kain shook his head sideways.


Did you want to ask about that sort of thing?

With those words, Kain said nothing and looked up at the night sky.

The sky that the red moon and the stars floated in, it was cloudless.

After looking up at that and breathing a small sigh, Kain muttered a couple of words.

I was just thinking, what I should do.

What are you talking about?

About the future.

In other words, he was probably looking for counseling.

Noticing that, Shion also breathed a sigh in his mind.

Something like a Human receiving counseling from the Demon King wouldnt even be a funny story, but it couldnt be helped since the current Shion was acting as a Human Adventurer.

Even if you talk about the future, youre the son of a Baron House, arent you?

Thats right.

In that case, theres no need for you to worry about anything, is there.

If he was the eldest son of the Baron House, he could just inherit the house, and even if Kain were the second son, a young lady with a family name that clearly liked KainSharon was there.

In this Shutaia Continent, the ones that possessed family names were either nobles or merchantsAnd since they were wealthy merchants at that, he didnt think that there would be any sort of anxiety for Kains future.

That certainly is true but

In that case, what are you worrying over?

Most likely, this was a worry that anyone would have once in their life, is what Shion thought.

Anyone would worry and wonder of they themselves were fine with just this.

There are times where even when one does not clearly know what they should do, they vaguely feel that they cannot continue on as they are now.

Thinking that Kain was surely also like that, Shion breathed a sigh in his mind once again.

He had no obligation to go along with him, but since it would also be a pain to push him away, Shion decided to go along with the young mans worries, and silently waited for Kains words.

I, have the power to fight.

Thats true.

According to Sharons father, I also seem to have the resourcefulness for a merchant.


But I, also have my duty as the eldest son of a Baron House. I need to guide the people of my territory

Mhm, mhm.

I dont know which path would be right to go downAnd although the reason why we came here was to get strong enough to be able to exterminate monsters that not even a knight order would be able to deal with, that would be useful in either path.

While making noncommittal interjections to show that he was paying attention, Shion breathed a sigh.

In short, this guy called Kain, he was an extremely talented, earnest man.

And since he had a high social position and connections on top of that, he was hesitant on what would be the best thing for him to do.

In life, there are many times where there is no answer as to whether or not doing something was correct.

The only one that would have a clear answer would probably be the Hero.

If one was the Hero, bringing peace to the world was the sole correct answer.

An example of a Hero that chose a path other than thatfor the time being, Shion did not know of one.

However, since Kain didnt have something like that, he was lost.

Shion thought that them travelling together on this request had most likely brought this worry about.

Townsfolk that feared Ogres.

A feudal lord that essentially let the townsfolk that he was supposed to protect die without helping them.

Adventurers that have gone on an expedition in order to defeat the Ogres and protect the townsfolk.

This reality had made Kain lose his way.

Something like the necessity to guide a Human, Shion didnt feel that at all.

However, Shion spoke with a sigh mixed in.

Its fine if you live as you like.


Kain opened his eyes wide in surprise at Shions words.

You should just worry plenty about it, then go down the path that you think is best. If you can also see what it is that you want mostThen that is probably the correct one.

Those were words he could say because he was a man that didnt have that in his previous life.

Those were words he could say because his meaningless and worthless life had come to an end.

And then, those were words he could say because he had that in his current life.

They were words he could say because he was living his life running about for the sake of what he personally desired.

Seeing it end, it was a meaningless and worthless lifesaying something like that, would be way too sad, wouldnt it?

As if ruminating over those words, Kain closed his eyes.

Thats true.

Thank you very much.

Kain muttered that.

Shion did not reply with anything to those words, and while thinking that he said something out of character, he looked up at the pale moon.

Chapter 44


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