The Ruler of Darkness

Book 2: Chapter 20

Book 2: Chapter 20

The three girls were trembling, like leaves on a persimmon tree.

It wasn’t because they were standing naked in the dead of winter.

It was because of the single woman standing before them.

The woman’s elaborate attire, her glittering jewelry, and her face, beautiful enough to send shivers down one’s spine.

At first glance, all three had involuntarily gasped.

But now, all of that felt like a disguise, hiding her true nature.

“I’ll ask one last time.”

Radiance flowed from the woman’s golden eyes.

Her vertically slit pupils seemed to pierce through them.

“What can you do for His Highness?”

Without a moment’s hesitation, the three girls answered in unison.

“We will simply devote ourselves entirely to him.”

A satisfied smile crept onto Jung-ah’s lips.

She had sensed all the reactions emanating from the girls’ bodies and felt their hearts.

Their words were genuine, devoid of any deceit.

“Get dressed and gather your belongings.”

At her words, the girls trembled with joy, unable to hide their elation.

“You will now accompany me to Wongak Pavilion.”

What emerged on their lips was undoubtedly a smile of ecstasy.

They had been granted permission to serve their master.

* * *

“Triplets. My masterpiece,” said the chief steward, who had been waiting outside for Jung-ah.


Jung-ah did not hide her admiration.

“You said they’re from the special class, correct?”

“Yes. Externally, the special class is known as a place for educating problematic kids who are exceptional but have serious flaws; however…”

In reality, it was a place where the chief steward selected and prepared children to devote everything for their Grand Young Master, Yeon So-Hyeon.

“Do all the triplets wield martial arts?”

“Not at a high level. That was the limit with the resources available to me.”

He swallowed his regret.

“However, I can confidently guarantee the talents of the children, so don’t worry.”

Upon hearing his words, Jung-ah bowed her head.

If he hadn’t been the Grand Young Master of the Luoyang Sword House,

If it hadn’t been for the manic loyalty and tenacity of the chief steward,

Where on earth in the Central Kingdom could anyone even think of employing such talents as mere maids?

“Fortunately, thanks to you, Sir, there’s no need to worry about replenishing Wongak Pavilion’s staff from now on.”

He burst into a hearty laugh.

“At the end of that long wait, finally, I too can do something properly for my lord!”


The girls dressed in Wongak Pavilion’s maid uniforms looked so beautiful that one couldn’t help but call them attractive.

Each of them had a small sword hanging from their waist.

The identical faces of the triplets wore bright smiles.


Not only the chief steward, who had waited a long time to serve his master and had poured his entire being into raising them, was eager, they too felt the same.

“Now it’s time for us to serve our master.”

“What will be our first assignment?”

“Whether it’s tracking, assassination, demolition, spreading fear, I’m not afraid of any field.”

“I’m confident in intelligence work as well. Research, analysis, prediction, counterintelligence, I’m confident in every field.”

“I’m also looking forward to regular maid duties. We must show Wongak Pavilion’s dignity to the guests.”

Strong confidence exuded from their faces.

They were the ones who had survived all the horrific training and never-ending education in their dreams.

Now it was time for them to step out into the wide world.

“There’s nothing to fear.”

“We are the best, after all.”


At that moment, a voice came from beyond the door.

“Are you done preparing, or are you just chatting away?”

Just hearing Jung-ah’s voice made the hairs on their necks stand on end.

They quickly finished preparing and lined up in front of the door.

“Servants. We’re ready!”

The door opened and Jung-ah revealed herself.

Her cold gaze met each of theirs.

Cold sweat trickled down the triplets’ backs as they met her gaze.

After confirming, Jung-ah nodded her head.

“Get ready to move.”


In lavish attire and radiant beauty, Jung-ah led the way, and the beautiful maidens following her attracted stares and exclamations wherever they stepped.

“Wow, they’re so pretty.”

“I wonder where they’re from; I’m so envious.”

The triplets seemed increasingly smug.

‘Hehe, this is perfect. Keep singing the praises of our Wongak Pavilion maidens.’

‘Ah, this is the joy of being in the spotlight. I’m happy.’

‘It’s a perfect first appearance. Go on, look up to us more.’

Jung-ah let out a wry smile at the triplets’ elevated mood that she could feel from behind.

They were lively kids.

Although they were ruined.

After a long walk, Jung-ah finally stopped.

“Here we are, the main gate of Wongak Pavilion.”

The triplets’ faces turned pale.

Guarding Wongak Pavilion’s gate were people dressed as security guards, but the powerful aura emitted by one of them was the reason for their pallor.

‘Ah, this one is a real master!’

‘The heart of the swordsmanship world for sure!’

‘We’re heading towards the center of power!’

Leaning against the wall with his head bowed, emanating an ominous and menacing aura, was none other than the gatekeeper, Life-Stealing Devil Sword.

His aura was so intense that even his colleagues stayed far away from him.

Jung-ah sensed that her master had somehow provoked him.

“These are Wongak Pavilion’s new maids. Please take good care of them from now on.”

Jung-ah completed the entry procedures and ushered the frozen triplets inside.

“Come on, snap out of it. Don’t stray from the main path here.”

As she prepared to move, a voice came from behind her.

“Master’s personal maid, no, I should now call you the Chief Maid.”

It was Life-Stealing Devil Sword.

“Is now a good time?”

Jung-ah nodded and had the other maidservants wait.

Moving further inside, he was the first to speak.

“What kind of person is the Grand Young Master?”

Jung-ah smiled.

She had expected as much.

“He is the best master one could ask for.”

Scratching his head roughly, he said, “You know that’s not what I’m asking.”

Jung-ah covered her mouth and chuckled.

“You may find it confusing. I did too.”

“This isn’t about being confused…”

She cut him off.

“—There’s only one thing I can say to you.”

Her earnest gaze met Life-Stealing Devil Sword’s.

“Let go of all your negative preconceptions and try to see him for who he is.”


With that, she left him there, lost in thought.

“And a guest will arrive today.”

* * *

As they walked further in, the weather started to grow warmer.

Along with that, the beautiful scenery that began to unfold brightened the triplets’ expressions.

Jung-ah stopped in front of a building.

“Now, this is where our Master currently resides and works. Everyone, compose yourselves once more.”

A clear tension filled the faces of the triplets.

‘Ah, finally, we’re meeting the Master!’

‘A good first impression! A good first impression!’

‘Surely we won’t be turned away now that we’ve come this far…?’

Confirming that the girls were ready, Jung-ah spoke towards the interior.

“Master, it’s Jung-ah. I have brought the new children.”

A soft voice came from inside.

“Come in.”


The triplets were sitting on their knees in front of Yeon So-Hyeon, leaning against chairs.

With their gazes directed downward, they were barely suppressing their trembling bodies.

‘So, this person is our Master!’

‘Such immense authority!’

‘Ah, Master, please take us in!’

Meanwhile, Yeon So-Hyeon showed no air of grandiosity.

Rather, he couldn’t hide the absurdity that crossed his face.

He chuckled as he read the chief steward’s letter and the report containing information about the triplets.

‘Butler chief…’

He looked at Jung-ah.

His gaze questioned what she and the chief steward had done, as he had asked for someone to cook and do chores.

Jung-ah widened her eyes at his look.

“Master, do these children not meet your approval?”

At her words, the prostrated girls shuddered even more, and Yeon So-Hyeon caught this in his line of sight.

He couldn’t help but feel pity.

Yeon So-Hyeon sighed.

Knowing Jung-ah’s keen insight, she had read his gaze, signaling her own intentions.

“Fine. I will accept these children.”

“Your grace is boundless!”

Yeon So-Hyeon extended his hand.

“From now on, call these children ‘the Triplets’. I will delegate all authority regarding them to the chief butler.”

“I will heed your command.”

Jung-ah, bowing deeply to Yeon So-Hyeon, spoke to the triplets.

“Now, follow me. I will assign your first task.”

At the words ‘first task,’ the girls followed Jung-ah with serious expressions.

Yeon So-Hyeon sighed at the obvious mischief in Jung-ah’s words

Yeon So-Hyeon sighed at the blatant playfulness in Jung-ah’s mention of a ‘first mission’ and shook his head.

‘Well, it turned out well anyway…’

His gaze returned to the report containing information on the triplets.

A bitter smile spread across his face.

‘Those girls were raised by the Chief Steward.’

He sank deeply into his chair.

‘…So that’s how it was.’

His eyes gazed into the distance.


“This, isn’t this a bit strange?”

One of the triplets was casting a net into the pond.


Mud splashed all over her, and the fish caught in the net sprang out, splattering water.

“Why are we doing this…?”

Another was digging up crops in the field with a hoe.

The weather in Wongak Pavilion was mild, but the weeds were growing fiercely.

“Why are there no maids or servants in Wongak Pavilion?!”

Another was diligently fanning the furnace.

“Cough, cough.”

Her eyes stung from the acrid smoke.

‘Ah, it’s just the smoke making my eyes water…’

Jung-ah chuckled as she watched them from a distance.

They were all grumbling and their lips were sticking out, but none tried to shirk their duties.

Rather, they were all sweating and giving their best.

‘Everyone, hang in there just a little longer.’

As her master moved, the population of Wongak Pavilion was bound to increase rapidly.

By then, they would take on their true roles as senior maids.


“Do you know why the 2nd Young Master and 3rd Young Master are angry but have not yet acted?”

Jung-ah nodded her head.

“They must be afraid the rumor will spread.”

The rumor that the maid they targeted went to the Swordless One could significantly harm their reputation.

The Chief Steward spoke to her in a serious tone.

“There’s a saying that you can block water but can’t shut people’s mouths. Eventually, the rumor will spread, and they will have to take action against you.”

Jung-ah knew she had to prepare for everything by then.


As the sun gently set.

“Chief Maid!”

Life-Stealing Devil Sword revealed his form through radiant light techniques.

“What is it?”

She felt surprise, urgency, and confusion from him.

“An old man is currently at the front gate.”

“Is it the person you mentioned?”

He nodded hastily.

“Yes! It’s exactly the Medicine King!”

The time was nearing for Yeon So-Hyeon, not the Sovereign of Dark Heavens, to truly begin his actions.


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