The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 218 - Two Hundred And Eighteen: Murder Caroline

Chapter 218 - Two Hundred And Eighteen: Murder Caroline

"Well, well, well, what have we here? Your royal highness finally decided to grace us with her presence" Caroline taunted her.

Lia didn't bother to glance up, some people were not worth her time but Caroline's next comment made her head whip around to her.

"How has your honeymoon with Daniel been?"

She scowled, then it dawned on her that this was the reason behind Caroline's intense glowers since yesterday.

The girl must have somehow found out about her and Daniel and now was expressing her disappointment at failing to capture her mate.

But Lia was not troubled, Caroline found out about them, so what? She was not afraid of anyone bullying her contrary to Daniel's thoughts.

At the moment, she was more concerned about her mate who was standing at the frontline of an impending battle.

"It must have been fun, wasn't it? Fooling the rest of your classmates and laughing at them in the back for their ignorance" Caroline jabbed her on the chest.

"Piss off" Lia hissed at her, getting irritated by her bothering - the girl was starting to get on her nerves.

Their fierce interaction attracted the attention of other students who gathered around them hungering for good gossip - and hopefully, fighting.

"I bet you missing a bed in the dormitory was staged on purpose so you could spend more time with your boyfriend, who happens to be the chief"

"That is enough!" Ben yelled and got in-between the two parties, he would not stay still and watch that blonde witch bully his goddess.

"Even if Daniel turned out to be her boyfriend, how is that any of your business? This trip was organized by the school principal, not him" he pointed out, defending his goddess.

Caroline's expression darkened,

"Why didn't she say anything- ?"

"Why should she say anything, it's her boyfriend, not yours, for christ sake!" Ben raised his voice on her for the first time in history.

Caroline's jaw ticked, she drew nearer to Ben and pushed him on the chest, "Since it's not our business, who invited you into this conversation that clearly isn't your business?"

"Lia is my friend, so I have every right to butt into her business"

Lia was surprised at Ben's courage that she was almost moved to tears, that cute weirdo was finally growing up. She didn't interfere, this was Ben's stage and his time to shine - she'd applaud from the sideline.

Ben went on, "Just because you're rich and got the looks - which isn't greater than Lia's - you think everyone's going to be into you? Well, sorry to disappoint but it's only animals who have multiple partners!"

The crowd hooted and cheered the heaving Ben who felt like a weight was finally taken off his shoulder. He had wanted to tell Caroline that for a long time and for the time ever, he stood up for a friend without fear of getting bullied.

There was a short silence as Caroline looked between him and Lia with a stupefied expression before roaring, "How dare you talk to me that way you nerdy turd!"

The moment Caroline lifted her hand to slap Ben, Lia reflexively marched forward and held her arm, stopping her intention.

But it seems Caroline anticipated her interference because what she never expected was for that witch to punch her right in the face.

Lia's face whipped to the side from the heavy impact, her hand moving to wipe away the blood from the corner of her lips.

"Oh now I'm angry"

Before anyone could stop her, Lia had lunged forward with great speed, tackling Caroline to the ground as they pulled at each other's hair.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The cheery onlookers boosted their fighting morale.

"I've taken your shit for too long" Lia who was sitting astride Caroline, ripped her hands away from her hair and slapped her cheeks repeatedly.

The hybrid purposely controlled her strength having known if she goes full attack mode, she'd murder Caroline in cold blood.

"I will kill you" threatened Caroline who was lying beneath Lia and receiving the agony of her continual slaps.

The scene was quite hilarious to the kids who had their cameras on and recording the fight. Two of Caroline's minions tried to help her out by taking Lia unaware but the girl was quick with her dodging.

She flung one who bumped into the wall and fell, spearing the other one in the stomach before returning to Caroline.

"Lia, stop!" Ben tried to stop the fight but Eric held him back.

"What are you doing?" He frowned down at Eric's grip on his arm.

"Don't be such a pooper, allow the girls to release those pent-up anger. You're not going to lie that you haven't noticed the tension between both?"

It sounded fun the way Eric said it but Ben knew how easily Lia could lose control and hurt- if not murder Caroline.

Eric smirked secretly, he had noticed that Lia had a problem with control, and anger seemed to be the best approach for her to lose it.

Wouldn't it be fun if Lia goes all ballistic and kills Caroline? It'd be more fun exposing the girl to the whole world then.

Ben brushed Eric's grip away saying,

"You're sick"

He proceeded to the center of the fight and tried to pull away Lia who was bashing Caroline's head against the ground obsessively - she was slowly losing it - yet failed.

His goddess was too strong for him and he couldn't have been more grateful when Dan who he hadn't seen for a while now, burst into the room, shoved the idiots cheering the fight on from his path and pulled Lia away from Caroline who was in a sorry state.

There were numerous slap imprints on her face, bleeding from the nose, and some missing strands from her hair.

"See what she did to me" Caroline cried out but Dan ignored her, throwing the furious Lia over his shoulder and walked out of the door with her. The gossipy students tried to go after him but the guards who had arrived with Dan blocked the door.

"You're a complete asshole," Ben told Eric right in the face before leaving to another side of the room, he couldn't stand that psycho.

"You're welcome" Eric threw his hands up in the air.

He moved to Caroline who sat on the floor bawling her eyes out and offered her hands to her.

Caroline looked up at the hands stretched towards her, "You fool!" She hollered, "Where were you when she did all these to me?" She gestured to her body.

Eric sighed, "You shouldn't have started a fight, you wouldn't finish," he said in a bored tone.

"You're such an incompetent bastard" she cursed at him without noticing the way Eric's eyes darkened.

"Get away from me, I don't need help from losers like you!"

"With pleasure" Eric drawled, disappearing out of her sight much to Caroline's shock.

She had expected Eric to plead for her forgiveness since he was head over heels in love with her and would do everything to make her happy? Yet that didn't happen, but why? He had been following her around like a cute little puppy since the first day they met. Why was he now behaving differently?

Caroline clutched her fist with hatred in her orbs, this was all Lia's fault. Her life has been going normally until that girl came along. The popularity, attention, love? She had everything until Lia came along and jeopardized everything.

Fine, since the girl was physically stronger than her, she would find her weakest point and the darkest secret to bring her down - that was a promise.

Eric shook his head, this Caroline girl was not granting him what he wanted, it seems he has to go for plan B.


Lia fought against Dan's iron-clad hold, she could use her other ability on him but she was in werewolf territory and couldn't ascertain the level of the damage if indeed she screams.

Dan entered an empty room and dumped her unceremoniously on the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He didn't give her breathing space.

Lia shot up to her feet," What is wrong with me is that I'm defending a friend who was almost bullied right in front of me! "

"You could have killed her!"

"Then that would be one less scum occupying earth's oxygen"

Lia regretted saying that out loud, she really didn't mean that and it had come from Lolli.

"Fine, go ahead and kill her! Let's see who would wrap up that mess for you cause trust me, I have enough responsibility on my head which doesn't involve dealing with your little drama!" Dan said in an outburst.

Lia was stunned but she had a feeling her fight wasn't the only thing that elicited this kind of reaction from Dan.

"What is going on with you?"

"None of your business" Dan said, as usual, the stupid vampire likes to deal with his problems alone.

He tried to grab the doorknob and leave but Lia was faster than Dan, blocking him from leaving the room.

"It is my business if you're going to transfer your aggression on me!" She told him firmly.

Dan licked his lips, "I teleported back to Little Town just to check up on my precious girlfriend, only to discover she was cheating on me "

"Wow" Lia was stunned.

Dan added, "With a girl"

"F*ck " She said this time.

No wonder she had not seen him for a while now, he must be so heartbroken. Wait a minute, do vampires get heartbroken since they have no heart?


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