The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 197 - One Hundred And Ninety-seven: The Alphas Girlfriend

Chapter 197 - One Hundred And Ninety-seven: The Alpha's Girlfriend

Lia's face was getting increasingly darker by the growing minutes that even Ben who was known to tease her till she was red in the face stayed away.

Both the medium and vampire knew the reason for her blizzard-like gaze and couldn't help but shiver, jealous women were dangerous.

Lia clenched her fist, her eyes settling on the faces of each of the girls that laughed, smiled coyly, flipped hair, wink, bite down on lips, or stare at her mate with lustful eyes.

Can't a lady get a man here?

She also glared at her mate who was indulging those lusters in a discussion. He was enjoying his time with them, wasn't he? There was a smile on his face and responded to all of their eager questions.

The large receiving hall was currently and temporarily adjusted into the dining room to receive everyone.

Two large rectangular dining tables accommodated the whole students and when everyone thought the chief would take the head table, Daniel simply took out a seat and sat directly across his mate to everyone's surprise.

But his attention was monopolized by those girls who even applied makeup to come for dinner - won't the heat ruin it? Taking your lipstick smeared food into your body, wasn't it unhealthy?

Some girls were just plain stupid but that realization still didn't stop Lia from getting jealous. Fine, since her mate won't give her the attention she wanted, she would take it.

Ben saw the evil grin on Lia's face and choked on his food, his goddess was becoming scary recently. What mischievous plan does she have up her sleeve this time?

Since no one was paying attention to her, Lia noiselessly dragged her seat further closer to the table before lifting her leg and began her blind search.

Unfortunately, her leg hit Dan's by mistake, and their eyes collided,(>>). Both of them began an intense stare-off, their gazes communicating secretly:

Dan: You sly wolf, what are you planning now?

Lia: pretend you didn't feel anything, it's none of your business

Dan: Just know I've got my eyes on you.

Lia: Look who's scared of you, blah.

Dan took his eyes off, he didn't know what she was cooking but as far as he wasn't her target, he'd happily turn a blind eye.

" Daniel sir, " one of the girls began.

"Just call me Daniel," he told her with a smile.

The girl felt like fainting, he just smiled at her? Did anyone see those white attractive canines? God, she needed air.

"So Daniel " Caroline took over from the stupid girl swooning over the werewolf after she passed her a disapproving look.

"Tell me, just out of curiosity though" she clarified, but who was she deceiving "You live here all alone?"

"Yes, but not really. I have my relatives here with me, some pack - " he was brisk in correcting himself 'I mean cabinet members and the staffs who keep this place in order"

Gosh, it was so difficult dealing with humans; he had to watch his words carefully to avoid exposing their kind.

Daniel took a glass of water and was gulping it down his throat when the next question came.

"So no girlfriend?" Caroline asked.

But it was not the intensity of the question that made him sputter and choke on his drink rather it was the sensation that coursed through his body when a certain someone's foot titillated his crotch.

"Oh my God? Are you alright?" Caroline helped him with a tablecloth which he used to wipe himself.

"I'm so sorry, the water went down the wrong pipe" He apologized to everyone.

"No problem" they were willing to forgive.

Daniel's gaze connected with Lia who had a straight face on, as if she had no clue what just happened.

"So, I'm still asking" Caroline pressed, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Just when he was about to answer, her feet began her second attack, his breath became quicker.

Daniel cleared his throat and readjusted in his seat but that distance didn't stop his mate.

"Y-yes, I do have a girlfriend " He managed to say that out, his mate would be the death of him.

The expectant look on Caroline's face froze, how was that possible? She heard he wasn't dating anyone, where did this mysterious girlfriend come out from? But she cracked a smile, perhaps the werewolf was lying?

Daniel gripped the table hard, his face was flushed. The girl was setting him on fire, does she have an idea of how aroused he was?

Lia ignored him and ate her meal while moving her feet up and down his erection, he didn't want to give her attention? No problem, she was good.

"Your girlfriend must be so cool to have a boyfriend like you," Caroline said, with envy noticeable in her voice.

Lia flipped her hair, of course, she was cool; she basked in the glory.

The hybrid was enjoying this moment when she felt her mate's palm close around her feet, halting her movement.

Their eyes met again.

"So where is this girlfriend of yours? You didn't bring her along, I'm sure every one of us would have been so excited to see her " Lia was the one who queried him this time, eliciting a raised brow from him.

Daniel was confused, what game was his mate playing? Fine, he'd play along.

"I would have, but she gets too shy around people thinking she's not worth the attention when in reality she's the most beautiful girl I've seen"

Lia knew he was lying but her heart couldn't help but race, coupled with the fact he was drawing circles in the middle of her feet.

"She has this amazing hair that feels like silk; her eyes an ocean blue that I am willing to get lost staring at forever. I want to kiss those sexy red lips of her and those unholiest places. In one word, I love her " He confessed without taking his eyes off her.

The noise from the kids cooing and cheering the Chief for his bold, hot, and romantic confession echoed through the hall.

Lia went red in the face, what was her mate thinking saying those inappropriate words - well, everyone here was eighteen plus.

She tried to withdraw her feet out of embarrassment but Daniel refused to let her go. He held onto it tighter with a sassy grin while increasing the speed of his circles causing her feet to twitch reflexively.

Caroline frowned, she was displeased. If she had doubted him before, now there was no more room for denial - he truly had a girlfriend.

She saw the look in his eyes, only those in love would have that adoring glint. But she disliked the way he fixed his gaze on Lia, he couldn't exactly be in love with her, right?

A chill washed over Caroline, she replayed Daniel's confession in her head.

Though he didn't give much bodily emphasis on his girlfriend, that ocean blue eyes he mentioned couldn't be a mistake - Lia had blue eyes too.

But Lia and Dan were together, right? Yet she hadn't seen them get intimate with each other.

Suddenly the pieces of the puzzle began to come together, the reason why Lia wasn't able to stay with them in the same room? It was so she could spend them with Daniel because she's his girlfriend!

Caroline gasped in disbelief, they were fooled - she was fooled by their great act.

While all this was going on, Eric who had sat in the furthest seat where he wouldn't be noticed sneaked out of the table and returned to their room.

Without hesitation, he went to Dan's locker which still had the keys in its door, opened it, and pulled out his bag.

Eric had kept a good eye on him earlier before they left for dinner and was smart enough to discover that the vampire had forgotten to take his keys after he closed his locker due to a distraction.

After discovering Dan's ability, he was very cautious especially now they were sharing the same room. But this moment was an opportunity, so he began to search the vampire's bag hoping to see a blood bag or something.

But his frustration increased when he discovered nothing to incriminate? Dan as a vampire. He tossed the bag back into the locker, closed the locker, and turned around only to bump into the vampire in question.

"What are you doing?" Dan asked with eyes narrowed into slits suspiciously.

"I came to relieve myself only to discover your locker was locked with the key in it - I was just about to give it to you" He lied smoothly.

Dan stared at him intensely, for some reason he didn't like this boy. It was obvious he was lying yet his heart pattern remained the same, it didn't miss a beat out of nervousness. Someone this calm…..

The vampire thrust out his hand, "The key? "

Eric placed in on his palm

"Thanks for your attention " He clasped the key and praised the good samaritan.

"You're welcome, " Eric said and left.

Dan opened his locker and smirked, his things were tampered with. Thank God, he didn't keep his blood bags in here.

Dan looked to the door where the boy just left, what was his objective? He has to look into him.


The dining hall had been cleared and the chief organized a small party for the students to unwind and relax. Their exploration would begin tomorrow since it was late.

"Aren't you going to join in the fun?" Daniel sneaked around his mate who sat at a corner of the room unconcerned.

"Not interested " Lia drawled.

"Come on, just one dance " He urged his mate to her feet though she was reluctant.

But the moment Lia stood, her world swirled and blanked.


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