The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 240 - Two Hundred And Thirty-four: Asher Would Never Forgive You

Chapter 240 - Two Hundred And Thirty-four: Asher Would Never Forgive You

"Dan, she wants to kill me, help me please" The long-haired Sabrina he had just been with seconds ago lay on the floor, pleading with a weak voice that tugged at his heart.

Dan stood transfixed, what was going on? Why were there two Sabrina? His mouth was agape and he pointed at the both of them.

"Who is the real Sabrina?" The question slipped out of his mouth. Sabrina never told him she had a twin.

"Me!!" Both chorused at once with the same voice and body language before proceeding to glare at each other.

"Dan, it's a lie, don't listen to that imposter" The short-haired Sabrina started," That is Ozark, Raphael's acolyte with the mimicry ability. He's just imitating me,"

"No!" Cried the long-haired Sabrina, "She's the one lying to you and accusing me falsely. She must be a witch hired by Raphael to confuse and bring animosity between us.

Moreover, she possesses magical powers, you know I lost mine, Dan" Long-haired Sabrina defended herself.

A lot of thoughts went through Dan's head, both had valid points but one was lying. Moreover, Sabrina couldn't have gained her powers, right?

"Dan, tell me you're not going to believe what she says?" Long haired Sabrina pressed him.

"Fine, you don't have to believe me, I'll make you believe me"Short-haired Sabrina charged at him, lacing her fist with magic, and swung a punch at him.

Dan vanished at that moment, reappearing at her back but she somehow premeditated his move and hit him with her elbow.

He staggered back and vanished again but just when everyone thought he was going to go back at attacking her, Dan reappeared behind the long-haired Sabrina and broke her neck.

Long-haired Sabrina fell to the ground and before everyone's eyes, her form shifted to Ozark drawing a gasp of disbelief from Dan's lips.

"You believed me" Sabrina was giddy with delight hence threw herself at Dan who caught her as she hugged him tightly.

"How did you know it was me?" She glanced up, curious to know.

Dan smiled, "Nobody has that fiery temper nor swing a punch like you," he told her, then kissed her till she was breathless out of excitement.

"Oh my God," Sabrina said with dread when she glanced at the empty spot Ozark had been lying seconds ago.

"He's gone!" She freaked out.

"Who is ..?" Dan was stunned too when he discovered Ozark missing. The son of a biscuit must have taken advantage of the distraction and left.

Sabrina stomped her feet in anger, "We have to find him"

Dan gripped her arm assuredly,

"Don't worry, we'd find him soon"

"No, you don't understand!" Sabrina took his grip off her," He's going to inform Raphael that I'm alive and we've found out and there would be an emergency alteration to their plans"

Dan's brows furrowed together, "What do you mean that you're alive? Were you dead before? What are you not telling me, Sabrina?" He peppered her with questions.

Sabrina licked her lower lips and gulped," I lied to you all, Dan"

"What are you talking about?" His expression turned serious," Talk to me, Sabrina!"

"I never lost my powers"


"That night you all thought I lost it, that was just my copy. I somehow had a premonition that such a thing was going to happen and sought out Raphael for help which he did but on one condition, I owed him a favor"

Dan unconsciously took a step back, "You betrayed Asher" his face displayed diverse emotions all at once as the truth dawned on him.

Sabrina shook her head, " I didn't mean to, Raphael gave me no choice and it never crossed my mind that he would ask for such an absurd demand "

Dan's face darkened as if a storm was brewing "What did you do, Sabrina?"

Her gaze held his, "I exchanged their souls"

"You did what?"

"It was supposed to be just for two days but Raphael betrayed me and went ahead with his plan, thinking I was dead"

"I'm so disappointed in you, Sabrina!" He reproved her angrily, "Asher would never forgive you for this"

"I know and I'm going to make repercussions for my sins. I'm truly sorry, Dan"


"Take me, Asher"

Raphael grinned, that was the only word he needed all this while.

"Of course, my lady"

There was a predatory glint in Raphael's eyes. Just like a lion who had searched for his meal for long and had finally cornered his prey, he was going to savor this moment for eternity.

Just as his hand moved to undress her, he was suddenly yanked off the bed by the hair.

"You son of a biscuit!" Electra flung the bastard off her father's mate. She had resolved to remain neutral in this fight but she couldn't stand the sight of that bastard taking what doesn't belong to him.

Yes, she hated that man called her father yet this was his mate and no one but her has the right to lay a finger on that freak. She would be the one to call the shots here.

"You! I know you!" Lia pointed at her angrily. She was furious over being interrupted and seeing Asher assaulted as well.

"Yes, it's me, you brainwashed fool," Electra spat at her, feeling the urge to throttle her. How could she be rolling in bed with her father's enemy, no scratch that, that man's enemy?

"You were the one who tried to kill me" Lia recognized her.

"Yes, I know, you're one damn lucky bitch to have escaped from my hands and an even greater idiot to be sleeping with that conman," Electra told her crudely.

The vampire was exasperated, why was she even bothering to go to this length for that man who had contributed nothing to her life? It was frustrating.

Lia released a feral growl," You can treat me the way you want but I won't have you speak to Asher that way!"

"That man right there is not -" Electra was interrupted when Raphael gripped her by the neck, lifting her off the ground.

Raphael would not sit and watch her destroy his plans. But something was striking about the girl, especially her eyes-Raphael swore It looked exactly like his brother's.

Suddenly, he remembered Trevor's question days ago which made his eyes widen. At first, that question seemed absurd considering the fact Antonio never found his mate and his mother was the only woman he loved, so there was no way Asher could have gotten a secret sister.

Moreover, the time frame didn't match, Antonio died centuries ago but this vampire here was young, he surmised she shouldn't be above a hundred or two hundred.

Yet the more Raphael stared at this arrogant youth struggling in his grip, the more he saw similarities between her and Asher.

Immediately, his eyes brightened with the realization, could it be that she wasn't a sister? But a daughter instead?

Asher has a daughter? How amazing! Things were just getting better, Raphael thought. If there was one thing he knew about Asher, it was the fact that the pretentious vampire had his own taste of women before his mate came around - like which vampire wouldn't, they live for a very, very, long time.

"Asher" Lia called out.

Asher had an odd look on his face that was giving her the creeps. She gets that the girl almost killed her and insulted him but killing her would not solve everything; violence was never the right answer.

"Asher, don't kill her" Lia pleaded on her behalf.

"Go back!" Raphael yelled at her, he needed no distraction in this plan of his.

Lia didn't know what happened but she felt this force overtake her body and the next she knew, she found herself walking back to the bed, sitting down obediently. What the hell?

Raphael was stunned, at the most he had expected Lia to back away but he never thought she would obey him like someone compelled to do so. Could it be that ….

Raphael didn't have time to think further because someone dropped into the room through the large window sending glasses flying about.

That momentary distraction caused his grasp on the girl to loosen and Electra set herself free, crawling back on all fours with terror evident in her eyes.

Raphael was bewildered when the real Asher in his body landed in the room. How was that possible? How had he escaped from his father?

His question was answered with a powerful kick to the face sending him sprawling across the room. Asher was quick on his feet and pounced on Raphael who was yet to recover.

Lia was flabbergasted, what was going on here? Why was Raphael here and why was he attacking Asher. She wanted to attack Raphael but for some strange reasons, she felt some kind of pull to him which made her hesitate.

At first, Asher was gaining the upper hand until Raphael trapped him with the earth part of his ability. His evil brother overpowered and had him on the ground with his hand moving to his chest.

Lia was at a crossroad of turmoil,? Asher was about to end Raphael but she didn't want him to. But she had heard of what Raphael did to Asher during her absence, so she should be furious, not sympathetic.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Lia saw that female assassin try to take out Asher from behind. Lia panicked, she wouldn't let anything happen to her mate.

Everything happened too far.

Just as Raphael lifted his hand to rip out Asher's heart, the girl also did the same and Lia screamed.

Electra was thrown off her target by an incredible force but Raphael successfully ripped out Asher's heart half a seconds before he was blasted away too.


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