The Ruler of Darkness

Book 7: Chapter 13

Book 7: Chapter 13

Valley of Sin.

A place where government soldiers are nowhere to be found, and the sword clans turn a blind eye in silence.

The middle-aged man in charge of the Valley of Sin development project on the 4th Young Master’s side was Tang Baek.


As usual, Tang Baek could feel the seething, inescapable rage burning beneath his expressionless face.

He was simply honored that his lord, 4th Young Master, had appointed him as his representative.

Ever since then, not a single day had passed without this Valley of Sin being at its worst.

‘Today is especially the worst.’

The flames, fiercely blazing to the point of embarrassment with dozens of people scrambling to carry water and extinguish the fire, threatened to engulf even the night sky.

Tang Baek turned away, his eyes fixed on the flames as if they were etched into his vision.


Tang Baek’s subordinate appeared out of nowhere like a ghost and transmitted a message at close range.

[We have apprehended a poor suspect who was considered a strong candidate, but it has been revealed that he is unrelated to the arson.]

Tang Baek swallowed a sigh inwardly, his expression unchanging.

[Any other suspects?]

[As of now…]

The subordinate waved his hand, exchanged glances with Tang Baek, and entered the temporary command tent set up to avoid the fire.

“Commander Tang!”

As soon as he appeared, fellow scholars from the 4th Young Master’s side rushed over like mad.

As usual, they would likely butt heads, raise their voices, and reach no conclusion.

“Aside from the fire, we must immediately rescue the personnel at the forward base located in the middle reaches of the valley!”

“In the middle reaches, at least three dark forces—the White Bone Sect, the Black Steel Gang, and the Three-Five Passage—are currently engaged in a conflict! To rescue the personnel at the forward base, we must break through their confrontation head-on! If we mobilize enough troops for that, what are we going to do about the fire?!”

“That’s why we need to rescue them first before the fire worsens, and also…!”

“It would be good to prioritize rescuing the leaders and personnel of the House of Compassion who are trapped there. But first, we need to secure the cooperation of the relevant departments of the Luoyang administration…!”


Tang Baek released a hint of his aura, silencing their endless heated debate.

“Extinguishing the fire takes priority.”

They tried to say more, but they closed their mouths and retreated in the face of Tang Baek’s sharp aura.

However, they were just the beginning.

No, the scholars were better.

“We’re running low on medicinal herbs for emergency treatment of burns! Bandages are also running out!”

The physician from the House of Compassion, who was in charge of support, was shouting in all directions, desperately requesting assistance.

“There are too many patients! If we don’t expand the safe zone right now and take them in, they will all die on the streets!”

“To expand the safe zone, I’ll have to reassign my subordinates who are currently fighting the fire to security duties! Do you think that makes sense right now?!”

The young physician from the House of Compassion, responsible for patient treatment and transport, and the commander of the mercenary group hired for security at the project site, raised their voices.

“North! The flames are spreading to the north!”

“The flames in the southeast have been suppressed, but we don’t have enough manpower to extinguish beyond that!”

Messengers rushed in nonstop, making the already frantic scholars updating the fire status board even more frantic.

“My, my. Tonight is completely out of control.”

A narrow-eyed woman approached Tang Baek, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

It was Tang Yerin, a strategist who could be considered one of 4th Young Master’s closest aides, just like Tang Baek.


Tang Baek’s eyes narrowed as he looked at her, seemingly at ease even in this situation.

“Don’t look at me like that. I was in the middle of sharing information with the Crescent Moon Pavilion.”

Indeed, from the direction she came from, the Crescent Moon Pavilion’s analysts were sweating profusely, processing the information gathered by the field agents.

“According to them, the suspects have been narrowed down to four categories.”

Tang Baek let out a low snort.

“Arsonists, the mentally ill, those seeking suicide, idiots, and enemies. According to my analysis, there are five categories.”

“Sarcastic as always.”

Tang Yerin sighed at his cynical reaction to the Crescent Moon Pavilion.

“They are the Eldest Young Master’s subordinates and our collaborators. It would be better if you trusted them more…”

“Where did that Yang Tong or whatever, the Crescent Moon Pavilion’s person in charge of the Valley of Sin, go?”

“I don’t know either…”

Yang Tong was currently in Yeon So-hyeon’s armored carriage, but there was no way the Crescent Moon Pavilion’s agents would provide such information.

“There is no information organization in this world that can be trusted. As a strategist, you should know that much.”

At his words, Tang Yerin crossed her arms.

“Commander Tang, who said that, doesn’t trust anyone in this world except for our lord anyway.”


Tang Baek, who had a distrust of people, had nothing to say.

“Let’s go back to the four categories of suspects.”

Having silenced Tang Baek, Tang Yerin began her own explanation.

“First, there’s the Demon Suppression and Evil Elimination Squad under the Third Young Master of the sword clans, who ransack every poor neighborhood in Luoyang in search of demon cultists.”

Tang Baek’s eyes twitched.

The Demon Suppression and Evil Elimination Squad’s fanatical hatred for demon cults was well-known.

“Second, there are the dark forces trying to prevent our intervention while the conflict to take over the middle and upper reaches of the Valley of Sin intensifies. In this case, it would be the ‘White Bone Sect,’ which is at the forefront of the power struggle.”

The White Bone Sect was a newly emerged organization after the Black Bone Sect was swept away by an unknown entity called the Dark Heavenly Venerate.

“Third, it could be an incident caused by real ‘demon cultists.'”

“…Real demon cultists.”

“Didn’t you say that you’ve personally witnessed demon cultists here since coming to this place?”

Tang Baek simply nodded without answering.

The worst and most vicious fanatics with eyes completely black, without any white.

Tang Baek, who had only heard rumors about those demon cultists, whose former headquarters were located in the Hundred Thousand Mountains near Sichuan, had witnessed them firsthand after coming to the Valley of Sin.

“At first, I thought it was a joke, but in the past few weeks, there has been a surge in eyewitness accounts of people with black eyes.”

“…And how are they related to the fire?”

Tang Yerin touched her smooth chin.

“Some kind of ritual? Ceremony? They say it might be related to setting fires, but even the Crescent Moon Pavilion doesn’t know for sure. They told me to ask the House of Compassion instead.”

“What’s next?”


Tang Yerin frowned.

“They say it could be the work of shamans, Taoist priests, or practitioners.”

She raised her sleeve to cover her mouth.

“In this day and age, what kind of superstitious worshippers are they? Anyway, both in Sichuan and here, there are still many people who believe in superstitions, so it’s a way to make money. Those who are behind the times…”

She trailed off.

She belatedly recalled that Tang Baek was originally from the Tea Horse Ancient Road Patrol of the Tang Clan in Sichuan.


Tang Baek’s gaze turned to her.

He had personally witnessed all sorts of primitive sorcery and strange, twisted beliefs of various tribes while traversing the dense forests and plateaus of Sichuan and Yunnan.

“It’s naive to dismiss something as nonexistent just because you haven’t seen it yourself.”

At his low voice, she shrugged.

“…Well, let’s just say I’m naive for now.”

As a native of Sichuan’s cities, it was a story of the uncivilized world that she could not understand.

‘But to talk about superstitions in the middle of Luoyang, a city even larger than any in Sichuan.’

As she sighed and was about to say something, a messenger and a member of the House of Compassion tumbled in together.

“Oh no, it’s a raid! The poor are gathering in large numbers and conducting a raid!”

“There are too many to count!”

“For now, they’re looting the shopping district, but we don’t know when they’ll turn this way!”

As the murmurs of those startled by the unprecedented situation grew louder, Tang Baek shouted with his inner energy.

“Leave only the essential personnel and go deal with it immediately!”

The people inside the tent gritted their teeth and ran out.

Scholars who received Tang Baek’s fierce glare picked up the hexagonal staffs placed at the entrance and left, and even the Crescent Moon Pavilion’s intelligence agents armed themselves and exited the tent.

Amidst the crowd of people rushing out, there was someone who entered instead.

“Oh my, oh my. I almost miss the days when we clashed with the elite troops of the Yue Kingdom in the jungle.”

An elderly woman wearing a hood and leaning on a cane clicked her tongue and approached Tang Baek and Tang Yerin.

“Old Lady Gwak.”

At Tang Baek’s greeting, the old woman, referred to as Old Lady Gwak, nodded.

“You were both here.”

She was one of 4th Young Master’s closest aides and a strategic advisor who could only be seen on-site despite her old age.

“The estimated population of this valley alone is between twenty to thirty thousand. Even for Luoyang, this is too much.”

She clicked her tongue.

“So when something happens in the middle and upper reaches, it sweeps through even this lower region.”

“…Do you think the fire was caused by the conflict between the dark forces in the upper reaches?”

“Of course, that would have an impact as well. And at the same time, other factors are likely at play simultaneously.”

She tapped her cane on the ground and snorted.

“In a neighborhood as complex as this, did you think there would be only one reason for such a major incident?”


Tang Baek fell silent.

Tang Yerin also frowned, lost in thought.

Old Lady Gwak shook her head at the suffocating air that could be felt even inside the tent.

“The response to the forward base isolated in the middle reaches of the valley…”

She swallowed her words.

“No. In the current situation, extinguishing the fire should come first.”

“Yes, I’m thinking of handpicking the elites and going there myself…”

At Tang Baek’s words, Old Lady Gwak clicked her tongue bitterly.

“Even if we manage to rescue them somehow, the problem will be how to escort them back.”

If they had enough elite troops, they could have slaughtered all the approaching dark force members from the forward base.

Currently, most of their elite troops were deployed to deal with the Great Merchant Association and had to remain there for the time being.

“…Even if the Eldest Young Master is known for his ingenious strategies, I can’t help but think he was too greedy this time.”


Old Lady Gwak furrowed her wrinkled brows.

“Our project site is in the lower reaches in the first place, so why did he establish a forward base in the middle reaches…?”

Tang Yerin also brought up a point that didn’t sit well with her.

“I think the attack on the Great Merchant Association of the Second Young Master’s side is also too early.”

Only Tang Baek maintained his silence.

However, that didn’t mean he disagreed with the two women’s words.

“…This is just an old woman’s concern, but do you think this alliance will yield good results?”

This time, Tang Baek was the first to speak.

“It doesn’t matter. Our lord clearly stated that day. When the Eldest Young Master becomes the head of the household, we will be the ones standing closest to him.”

His tone was resolute.

“If our lord desires it, it is our job to make it happen.”

Tang Yerin was also firm.

Old Lady Gwak sighed and shook her head.

“That’s not what I meant. It’s just that I find it unfortunate. Our lord’s qualities shine brighter than anyone I’ve ever seen.”

Even Elder Yu from the 4th Young Master’s faction of the Luoyang Sword House, who often clashed with them, shared the same thoughts as her regarding 4th Young Master’s qualities.

“The reason I brought this up is because of this.”

She took out the notes she had received from the 4th Young Master’s personnel and the Crescent Moon Pavilion’s intelligence agents.

“They say that the Eldest Young Master, who has finished his business at North Mang Mountain, and our lord, who has heard about the situation here, are both heading this way.”

Only then did Tang Yerin, who realized her concern, furrowed her brows.

“This is the first time both of them are coming directly to a chaotic scene like this, right?”


Tang Baek, who also noticed a little late, frowned.

Old Lady Gwak spoke with a voice full of concern.

“If both of them wander around appropriately at their first scene, it would be fine.”

“But what if our lord shows excellent leadership while the Eldest Young Master is wandering around…?”

“Then true chaos will befall this alliance.”

Tang Baek stroked his beard.

“Our lord cherishes the Eldest Young Master, so wouldn’t he match the Eldest Young Master’s pace?”

“If that happens, even if others don’t notice, doubts will arise in our lord’s heart.”


They were also aware of Yeon So-hyeon’s outstanding performance at North Mang Mountain.

Although they couldn’t know the details of what kind of deal he made, the mere fact that he had negotiated with the renowned former patriarchs of North Mang Mountain was a remarkable achievement.

Nevertheless, negotiating with communicable individuals and this ‘scene amidst great chaos’ were entirely different matters.

Just then, a messenger rushed in.

“The Eldest Young Master’s carriage procession is approaching the entrance of the valley!”

Upon hearing those words, Old Lady Gwak clicked her tongue and tapped her cane.

“I hope he displays even half of his ingenious strategic leadership.”

Otherwise, Old Lady Gwak hoped that he would at least not show himself wandering around and leave the practical work to the working-level staff.


Intersection in front of the temporary command tent.

The night sky, which should have been dark, was dyed red, and large and small embers scattered into the sky, surrendering to the heat.

The air was so thick with smoke that it was difficult to breathe.

However, those waiting at the intersection with barricades set up couldn’t even cough.

Covering their noses and mouths with water-soaked cloths, everyone held suppression weapons such as clubs, anxiously looking at the street across from them.

“Over there…!”

The looters appeared from the other side.

At first, one or two showed up, then dozens.

The dozens of people moved erratically, unable to decide on a direction, showing confusion among themselves.

However, as some of them started running toward the command post, they soon became a wave on land.

In an instant, their numbers exceeded hundreds.

“We must stop them! No one backs down!”

The warriors under the 4th Young Master spat on the ground.

“Damn it.”

If they could just cut them all down, it would be refreshing, but doing so would hinder their lord’s business plan.

Finally, when the crazed poor people had almost reached the intersection.

The ground began to tremble slightly as if an earthquake had occurred.


The poor people, who had been rushing in like madmen, also stopped in their tracks due to the unknown vibration.

Some were tangled up with each other, rolling on the ground, some sat down on the spot, and some scattered in other directions out of anxiety.

As the vibration gradually intensified, a long beast-like roar echoed from below the intersection.

Then, a massive steel carriage emerged, leaping over the hill as if it were too heavy to describe.

The braking device engaged with the steel wheels, creating an ear-grating noise along with sparks, and black armored carriages followed suit, appearing one after another, causing noise and vibration.

“A steel carriage?”

At someone’s words, an elderly administrator from the House of Compassion, who recognized its appearance, showed delight on his face.

“Isn’t that the iron fortress that Lady Yao Xian used to ride in the past? Then could it be…?!”

As if responding to his words, the crossbows installed on the roofs of the carriages began firing simultaneously in time with the sharp command.

The sound of iron arrows tearing through the air echoed, piercing through the noise filling the streets.

The iron arrows, passing over the heads of the poor with a terrifying whistling sound, mercilessly pummeled the walls of the buildings.

As the iron arrows lodged themselves in the walls of the stone buildings one after another, stone dust flew, and web-like cracks spread.

Some buildings even had their pillars collapse, and the precariously stacked wooden upper floors, repeatedly expanded and rebuilt, were shattered.

At a signal, the firing stopped, and a brief silence descended upon the street.


“Run away!”

The poor looters, who had been burying their heads on the ground, scattered in all directions.


The heavy steel door of the iron fortress opened, and a slender boy emerged from inside.

The black satin coat draped over his shoulders fluttered wildly in the wind.

“You all have stupid expressions.”

Amidst everyone’s focused gazes, the Eldest Young Master of the Luoyang Sword House, Yeon So-hyeon, smiled deeply.

“Is this your first time in such a chaotic situation?”


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