The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 407 - 405: Acknowledging Their Sibling Bond

He was shocked to hear it so he wanted to clarify after he recovered, "Sister?!"

The only sister he knew of was Jin Li Rong.

"Li Rong, is that you?"

Amelia felt disappointed after her brother couldn't recognize her. She understood him though. After all, they never got the chance to meet each other before.

Sighing, she decided to formally introduce herself, "No, I'm not Jin Li Rong. We haven't met before. But we shared the same father, Fu Ye Feng."

As he heard that name, Jin Jie's expression suddenly changed.

He removed his hand from her hold and then used his elbow to pull himself up so he could lean against the head board of his bed.

"I know you didn't know him but heard of his name, right?" Jin Jie made a short nid as he looked away. His expression suddenly became cold.

"What do you want? If you're here to convince me to help him, kill me instead."

Amelia felt hurt after receiving such coldness. But she couldn't blame him for doing so.

"I only want to meet you, brother. To formally meet you." She was really telling the truth.

She too had a lot of stories to tell. Years of constant abuse from that woman and many more.

She was lucky that someone helped her to escape that torture.

She might not be beaten physically, but she was harmed emotionally and mentally which was the worst of all pain that one could suffer from.

"And no! I'm not here to convince you to join him. I don't even want to acknowledge him as my kin."

Jin Jie finally looked at her in a different perspective.

"Why? You're his grandaughter." He pointed out but instead of getting an answer, he received a question instead.

"Do you want to be his grandson?"

No! He'd rather die than acknowledging him as one.

Amelia didn't ask for his permission and she had decided to sit down on the side of his bed.

"Being a member of this bloodline felt like I'm cursed all my life. I don't want to be related to him but I could not go back and choose my parents."

Amelia sighed as she didn't know if Jin Jie understood her or not.

"I may not be able to choose my family line but I can always choose to be different than them. To walk on a different path."

Jin Jie nodded his head in agreement however, he still asked her.

"What are you trying to tell me?"

"I want to stop him. I don't want him to succeed on his plan. They had hurt and killed my previous family. And I don't want them to ruin another just because of their stupid ambition and plan." Jin Jie could see pure determination in her eyes.

"So you were adopted by another family before they found you?" He wanted to clarify.

"Yes. And they took me away that night, nine years ago. They locked me up inside a facility all these years. They wanted me to forget them but I couldn't. In fact, I wanted to get revenge for what they did to everyone."

"Who are your foster family?" He wanted to somehow paid respect to the family that took her in when she was little.

"The Watsons. Eomma Layla and Appa Nam-joon and Asia-unnie."

Somehow, something clicked inside his head.

"Are you trying to tell me that you're Carmela?"

Amelia looked at him and in a sad smile, she confirmed, "Yes. That's my previous name. After they took me, they changed my name into Amelia."

Wow! What a small world.

"I know you knew about them? I have heard Auntie Sarah and the others talking about you and how you're related to her."

Jin Jie was still speechless!

He couldn't believe that he found out about her in this situation. And she even saved him from possible death.

"I might not know everything but I know they're targeting her and her family."

Before she could continue talking to him, Jin Jie decided to interrupt her by asking, "Wait! How would I know that I can trust you?"

After all, this was the first time she had shown herself to him. He was even unaware that she existed. He thought that Jin Li Rong was his only sister.

"I understand where you're coming from. It's not easy to just trust someone who was still a stranger to you."

"That's right. Look, I'm thankful for saving me. However, I have been deceived by many people, even those closest to me did it."

He was referring to the Jin and the Ling.

She then got up and stood on the floor.

Much to his surprise, she started removing her pants.

"What are you doing?! Stop!"

However, she didn't even listen to him.

It's not easy for Amelia to do this in front of a man even though this man was her brother.

But she had to do it to gain his trust fully.

Jin Jie looked away since he failed to stop her. He was already so embarrassed to look at her and stop her himself.

After she successfully pulled down her pants and exposed her bare thigh, Amelia then spoke, "Please look at me!"

Pain was evident on her words which made himt to involuntarily looked towards her.

However, no one prepared him from what he was looking at right now.

"Who did that to you?!" His overprotective nature kicked in immediately.

He wanted to beat the person who had done it to her, his poor sister.

The scene he was looking at the moment sent chills down his spine.

Both Amelia's legs had deep scars caused by the constant cutting into the skin. He suspected that this was caused by a very sharp object. Probably a knife or a dagger.

Jin Jie looked at Amelia's face who was now wearing a smile that sure she was making to cover her pain and possibly the memories behind those ugly scars.

Relax brother. It's me who had done it to my own self."

"What?" Her confession really shocked him to the core.

"Why did you do that?" He asked in disbelief.

Tears started swelling up in her eyes and her voice started shaking.

"I have to do it to not forget where I came from and who I am."

Seeing that he was silent, Amelia decided to gulp down her pain so she could further gav him the explanation she knew he wanted to know from her.

"They locked me up and was forced to take a medicine that they said would make me forget everything that had happened that night."

Everytime she started feeling the effects, she would grab any sharp object that she could find to cut and inflict pain to herself.

She thought that by doing so, the drug would fail. However, there were times that the drug would win and she would later on fond out that she had done something she din't want to do.

In short, it was possible that she had become a guinea pig of a drug that they were formulating.

The more she recalled everything that had happened to her while she was in that place, she felt like she couldn't breath. Every part of her body felt like she wanted to explode both in anger and shame.

"I have done many things while I could not remember anything aside from their instructions given to me. And if one way or another, I have hurt you while I'm in that state, I'm very sorry." Amelia bowed down her head for two reasons. One she didn't want him to see her tears falling from her eyes. Second, she felt so small all of a sudden.

Jin Jie suddenly panicked after realizing what was happening to her.

Though his wounds were still new, he ignored the pain and forced himself to got up.

After gaining his balance, he grabbed the blanket which was used to cover him and used it to cover her.

"I'm sorry!" This was the only words he could utter to her before he hugged her tightly.

However, these two words represented everything.

He felt sorry for her. He was sorry that he had came too late than sooner. Had he known about her, he would make sure that she would not suffer like this.

Being wrapped around his embrace, Amelia became extremely emotional.

And hearing her crying, his hug around her tightened as she hugged him back.

She tilted her "It's okay. Can I at least call you, brother?" She asked in between her sob.

"Silly. Of course you can." He coaxed.

He vowed to make the people who made her sister to be in so much pain would suffer.

He waited for her to calm down before he decided to continue asking her. He let her to sit down back on the beside him on the bed.

After regaining her composure, Amelia finally calmed down.

"How did you manage to escape?"

"It's all thanks to James. He helped me escape. I bet they're all still looking for me inside that facility." She shortly replied.

"Who's this Sarah woman that you're talking about?"

"Sarah is our father...I mean Fu Ye Feng's older sister. So technically, she's our auntie."

"Ha! I don't have an aunt. No! I'll never acknowledge her as one!"

Jin Jie had decided! The only family member that he'd recognize who's related to Su Ying was his sister!

"Brother, I need your help. I want to get revenge."

"Don't worry little sister, I'll do everything to give the help that you need."

That he would assure.

He was given the chance to meet her and he was thankful for this opportunity to be a brother again."



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