The Satan CEO's Woman: He Unexpectedly Fell in Love with Her

Chapter 1 - CHAPTER 1: Satan's Circle

Inside the VIP suite of the most famous bar in Beijing, a very handsome man wearing a tailor-fit grey suit with rhinestone-embedded silver cuff lings, Patek Philippe watch and black loafers was being surrounded by women who were so eager to get his attention.

Who would not dare to grab the chance to be noticed by him? He was the perfect man all the girls in the world would dream of!

Saying that he's handsome was such an insult in his face. The man had this godly features! He had this deep soul-sucking bluish-green eyes, long eye lashes, perfectly drawn eyebrows, high-bridged nose, a red thin lips which he inherited from his father. His hair was also neatly comb to the right.

Though he mostly had Western facial features, his facial structure was less masculine because of his a bit soft jawline. But this does not discredit him. Also, his face was a bit smaller than the average men's facial size. Yes, if his hair was long, he could be mistaken as a woman. And this made him even more attractive.

Aside from his godly facial features, he was born with a pair of long legs that made him stand at 186 cms tall. He had this toned yet well-balanced upper body muscles given his strict daily work-out session in his private gym. His upper body was not that bulky. Just enough to empahsize his broad shoulder line and wide back and chest.

Underneath his clothes was his eight-pack abs that women loved to touch.

However, the man in question had no interest in them.

"Master Bai, are you okay?" The woman sitting on his lap asked. However, he did not say anything and remained quiet.

Aside from him, there were two other attractive man was sitting on the couch beside him. He 's also charming and handsome and had a sense of humor that girls liked about him. His name was Hua Zhang Wei, the first son and heir of Hua Family and Hua Corp.

The second one was the more serious type and less outgoing. He seldom talked during gatherings and get together but he's the one whom the group seek advice as he's more approachable than Nathan. His name was Kim Jeong Ho if the Kim Family in South Korea and Nathan's best friend since college.

"Why so serious Nate?" The man asked him.

The man with godly features was Nathaniel Johnsons but his name became Nathaniel Bai after he accepted his father's name.

As he heard no response from him, he cleared his throat and then asked another question.

"So, you're accepting your father's name now?"

He was just testing the waters though by asking that question.

He knew that the topic concerning his father was his sore spot.

The father and son's relationship could be described as that close to that of strangers. That's why he was shocked when he learned that his good friend accepted his father's name.

"How ironic it is? He ruined your mother's reputation and pushed her at the edge. And now that he was on the brink of losing everything... Hah! I bet he never expected that the son he abandoned for thirty years would be the only person whom he could rely on now." He added in sarcasm.

"Seems like Young Master Hua had a lot of free time these days. Should I ask Master Hua to train you harder?" He commented that made Hua Zhang Wei speechless.


But after everything sunk in, he whined at Nathan. "Oh no! Please! This subordinate already recognized his mistake. Please spare this Young Master's life, King Yama!" He pleaded with puppy eyes.

His father was such a tyrant at training him. Though he's the heir and his father's successor, he never dreamed to be bound in a 9-5 job. Aside from his hobby and interest in IT, he liked to travel and discover the world together with his camera.

Besides, company politics was not his cup of tea. He hated it so much! But then again, at the end of the day, he had no choice but to do so and play his part and be a good brother to his twin younger siblings.

He wanted them to enjoy their youth and not be bothered by the company matters. They were still 16 years old after all while he's already 28 years old.

Nathan's lips twitched the moment he heard Zhang Wei. On the other hand, though he was pleading, Zhang Wei was boiling with anger. 'Damn you Nathan! You don't even spare your best friend. Such a heartless man!' He inwardly cursed. Of course, he would never dare to voice it out because he still love his life. Who knows what this tyrant would do if triggered.

But before anyone of them spoke, the door opened revealing another handsome man.

"And what did you do this time to anger the Satan?" The man spoke as made his way and sat on the couch.

But then he frowned when he saw a lot of women in the room.

"Nate, can you dismiss them?" With that being said, Nathan waived his hand and the ladies left immediately. The three of them knew that Mo Jing-sheng doesn't like to be in the same room as women. It freaked the hell out of him.

However, the three of them were clueless that he was about to drop a big bomb in front of them.

"Mo Jing-sheng, I did not do anything wrong. I swear!"

"Cousin?" Mo Jing-shing then turned his attention towards Kim Jeong Ho.

"What else?" Jeong Ho simply commented.

Mo Jing-sheng then learned what happened.

"Aish! Can you not control your mouth?"

"Ah?" Question marks would surely be hovering on top of Zhang Wei's head.

"Use your common sense!" Jeong Ho snorted.

"Would you like other people to see your dirty laundry?" Mo Jing-sheng explained for him.


Though the topic of his relationship with his father was still a taboo for Nathan, it does not hurt that much now compared in the past. Why? Simply because he didn't care anymore.

He acted that way because it's improper to talk family matters with many outsiders around. Though he was known for being a playboy, he did not care about that. What he cared about was his family, especially his mother. Just like everyone, his family was his bottom-line.

Mo Jing-sheng sighed as soon as he saw Zhang Wei's reaction.

Then the bartender who was busy mixing their drinks earlier approached them to serve their drinks.

What's so special about this room was the fact that it had its own bar counter. Nathan owned this bar, too.

After serving their drinks, he left and went to his station which was obviously the space behind the bar counter.

"Nate. I'm sorry. I was just carried away by my emotions earlier that I did not keep myself on check."

"Mm." Nathan just hummed in response.

"Just like Zhang Wei, I was also stunned when you accepted his name. We knew how deep your hatred was towards him. You did everything and went to the extremes just to topple a huge empire who had been in business for nearly 2 centuries. And now you're helping them?"

"What's wrong with that? I came from his sperm. Without it, I won't be here. Therefore, I have every rights to have his name." Nathan finally spoke as he took a sip of his liquor.

The resentment that he felt for his father never vanished in his heart.

He only agreed to change his name to Bai from Johnson because he wanted to anger the second person on his most hated list, his step-mother.

No wife would surely be happy as she watched her very own husband recognized his bastard son, right? She would surely be angered to death and jealousy.

And he wanted that to happen. Call him petty but he did not care. She brought it upon themselves the moment she wronged his mother in the past.

And for Chairman Bai, his very own father, he had other plans for him.

As he thought that, the corners of her mouth turned up a bit revealing a devilish smile. The three of them saw this and they inwardly sigh at the same time the trio were thankful that they were on his good side and not one of his enemies.

"So what are your plans?" Zhang Wei asked as he felt like the three of them needed to have a heads up in advance as they didn't want to have another bout of heart attack.

"Nothing big will happen this time." Nathan wanted his father to relax for a bit before he would make his major move.

The quartet chatted for about an hour before they realized that something was off with Mo Jing-sheng.

"Oie! Mo Jing-sheng, why do you keep on looking on your phone?" Zhang Wei being a busybody that he was saw that and could not help not to be curious.

Mo Jing-sheng did not mind his query and dialed his phone instead. He frowned when no one answered his call. He tried one more time and this time he smiled after a soft voice of a woman echoed in the room.


'Is the world about to end?' Zhang Wei thought.

However, Mo Jing-sheng did not mind him and continued with his call.


"Hubby!" The woman on the other line answered back.

This made the three other men speechless.

Among the four of them, Mo Jing-sheng never interacted with women in the past except his mother, grandmother, aunts, cousins and sister! And now he was smiling like a fool just because of a phone call. What more? It's from a damn woman!

"What's going on?" Zhang Wei asked Kim Jeong Ho this time but the latter only gave him a shrug as a response.

He had no idea what was going on, too.

Then Zhang Wei looked at Nathan whose having a smug face now.

Zhang Wei's voice was so loud that the woman in the other line noticed that Mo Jing-sheng was not alone. So, she spoke, "Are you Mo Jing-sheng's friends?"

This time the three could not utter a word.

"Greet your sister-in-law!"


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