The Ruler of Darkness

Book 7: Chapter 5

Book 7: Chapter 5

“Oh my, this will lead to a catastrophe!”

The former patriarchs were stomping their feet in a manner unbefitting of their dignity.

“A bolt out of the blue amidst smooth sailing! What in the world is happening…!”

They were at a loss, like merchants who had just witnessed their warehouse containing all their wealth catch fire.

Then, one of them cried out.

“General Ak!”

At that cry, the gazes of those present turned to the former patriarch of the Ak family, referred to as General Ak.

“That’s right! We have General Ak!”

“General Ak must step forward and dissuade him!”

The former patriarch of the Ak family, a military household that defended the imperial capital like the Yang family, rolled up his sleeves.

However, he dared not approach recklessly.

It seemed as if the cauldron lid-like grasp of Yang O-dan, the former patriarch of the Yang family, would stretch out at any moment and snap the slender, frail-looking neck of the young master.

“So that’s how it was.”

Without even glancing at those making a ruckus, Eldest Young Master Yeon So-hyeon spoke again.

“It was the ‘Min family’ of the imperial capital.”

“I told them to stop their absurd antics, or they would regret it!”

They were words that hit the bull’s eye, but the former patriarch of the Yang family remained as immovable as an old horse.

However, Yeon So-hyeon showed no interest in his words and did not even nod at his threat.


As if regarding the energy of an expert who had transcended the wall as a gentle breeze.

“The Min family, huh? If it’s those currently wielding power after producing the new Empress Dowager, it wouldn’t be strange even if they had already extended a hand to the former patriarchs of the Sixteen Families.”


At those words, the actions of the former patriarchs who had been causing a commotion beside him came to a halt.

“The Min family…?”

“I definitely heard it was the Min family.”

How could they not know the name of that family?

The Min family was one of the households that had influenced the Emperor’s decision when he had to step down and take responsibility for the outcome of the Northern War, ultimately reaping great benefits.


The gazes of the old horses shot toward the former Yang patriarch like arrows.

“Do you all believe such absurd nonsense?!”

Taking advantage of the moment when Yang O-dan flinched under the gazes of those present, Yeon So-hyeon laid out his deduction.

“I see. Now I understand. As the manager of the colossal project, you were already in contact with the Min family and planned to walk the line between them and ‘us.'”

An evident sneer graced his lips.

“A union between the Min family, the maternal relatives of the Empress Dowager, and the military households that defend the imperial capital… This smells quite dangerous.”

At those words, Yang O-dan jumped up.


He roared at Yeon So-hyeon.

“I have absolutely no idea what you’re trying to do, picking faults out of nowhere with nonsensical claims! If you’re so confident in your babbling, why don’t you present some evidence?!”

Those present were persuaded by Yeon So-hyeon’s words on one hand, glaring at Yang O-dan with strange looks.

But at the same time, they also cast suspicious gazes at Yeon So-hyeon.

As he said, Yeon So-hyeon’s words were mere assertions.

They suspected that he might be using his overflowing wit to eliminate one of them for some reason.


Then, Yeon So-hyeon spoke in an arrogant tone.

“I am the evidence.”

His gaze looked down upon Yang O-dan with disdain.

“I, who hears the whispers of the heavens and reads the flow of celestial energy, how could I not be able to peer into the heart of a mere human?”

What absurd words they were, yet simultaneously, how persuasive they sounded!

Reflexively, the former patriarchs nodded their heads.

“Wh-what the…?!”

Even Yang O-dan, who had been claiming that he was being slandered outrageously by Yeon So-hyeon without any evidence, was rendered speechless.


At this point, if any of those present had looked at their feet, they would have been unable to contain their shock at the bizarre sight.

A dark energy filled with sinister qi was blanketing the floor like a fog.

However, already influenced by the energy emanating from Yeon So-hyeon’s feet, they were losing their usual sharp senses.

This was true even for Yang O-dan, who had transcended the wall, and the former patriarch of the Ak family, known as General Ak.

If they were their usual selves, they would have at least noticed the existence of the voice transmission that had flown into Yeon So-hyeon’s ear.


Yang O-dan spoke to the former patriarchs as if making a declaration.

“I will not sit idly by and endure such preposterous insults and baseless accusations! I am withdrawing from this plan!”

Before the other former patriarchs could utter a word, he took decisive strides.

“Oh my, where are you going?”

Yeon So-hyeon took a slight step forward, blocking his path.

‘A mere scholar who doesn’t even know martial arts dares to block my way? Ridiculous!’

Inwardly scoffing at him, Yang O-dan intended to instantly pass by the young master by treading footwork in a disorienting manner.



Yang O-dan was baffled.

Despite employing his footwork, the young master’s leisurely steps, one by one, were thoroughly blocking the direction he needed to advance.

“Wh-what is this…?!”

He tried treading his footwork a few more times, but this time, not only was his direction blocked, but he was even pushed back several steps.

Yeon So-hyeon’s footwork was beyond mysterious, bordering on the miraculous.

‘What kind of technique is this? Is it a type of formation technique utilizing the form of footwork?’

He still couldn’t believe that Yeon So-hyeon, known as the Swordless One, was using martial arts.

“Young Master! I don’t know what trick you’re pulling, but if you continue to act so recklessly, you’ll get seriously hurt!”

He shouted forcefully, imbuing his internal energy, but Yeon So-hyeon only scoffed disdainfully.

The former patriarchs watching the scene could only mutter, “Huh? Huh?” without even understanding.

It was the limitation of those who were not gifted with the talent of internal energy.

“Wh-what in the world is this…?!”

Only the former patriarch of the Ak family, who was observing the situation from the side, was staring at the young master, known as the Swordless One, with a face filled with shock and suspicion.

Yang O-dan circulated his internal energy throughout his body and protected his upper danjeon.

‘…Don’t be deluded!’

Even amidst the difficulty of making proper judgments due to the influence of the demonic energy, he instinctively protected his mind.

It was the correct response stemming from countless experiences and his lofty realm.

‘As long as I can leave this place, there will be plenty of paths afterward!’

His mind, protected by the technique of shielding the upper danjeon, raced at a rapid pace.

‘But injuring the young master in this situation would be the worst of the worst.’

He could make excuses for simply leaving, claiming it was due to baseless speculation.

However, if he were to injure the young master they cherished so much, there would be no way out.

Regardless of the truth, he would incur the wrath of all the former patriarchs except himself.

‘This insane genius…!’

Only then did he feel fear towards Yeon So-hyeon, who had once again bound all the former patriarchs together.

But the glass had already been tipped over, and the water had been spilled.

‘Still, I can’t stay here in this situation!’

He boldly decided to make his move.

‘I’ll suppress him in an instant to prevent him from causing trouble!’

Once he cast aside his hesitation, what followed flowed like water, showcasing his realm.

“Don’t blame me if my hands are too harsh!”

Both his grasps swooped down as if to engulf Yeon So-hyeon’s entire body at once.

First, to seal off the mysterious technique, he would dislocate the opponent’s knee joints and simultaneously strike five acupoints to subdue Yeon So-hyeon in an instant.

At least, that was his intention.


The firm yields to the soft,

The soft yields to the firm.

Yeon So-hyeon’s knees, like reeds bowing before a typhoon, mesmerized the force contained in Yang O-dan’s grasp.

And simultaneously, Yang O-dan’s sophisticated technique of suppressing five acupoints at once was instead caught by Yeon So-hyeon’s clear and strong grasp, blocking its source.


With just that exchange of moves, Yang O-dan’s mind cleared.

‘This is no ordinary matter! From now on, I’ll consider the opponent to be someone of the same realm as me!’

Abandoning his left hand, which remained motionless as if pressed down by the weight of a hundred thousand mountains, his free right hand moved like lightning.


It was the Yang Family’s Secret Transmission, the Forbidden Tiger Iron Hand.

Alternating between the primary and secondary forms in an instant, the suppression technique unfolded within the hundred illusions and hundred variations, targeting the opponent’s neck.

However, the young master pierced through the illusions, ignoring the primary form, and lightly tapped the wrist that gave rise to the variations, stifling its flow.

What remained was merely a fast and strong gesture.

The immense force imbued in that gesture swiped vainly past Yeon So-hyeon’s side.

‘My original aim was this side anyway!’

But that wasn’t the entirety of his scheme.

His realm wasn’t attained in vain.

He had already entered the center of Yeon So-hyeon’s footwork while executing his move.

At the same time, a lightning-fast leg technique struck Yeon So-hyeon’s left popliteal fossa thrice, entangling that leg with his own and pushing the opponent backward.

It was as if the arm that Yeon So-hyeon had bound so unbelievably tightly had instead become the axis for him to fully transfer his strength.

Freely utilizing fingers, nails, palms, and legs, striking muscles, suppressing joints, targeting acupoints, and employing various techniques in an instant, everything blended together as if in a single flow.

Yang O-dan was demonstrating what a suppression grappling technique that had reached the realm looked like.



A scream involuntarily burst from Yang O-dan’s mouth.

The leg he thought he had entangled with the opponent’s was instead twisted by Yeon So-hyeon’s unbelievable leg strength.

Even the arm he had used as an axis was inversely twisted by the opponent’s mysterious technique.

In that brief moment, Yeon So-hyeon had redirected Yang O-dan’s force using the principle of force redirection.

Combining the weight and internal force Yang O-dan had exerted with Yeon So-hyeon’s own brute strength, he had broken Yang O-dan’s arm, which was protected by thick internal energy.

“What, what kind of madness…!”

Yang O-dan wanted to break free from Yeon So-hyeon’s hands and feet that were restraining his body and retreat.

However, it was impossible to escape, as if bound by chains of diamond.

At that moment, he felt the opponent’s chilling breath on his face.

The breath was so cold that it felt as if his steel-like facial skin, protected by internal energy, would freeze.


A voice like molten iron struck his ear.

“Have you exhausted all the tricks you can perform?”

Reflexively raising his head, what Yang O-dan saw in the opponent’s eyes was ghostly blue flames burning in the corners.

The time for enticing with food had ended.

Now it was time to strike the dogs that climbed up and pounced without knowing their place, showing them who held their leashes.


Luoyang Sword House, Wongak Pavilion.

The ancestral shrine where the memorial tablets of the medicine fairy, Yak Soyu, were enshrined.

Lee Gongnyeo picked up a wooden Buddha statue with a displeased expression.

“This is the Buddha statue that child carved while trying to control his anger…?”

Il-ryeong also nodded with a somewhat nauseated look.

“…Yes, that is correct.”


Despite being known for her straightforward personality, she struggled to find the words to continue for a while.

“…Whenever the Eldest Young Master felt unable to control himself, he would come and carve Buddha statues.”

“…When did that child start carving these?”

Il-ryeong lowered her head.

“I heard they began to increase in number roughly two months ago.”

“Then it hasn’t been that long…?”


Lee Gongnyeo raised her head and looked around.

Indeed, the depth of the Supreme Patriarch’s love for the First Wife was evident.

The interior of the shrine alone was larger in scale than the main hall of a decent-sized temple.

And every space within that shrine was filled with wooden Buddha statues.

Some were large, some were crooked, some were smiling, and some were crying.

Wherever one looked, there were only Buddha statues upon Buddha statues.

Layers of Buddha statues were stacked on the shelves arranged in several tiers along the walls.

Those Buddha statues seemed to overflow onto the wide floor, as if they had burst out, unable to endure being contained.

“…Just how many.”

Leaving only enough space for bowing and offering incense.

The Buddha statues filling every space were all looking at the visitor in unison.


Overwhelmed by the sight that exuded nothing but madness, Lee Gongnyeo could no longer continue speaking.


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