The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 92 - Ninety-Two : It Was Time To Begin

Chapter 92 - Ninety-Two : It Was Time To Begin

Trevor knew something was definitely wrong, something was wrong with his family. Why was their mom so unconcerned about her daughter, Lia?

It was as if their mom had bipolar disorder, after she had heard of the news of the incident, she was so restless, angry and depressed that she couldn't think straight; she just wanted to see her daughter.

Until Principal Asher brought news himself that Lia was alright and infact helping Ben who was injured physically, psychologically and emotionally to recuperate and his mom believed him right now.

Without even confirming the news? His mom believed the young, devilish principal that looks like a sheep in wolves clothing right away without objection - how crazy does that sound?

Trevor couldn't exactly wrap his head around what's happening but he felt there was something weird going on in this town; as if he had witnessed it himself.

It was just a feeling

"What are we doing here exactly?" Rex asked with a serious face, staring at the students chattering away their time.

Ah right, he looked down. He was here with Rex, no wonder he hasn't had a moment of peace.

It was strange , very very strange and unexpected when his classmates had knocked on his door and requested him to join them in visiting their injured students at the hospital, huge fat thanks to Caroline's house party.

He would've refused right away had his mom not interfered and added an extra baggage -Rex , to come along.

Trevor was not shying away from socializing; he could hold his own in any discussion with his family members and online but face-to-face, nah , he definitely has no skill in that area.

Sure he could start a conversation like a normal human being but reacting, interacting, reading body language and recognizing conversational cues with other people ? Definitely not his forte.

"Let's give them some time " answered Trevor checking his wristwatch "One or two minutes?"

But as uninterested as Trevor was in their chattering, his ear couldn't help but perk up when he heard this particular news.

"Do you know? I heard Linda moved out of little Town "

" No way " Another denied

"Linda moving out is so yesterday, haven't you heard that Alexa went AWOL " Another voice chimed in.

"You're really telling the truth? " The second voice questioned.

"Of course, you do know my uncle is a deputy sheriff and according to him, her family filed for a missing person report. According to eye witnesses, no one saw her after the party and the lack of CCTV footages after the incident didn't help matters at all "

Trevor frowned , Alexa was missing? It definitely was strange that such a thing happened to the three besties at once ; Caroline was experiencing moderate hearing loss and has to use hearing aids from now on , Linda has moved out of town in a haste and no one knows where she went to - not even her parents and, the other girl Alexa was missing with no clue how to find her . Did they offend God or something?

"There are rumours flying around that Caroline and her minions were playing a cruel prank on somebody when the incident happened? " The First voice disclosed this sudden information.

Immediately Trevor saw the gossips huddle around the girl on her bed and thanks to that, he couldn't understand whatever was said next.

"I want to go home " Rex whined and pulled on his arm.

" Fine " Trevor sighed " let's go home then "

* * *

"What happened? " Her Ladyship asked in horror upon discovering Emily was in a bloody state.

"The gi-" Emily who just staggered into the room while holding her stomach tried to say but instead vomits a mouthful of blood.

She fell to the ground before her Ladyship could catch her and grunted from the impact. Emily slowly stretched forth her hand towards her Ladyship who squatted down beside her.

"T-this " She said presenting the tangled lock of hair before her.

With a complicated gaze, her ladyship took the hairy mess from her, sat on the bare floor and lifted Emily's head off the ground, cradling it in the crook of her arm.

"T...The... gggirl " Emily tried to speak but her Ladyship hushed her at once.

"It's OK, reserve your strength while I heal you" She said softly to the girl- more like assure herself : she knew through the girl's wheezing that she wasn't going to last long.

Emily simply shook her head as hot tears escaped the brim of her eyes. She wrapped her hand around her ladyship's , finally gathering strength and spoke in a strained but firm voice

" M-Make sure to ful.....fill our p-pur...."

But then her hoarse voice faltered and her hand holding unto her ladyship's tightened as if she was fighting for survival. Her eyes widened and her body began to shake.

Her ladyship frantically called upon her magic to heal her but there was little to nothing it could do when Emily become motionless, her hand holding her's dropped to the ground at once as the cold hands of death snatched her away.

Even in death, Emily's eyes were still open starring straight at her and she let out an wild howl. She had seen many deaths since their great establishment but none hurt her like Emily's.

Emily had been like a younger sister to her and thanks to her hard work and devotion, she had taken a liking to her instantly.

But now, she was gone.

Slowly, she closed Emily's eyes with her palm and stood, walking straight to the mirror.

" Ostende mihi quid accidit" she casted a spell and soon the white reflective mirror began to change and like a television, showed the event that transpired and led to Emily's death.

She rubbed her throbbing temple and watched the scene. It was obvious the glass shards from the shattered window had pierced into her coupled with her falling back first from the first storey unto the lawn.Though she had summoned a portal to escape, but the damage had already being done.

Her Ladyship shut her eyes tightly as pain rippled through her. If it was another person, she would have poured out her anger on her but this girl was their very valuable asset - nothing should happen to her.

She picked up the lock of hair she had dropped on the floor and smirked, a cold glint in her eyes.

It was time to begin.


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