The Science of Cultivation [Xianxia]

Chapter 118: Exploratory Phase

Chapter 118: Exploratory Phase

Not having to be worried about his trial points anymore, Li Lang dove straight into his research. He wanted to identify what spiritual roots were and if they could be increased.

Previously, he had examined several human corpses and learned that the humans in this world were the same as his old world. That meant there wasn’t anything like meridians or spiritual roots to be found. He concluded they must not be something physical. He theorized it was something unseen and only interacted with Qi. As he didn’t have a way to analyze something so ethereal then, he had set the topic aside.

That may have changed recently. From the trials, he received the Vein Flow Calculation Method. It analyzed the Qi properties of materials, so the question was if it would work as well on humans.

That was why his first step was to analyze himself using this new technique. While Qi senses only provided him with information on the physical aspects of what it enveloped, he was hoping the new technique would be different.

At first, it felt strange to use this technique on himself. It made Li Lang think he was treating his own body as alchemy material.

As the new technique began to run its course through him, the first piece of information he received was on the properties of his Qi. Just like the ambient Qi in the air, he felt his own energies were a cocktail of various elements. It was chaotic and tranquil at the same time, with the energies existing in peace with each other.

Then, the next information he got was similar to his Qi senses. It gave him awareness of the shape of his body. Li Lang believed it simply showed where all his Qi were, which was spread evenly around.

The technique finished without providing any additional information, so Li Lang decided to repeat it. This time, he would do so while moving. The third time, while running.

He progressively continued analyzing himself with the Vein Flow Calculation Method while he was doing different tasks. He went through all the basic moves before trying out his various Qi and martial arts. The last test he did before he was satisfied was to scan himself while cultivating.

Once he was done, he sat back and wrote down his findings.

It’s too early to draw any conclusions from a sample size of one. It’s time to find some helpers.

Just like the time with the Cleansing Drug, Li Lang sought out his close companions first. Wei Ping and Long Yi were already familiar with his schtick and did as he instructed. Then, Sima Xue, Huang Si, and Tang Yulian were next to fall victim to his curiosity.

Li Lang repeated the same tests he had done on himself and carefully recorded everything down.

His thirst for knowledge didn’t stop there. After he had gotten his close circle to play along, he began venturing out to the other cultivators.

He started off easy by reaching out to the disciples from Sima Xue’s Nightmoon Valley.

“Junior Di, Zhou, and Jian, can you gather your groups?” Sima Xue requested. “My friend here would like everyone’s help with something.”

“Senior Sima…Is it urgent? I believe all our fellow disciples are quite busy right now.”

“It…isn’t, but I’d appreciate their time. It won’t take too long.”

“I see. Very well then. I’ll go let them know.”

As the three disciples dispersed, Li Lang turned to his friend and nodded appreciatively.

“Thank you. I owe you one.”

“Yes, you do,” she smiled. “You owe me ten servings of tofu puddings once we get back outside.”

“Sure, that’s easy enough. Any idea what I would owe Tang Yulian if I asked for her help with her sect?”

“Hmm, Yulian doesn’t really care about food that much. It won’t be so easy to bribe her. Maybe flowers would work?”

“Well, that sounds like a challenge. I’m not versed in flower language or even know all the flowers that can be found around Emberglow City. How am I going to choose what type to get her from among all the options that exist within the Luminescent Domain?”

“Carefully. Make sure you don’t gift her something with offensive meaning by accident.” Sima Xue giggled. “Maybe if you give me a few more bribes, I can help you pick out the flowers when the time comes.”

While Li Lang was still somewhat cautious toward the girl who had once gotten him into a lot of trouble, all the time they spent together slowly wore down the barriers. He had enough life experiences to know it was counterproductive to hold one-sided grudges. It would benefit all parties if they just got along. After all, Sima Xue never had any malicious intentions toward him.

“Yeah, if Tang Yulian doesn’t tell me what to get her, I’ll need your help.”

Their conversation was cut short when they spotted a dozen people coming toward them. The three juniors from before were among them.

“Senior Sima, all those who are free have come.”

“Good. Thank you for coming everyone. I know you’re all busy with your training, but my friend here would like your help on a small matter.”

Li Lang took that as the cue to step forward.

“That’s right. My name is Li Lang and I apologize for interrupting all of you, but I just needed your help with testing out my new technique. I simply need you to perform various actions while I use it on you. You won’t be in any danger. You can see what I need you to do from this checklist here.”

Li Lang held out his notes to show the audience. Just like with his companions, he didn’t get them to practice their martial and Qi arts, as each person knew different techniques. To obtain results that were consistent, he directed them to perform simple actions that everyone could do, like jumping or directing Qi into their eyes.

“Really?” One of the Nightmoon Valley disciples said with exasperation. “You interrupted me just for this? Senior Sima, while I respect you for your talents and your status, it doesn’t mean you can order us around for trivial matters like this. With our talents, we can’t afford to squander any time during this precious opportunity.”

While only one boy spoke out, most of the others silently nodded in agreement with him.

Before Sima Xue could address them, Li Lang gestured for her to leave it to him.

“Now, now. I understand your frustrations, but you should direct it to me, the outsider who’s making this unreasonable request. I know I’m being a bother, so I prepared a reward that may satisfy you if you help me.”

“Reward? What could someone like you give to all of us? Not to be rude, but I heard you’re a masterless disciple from The Orchid Covenant. Don’t tell me you plan to give us each a Recovery Pill or something and think it’ll be worth our time?”

“No, no. What I had in mind was something more relevant to the challenges you currently face.”

“Go ahead. We’re all ears.”

“I happen to have a knack for finding the crux in how to practice various techniques. If any of you are unsure about anything, you can ask me. I’m sure you guys have many doubts about the new skills you’re practicing, especially when you only had one day to go through the texts.”

“What? You want us to disclose to you our techniques and get guidance from you? Who do you think you are? You’re only in the sixth stage of Energy Gathering!”

“Calm down, everyone,” Sima Xue interjected. “I can attest to Li Lang’s claims and his trustworthiness. I planned to get him to provide his assistance to all of you soon anyway, so this works out. Trust me and accept his offer.”

There was some murmuring between the disciples before they fell silent and nodded.

While they complained and still had their doubts, they couldn’t refute Sima Xue’s words so easily. After all, she was the leader of their group and someone of status within their organization.

I wouldn’t mind leading a bunch of people if they were this obedient. Maybe I should start a sect or something. That way, I’ll have an entire organization to serve as my guinea—no, ‘helpers’.

The tests soon proceeded smoothly after that. The tasks Li Lang asked of them weren’t difficult. It only took some time, as they had to go one by one.

For their reward, they would have to reveal the technique they were having difficulty with, and Li Lang promised to get back to them on another day. The so-called reward was something Li Lang was happy to offer. It didn’t cost him anything, and he could expand his repository of cultivation techniques.

That was because he would be taking advantage of the three artifact spirits’ authorities to review the cultivation techniques the Nightmoon Valley disciples were awarded. He would get to examine various techniques while he helped the disciples solve their issues. It was truly killing two birds with one stone.

Blue had reluctantly agreed to this after confirming it was only possible for techniques they had recently given out. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to help even if they wanted to. They controlled much of the operations pertaining to the pocket realm, but not all of them. Many vital functions required them to have a master to control.

It took the rest of the day for Li Lang to get through all the disciples, but he didn’t stop there. On the next day, he moved on to Tang Yulian’s Eternal Wave Sect. They were even more plentiful in numbers compared to Nightmoon Valley, so he had to spend his entire day with them.

With all the tests completed and recorded, he finally got to sit back and review the results.

He already had an idea from overseeing the tests, but it was important to confirm it by compiling a report. After transforming the raw data into readable information, Li Lang let out a sigh of relief at having completed the paperwork.

Too bad I don’t have anyone to submit it to for peer review, but it should be as I suspected, after all.


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