The Ruler of Darkness

Book 3: Chapter 3

Book 3: Chapter 3

Yeon So-Hyeon slowly walked through the winding alleys of the slum, following the elderly guide leading him.

His pace was slow, causing the footsteps of those following him to slow down as well.

No one seemed to mind.

People lined up along the alley on both sides reached out to shake Yeon So-Hyeon’s hand and kiss it.

Those unable to stand bowed to kiss his feet, and some even kissed the hem of his garment.

The slum dwellers were filthy, having not bathed properly, covered in various skin diseases, with unsightly appearances, and emanated a repugnant odor mixed with waste and pus.

Yet, Yeon So-Hyeon showed not a trace of displeasure.

His expression remained tranquil, utterly unfazed.

He graciously accepted the reverence shown by everyone and silently walked on.

‘Hmm, act composed. Everyone, please act composed.’

The three maidservants following him were overwhelmed.

‘Everyone, try to emulate Master’s behavior!’

Jung-ah was listening to the grievances of the slum dwellers, something she dared not bother Yeon So-Hyeon with.

“Fairy! Please bless my child!”

“Please ensure the safety of my husband who has gone off to war!”

“Please grant peace to my mother in heaven!”

Jung-ah found herself powerless to respond to each of their prayers.

Instead, she did what she could.

She hugged those who needed hugging, caressed those who needed caressing, and kissed the foreheads of those weeping sadly.

Seeing this, the triplets also approached the poor people more actively.

“…Are they believers of the Immortal Fairy Teaching?”

One of the young scholars following from a distance couldn’t hide his bewildered expression upon seeing them.

“I’ve heard that their influence is strong among the poor, but to this extent…”

“I knew that the name of Supreme Grand Lady still held weight throughout the Central Plains, but I didn’t expect they’d show such respect to her children as well.”

“Is this some sort of fanaticism?”

The 4th Young Master sighed at the young scholars’ opinions that followed behind him.

“Can’t you see, even after watching their actions and expressions?”

“What are you trying to say…?”

He looked at the silhouette of his older brother from a distance.

“…They are showing respect not to my big brother’s mother, but to him.”

“…Is that so?”

In contrast, what about the reaction that the poor people showed to their party?

Even when the 4th Young Master’s party passed right next to them, most of them were uninterested.


The plump maidservant walking beside him asked, “Wouldn’t these poor people leave the area on their own if you just give them a few coins?”

The 4th Young Master smiled at her naive question.

“It’s not that simple.”

“Is that so?”

He took the plump maidservant’s hand and explained.

“Where should they go if they leave here?”

The plump maidservant blushed at having her hand held, but answered earnestly.

“Um… another slum?”

“Exactly. But there isn’t a single slum with enough room to take all of them in. They’d have to scatter and go into various slums, and the few coins they received would disappear in an instant.”


The 4th Young Master smiled at the maid who had opened her eyes wide.

“Though they may look like they’re living together haphazardly, be it a shack or a hut, it’s all about money in the end. Plus, there are plenty who have their eyes on the money they have.”

Despite the cheerful tone, the reality was far more grim and brutal.


The 4th Young Master shrugged his shoulders.

“To leave this place with peace of mind, they would ultimately need a substantial amount of emigration funds to rise above poverty.”

“Is that so…”

The plump maid, who came from a wealthy family, replied with a slightly uneasy expression.

“Are they all beggars? Can’t they get out of this neighborhood if they work hard?”

At her question, the 4th Young Master finally burst into laughter.

“Most of them do have jobs.”


“And they are very diligent and sincere in their work.”


Yeon So-Hyeon looked at the one-armed young man who was holding his hand and kissing him. 

On his remaining arm was a tattoo that indicated he had served in the military.

But on his exposed body were more scars acquired after the battles than those he got from the combat itself.

Yeon So-Hyeon looked down at the old man and children who were kissing his feet.

The scars and wounds exposed on the bodies of the old man and the children were not from abuse.

Numerous hands brushed past Yeon So-Hyeon’s hand and his collar.

Broken nails, nails that were completely missing, fine fingers, fingers that had been cut off, numerous small scars on their hands.

They were the cruel traces of harsh labor.


“Both children and adults, regardless of time and place, take on any job where they can find employment. It’s just that…”

A bitter smile formed at the corners of the 4th Young Master’s mouth.

“No matter how hard they try, the wages they receive can’t help them escape from this place.”

In harsh working conditions, they rapidly wear out.

If injured, or sick, too young, or too old, their already low wages decrease even more.

If they didn’t work hard, they couldn’t even survive in this place.

“There’s only one place they can go if they manage to leave here.”

The Yellow River (Huang River). 

Becoming nothing but a handful of ashes, drifting away in the river.

The smell of burning corpses seemed to brush past the noses of those who listened.


“Master, it appears the vanguard has reached the destination,” reported a subordinate.

4th Young Master, the leader, glanced at his followers and said, “Everyone, watch closely now. You will see why my elder brother is practically an object of devotion for these people.”

His gaze shifted forward.

“And why, even if it means giving him a share, I invited him to join our plan.”

Everyone’s eyes turned in the same direction.

The first thing that entered their line of sight was a building with a tiled roof. Given how shoddy and disorganized the surrounding wooden houses were, the building drew attention despite being neither grand nor new.

As they moved closer, they saw a large number of people lining up, forming a ‘marketplace in front of the gate.’

One of the men, skilled in martial arts, squinted to read the hanja signboard hanging above the entrance.

“House of Compassion?”

They passed through a large door that had been vacated in advance and entered the courtyard.

The inside was bustling with activity.

“Meals are this way! Line up here for meals!”

Men and women of all ages held bowls and lined up, waiting for porridge boiling in a large cauldron.

“Those who are sick, line up here!”

Beneath makeshift ceilings of old, patchwork tents, numerous patients lay on the ground, separated only by a single layer of straw mat.

Boys and girls, indistinguishable whether they were errand runners or what, were running around frantically.

Voices of medical practitioners, distinguishing the severity of patients, mingled with those trying to save lives.

And there were also apprentices and nurse-like figures wrapped in cloth from head to toe.

“…Leprosy patients?”

When one of the maids gasped, covering her mouth, the chief maid chided her.

“Leprosy is not highly contagious. Don’t overreact.”

Just then, a physician approached them.

“Ah, don’t worry. Those are all recovered patients. They are only covering up severe scars, not contagious anymore.”

The 4th Young Master nodded.

“Conquering leprosy. One of the achievements left by our Great Mother.”

“Yes, they are learning medical skills to repay that grace that has helped us,” the physician smiled.

“Judging by the fact you refer to her as the ‘Great Mother,’ you must be the 4th Young Master of Luoyang Sword House.”

He began to lead them further inside.

A plump maid represented everyone’s curiosity and asked…

“Selling food and practicing medicine in a slum, is that what you call a business?”

The physician, who had been leading the way, widened his eyes for a moment and then burst into laughter.

“Ah, this place is not for business.”

The 4th Young Master took over the conversation.

“This place provides free food and medical care targeted at the impoverished. The entire operation is funded and run by my ‘Big Brother.'”

Everyone couldn’t help but reveal expressions of surprise upon hearing this.

The 4th Young Master’s subordinate added to what he said.

“In Luoyang, every large slum has one of these ‘charitable institutions’.”

The physician showed a kindly smile.

“Also, each House of Compassion has a shrine dedicated to our teacher, Medicine Fairy.”


The 4th Young Master held the incense in both hands respectfully and shook it in the air a few times.

After placing the incense in the large censer, 4th Young Master stepped back and, along with his subordinates, put his palms together respectfully.

After spending ample time showing his respect, he raised his head and looked at the scroll painting beyond the censer.

In a world muddled with droughts and floods, the people were groaning in agony.

Starving, wearing ragged clothes, and groaning from illness, they writhed, wailed, and suffered.

Yet, there was someone who was their savior.

The barefoot woman standing on the scorched earth was beautiful, and on her lips was a benevolent smile like that of Buddha.

She held barley water in one hand, and in the other, she held a bottomless medicine bag.

People gathered at her feet were satiated, educated, enlightened, and saved.

She was called the Medicine Fairy, Yak Soyu, considered an incarnation of Medicine Buddha.

“Please look after us…”

The 4th Young Master recited a brief blessing and turned to leave.

His subordinates followed him out in a solemn manner.

As they left, another group of impoverished people went in to offer prayers.

Still, countless people were forming long lines outside.

After watching them for a moment, the 4th Young Master looked back at his disciples.

“Do you still see them as fanatics drunk on false faith?”

No one dared to answer, out of shame.

“Do you now understand why they welcomed my eldest brother with such loyalty?”

Everyone nodded their heads in response.

The 4th Young Master stuck out his tongue at them.

“You always talk as if you know everything about the world, but in the end, your vision can’t go beyond the high walls of your own home.”

Who could argue against that?

“People who conduct big businesses and vie for power, those who boast about being scholars or advisors, are often ignorant about the poor and needy.”

He looked at the young scholars who bowed their heads.

“Because they can’t afford any of the products we handle. They are just people who substitute and replace items when they break or wear out with the little money they have.”

The 4th Young Master clapped his hands.

Everyone lifted their heads and looked at him.

“Nevertheless, you must understand that ultimately, ‘Heaven’s Will,’ begins with ‘People’s Hearts,’ and ‘People’s Will,’ starts from the lowest places, which is heaven’s will.”

The young boy stored ‘Heaven’s Will,’ in his delicate mouth.

“If you aim to be both a strategist and an advisor who will seek out sharp strategies and solid tactics, then you must deeply engrave this principle in your hearts.”

The young scholars brought their hands together and answered loudly in unison.

The 4th Young Master nodded at this and said, “Do you now understand how amazing and great my eldest brother is?”

The scholars hesitated as they were about to answer in unison.

What does this have to do with that?

“You fools!”

Unable to bear it any longer, the chief maid seized her master who was hopping around.

“Come on, the Grand young master is waiting for you, master.”


Hearing this, the 4th Young Master rushed off.

“Eldest Brother! I, this unworthy little brother, am late!”


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