The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 227 - Two Hundred And Twenty-seven: The Council Head

Chapter 227 - Two Hundred And Twenty-seven: The Council Head

"When she rises, death and blood follows her trail," Gazia pointed to Cassie, "I believe that was the prophecy our young seer here foretold"

Cassie lowered her head, she felt shy and intimidated sitting amid these great and powerful personalities. They were the seven main council leaders and it was their sole responsibility to watch over the seven continents of the world.

She had always held the view that these people were supreme beings that deserved to be revered for their achievement so far thus, being in the same conference room with them and stumbling upon the realization that they were mortal like her just with higher sovereignty and capability and not spirits, made her heady.

Ian, the fine young man sitting directly beside her and winking at her from time to time was the head in charge of Asia.

Though he looked like a young lad around the age of twenty with his almond-shaped eyes, sparkling white teeth enhanced with magic, ink-black hair, and brown eyes, Cassie knew that every head was up to four hundred years at the minimum.

They used high-level spells that might take a beginner witch a hundred years to master and extend their life.

Apart from that, they also swapped lifespan or steal a life -as she calls it - just like they had done to her mother.

Sometimes, criminals or traitors weren't killed physically by the council. They would search for a Council head whose lifespan was nearing his or her end and interchange it with the traitor.

Meaning they got to live as young and longer as they wanted while the victim who now bears their time-worn lifespan dies in their place when the appointed time is up.

Cassie didn't exactly like the council due to the hard feelings she had towards them but having been trained up by Aunt Miranda who was an avid follower of the council, the feeling of loyalty was inculcated in her too with time.

Moreover, this particular male council head had a very, very, huge reputation with women. Apparently, with his good looks and charms, he had captured and dated thousands of women than he could remember - as the rumors say.

There was Vashti, the dark-skinned woman with a professedly indifferent look and in charge of Africa. She had red box-braid, wide black eyes that scanned everyone around the table with red lipstick on her thick lips.

Vashti was tough to deal with.

And of course, Selena, the council head overseeing North America and was quite a beauty.

She was a brunette with enticing amber orbs, bow-shaped mouth; that she had caught Ian staring at from time to time, an attractive thigh; that peeked out from the slit in her dress with long, smooth, straight legs; that she too was in awe of and full round breast that was barely hidden by the red dress she was wearing.

From their interaction so far, it seems Vashti had bad blood with Selena cause she had seen the cold murderous look the dark-skinned women had passed Selena when their eyes met.

There shows up Pharrell, the council head controlling South America, the middle-aged man with a blonde buzz cut and bronze-colored skin that looks bored out of his mind. He would tap his feet rhythmically from time to time as if the last place he wanted to be was here.

Another was Kun, the pale-skinned man who was the council head looking over Antarctica. The man was as white as snow could be, with long blonde hair that was pulled into a ponytail and lips as blue as someone without a drop of blood in his system that made Cassie wonder if he lived underwater or something - all that was missing was a merman tail and a trident.

Next was Dixie, the blonde woman with blue eyes and tiny lips that was tilted to the side with her legs crossed over the other, taking in the scene with an amused glint in her eyes and she governing the European continent.

Last but not the least was Eleanor, the redhead who had been silent from the beginning of this meeting to now. She had a serene demeanor and was the council head in charge of the Australian continent.

But as powerful as these heads were, they could not run a continent by themselves else they would be overridden with responsibility.

So, therefore, they had personal overlords and numerous subordinates, and Gazia turned out to be Selena's overlord; she was the council head in charge of Little Town and Its corresponding cities and towns.

"She's quite young," Dixie finally spoke, pointing out that the girl was too young to give an accurate prophecy.

"Seconded" Pharrell supported.

"There are many seers out there, why is she the only one who has seen the prophecy? Perhaps, this is Selena's ploy to draw attention to herself" was Vashti's opinion on the problem at hand.

Selena sprang to her feet with her face distorted in anger, "Why would I do such a thing? Bitch, you must be pissed off at me because of that incident"

Vashti leaped to her feet with a low growl, "I'll rip that pretty face of yours" she was still saying and with a tilt of her head, magically threw Selena across the room, had her sliding across the floor till she bashed herself against the door

Cassie was so frightened that a startled scream was brought out from her lips. Were they always this violent with each other?

Selena couldn't take this insult lying down and though still on the floor, cast a spell that set Vashti's hair on fire and lifted her off the ground as she hovered in the air unstably.

"Alright, you both knock it out!" Kun and Dixie spoke simultaneously.

"Ladies, Ladies, calm down. I'm enough for the both of you" Ian said, pointing to his chest with a lewd grin, earning a glare from Eleanor- the man-hater. The witch had enough heartbreaks than he could recollect.

Kun and Dixie successfully separated the both, extinguishing the fire from Vashti's hair which produced a sulfurous smell that clung to their noses.

"You both have dropped so low that you fight in front of our guest?!" Dixie scolded them harshly, hinting that Cassie was a newcomer, unlike Gazia who had an idea of their cat and dog fights already.

Cassie had to say, her image of the council heads has crumbled instantly for eternity - Selena was her favorite.

"If I hear any denigratory comment or involve your private beef here again, head or not, the majority of us would penalize you" Kun, the strict, cold man threatened the women who were still glaring daggers at each other yet had to unite in fear of losing their position.

"But I think Vashti made a point," Dixie remarked, " Why?" She pointed at the young seer, "Is she the only seer who has received the prophecy?"

"You're right? We should have received about five or more reports by now from different seers across the world" Pharrell supported once more.

"Are you trying to say she made this up?" Gazia asked, "I was there when she said those, and I'm knowledgeable enough to distinguish between a fake and real prophecy"

"The girl's inexperienced and might have interpreted the message wrongly, we all know first-timers make a lot of mistakes" Eleanor made her point known.

"Still, we shouldn't be careless about it" Kun warned," There must be the reason why the girl is the only seer who received that vision, moreover, the recent increase in death is a cause for alarm."

"You've said it all, thank you," Selena appreciated Kun for indirectly defending her crushed pride since no one believed her.

She added, "Rumors are going about of the emergence of the dark witches and Burning Eaglets"

"The Burning Eaglets were exterminated, those must be copycats," Dixie asserted.

"This town has always been an interesting one," Ian mused.

"We wiped away the Burning Eaglet during the great purge and even killed her,"

The moment Vashti said "Her" everyone's gaze connected, they didn't say a word yet their gazes said it all.

"Who is her?" Cassie blurted out,receiving scotches in return.

"You're not to say a word unless told to, understood?" Selena who she had thought to be the nice one told her with a stern voice.

Cassie gulped, "Yes, head leader Selena" she took her gaze away, biting down on her lips. She just asked a question, why was everyone so tensed up?

"Are you trying to say that her prophecy and this new emergence of the fallen dark witches are connected?" Ian asked a reasonable question for once

"I think we're missing the point here." Dixie started," The young seer gave the prophecy, why don't we inquire of the girl what she had seen in the vision?" She suggested.

"You're right" Pharrell, the yes-man agreed once more.

Cassie fidgeted about in her seat, she was sweating and her breath became heavy.

"Fine" Selena turned around to Cassie, "Tell them, young seer, what you had seen in the revelation"

"I-I " Cassie stammered, unsettled by the number of curious heated orbs staring at her with expectation.

"Hey, it's okay" Ian, the casanova squeezed her hand assuredly, "We are not going to eat you unless you want me to eat you"

"Seriously Ian, have some dicknity and let the poor girl speak!" Eleanor insulted him.

"I actually can't remember much but I saw corpses, a pile of them; bodies on top of bodies with blood flowing out of them like a stream "

"So in one word, you're trying to say you don't know the perpetrator's identity?" Vashti questioned her.

"I told you I don't remember much, the memory's hazy"

Vashti sighed, turned to her brethren, "Brothers and sisters, we are responsible for billions of lives across the globe, I don't see why we should dilly-dally on this anymore. The seer obviously doesn't know what she saw"

Anger like no anger coursed through Cassie's vein and she shot up to her feet, banging her hand hard on the long rectangular table.

She screamed, "If you don't trust me then you shouldn't have killed my mother, she would have made a better seer than me"

By the time the adrenaline rush expired, Cassie realized she was doomed.

"You're dismissed" Was the only word Selena said to her.


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