The Royal Deal

Chapter 0

‘This has to be an abduction!’ Amethyst fumed. She had initially been with Count Lohikin, but was now in Duke Skad’s drawing room.

‘Duke Alexent Skad- the culprit could only be him!’

His silky, platinum hair that was always brushed back, combined with his captivating red eyes were irresistably intoxicating.

Not now, Amethyst. She silently scolded herself. With her arms folded across her chest, she huffed and puffed, making sure he knew she was displeased. She glared at the duke. However, he seemed unbothered by her reaction.

“Lady Lohikin, let me make you a proposal.”

Amethyst was far too angry to really pay attention to him, but he continued.

“Have you ever heard of the term contract marriage?”

“Contract…what?” She was taken by surprise, her eyebrows raised and her mouth wide open at the thought. First, it was an abduction and now a contract marriage.

Amethyst started to wonder if Duke Skad was losing his mind.

“Yes, a contract marriage. Just so you know, I believe in celibacy. However, I find myself in this complication situation where marriage cannot be avoided. I need the help of a noble lady who can pretend to be my spouse for some time.”

“Why does it have to be me? I have grown up despising the entire idea of marriage. I don’t even like mentioning it!”

“Huh, Lady Lohikin, then you and I are very much alike. I too hate that word ‘marriage’. But you know your father won’t let you spend your life alone. You can’t avoid it forever. Consider it a sort of collateral. Let’s help each other out. It’ll be just a single year that you will have to endure me.”

Amethyst quickly calculated her options. It was an attractive offer, she could not deny that.

Her father, Count Lohikin, may be appeased for now, but he would certainly push her into a marriage with someone she highly disapproves of. There is no guarantee that she would be able to convince him otherwise. If she were to accept the duke’s proposal however, she could buy more time. She would even be in control of who she marries.

She turned towards the duke. “What happens after the year is over?”

“Whatever pleases you. We can publicly divorce, or I can help you start a new life somewhere else, far away from this madness. We can pretend you died in a sudden illness or an accident. I will even be able to live as a widower, mourning my dead wife forever. People will understand my desire to be alone then.”

“You won’t really kill me, will you?”

“Please, Lady Lohikin, I am an honorable man. You will have my protection.”

“I don’t know that. Prove to me that you will keep your promise.”

“Fine, how shall I prove it?” Amethyst mulled over her options.

Should I leave it as a document? No. Even if I were to get it notarised, what would be the use of a document when I’m already dead. It’ll obviously be a secret contract between us so I’m sure he won’t agree to it. What should I do?

Oh! The world tree. They said the world tree is the most important being in these lands. It is like a ruler. Since Duke Skad is in line to the throne, I am sure he thinks highly of the world tree.

“Alright. Swear upon the world tree!”


“I heard the world tree is like a goddess. You’re a member of the royal family, and the royals are descendants of the goddess, so swear upon your ancestor: that you will not kill me and that you will protect my life. Do it.”

The duke was speechless. He stared at Amethyst, his gaze becoming intense with every second and his fiery eyes almost burning with emotion.

He spoke finally.

“Fine, I will swear it upon the world tree. I, Alexcent Frostin du Skad will protect your life no matter what. Will that do?”

A shiver ran down Amethyst’s spine at that response. But she persevered.

“Okay then. How much solatium are you going to give me?”

“You’re even going to request for a solatium? You’re quite a deal maker, aren’t you?

“How am I supposed to live without a penny to my name after one year has passed. By then I would no longer be the consort of a duke, neither a daughter of a Count.”

“That’s true. So how much would you need?”

Oh, I don’t know what to tell him. I don’t understand the Sehar currency. I should have learned it from my mother when I had the time. No. I should be able to live comfortably even in these lands. He is a duke, I am sure he can afford a small price for his plans. He probably already spends a fortune to maintain this grand mansion. If he can afford that, he should be able to afford my expenses.

“I think 10 years worth of pay from your work and two buildings you own somewhere. That should be fair.”

“What? You sound like you are ready to rip me off, dear Lady.”

“I don’t think you grasp the situation. I am in no need of this ‘contract’. I don’t lose out either way. If you don’t like my offer, we can forget about the marriage.”

‘There is no way he is getting off so easily.’

She knew she had been audacious, but she did not want to back down.

The duke looked at her, studying her for a moment. “Fine, let’s do it.”

Amethyst drew in her breath. Oh my. Did he just agree? Did I just agree to marriage? She felt giddy with excitement and fear both at the same time.

In any case, she would be free one year from now.

“Alright then. Let’s discuss the terms of this contract. We will be living in separate bedrooms, correct?”

“Yes, but I will drop by occasionally since the maids will be observing. They will notice.”

“Okay, we do need to keep them fooled. As for the wedding, I would like it to be a grand affair.”

The duke raised an eyebrow. “That’s surprising. I always took you for a girl with minimal tastes.”

“A big wedding is every woman’s dream, and I do need to play the part.” Amethyst smirked. “Also, don’t actually fall in love with me and try to skew our contract.”

The duke frowned. “How ridiculous! That will never happen.”

“Have you never read any romance novels? It’s a pretty common storyline. Anyway, even if you do fall in love with me, I hope you won’t expect me to reciprocate. I am leaving you as soon as our contract is up!”

The duke once again ran his fingers through his hair and seemed to study Amethyst.

“Do you really believe a face like yours is easy to fall in love with?”

“What! You ras…”

“Pardon me, miss, what did you say?”

Amethyst put on a smile and grinned through her teeth, “Nothing at all, never mind. I must have read too many books”.

Duke Skad gave her icy smile of his own in return. “You should be careful of falling head over heels in love with me, lady.”

“Ha! That will never happen, sir”, Amethyst rolled her eyes at him.

“Why makes you so sure?”

If he ever lived in Korea, he would never want to get married. Guess he also haven’t heard of Generation Y – those who have renounced the entire institution of marriage.

Amethyst focused on Duke Skad. She could not speak these thoughts aloud, so she came up with another response.

“Well, I don’t believe in staying with a single person all my life. That is boring.”

That’s right. I am what they call a fan – obsessed with idol groups and wearing my heart on my sleeve. I fall in love several times in a single year/

An image of a dance group member ran through Amethyst’s mind and she shrugged the thought away.

Duke Skad was ready with his rebuttal. “What? With that face, miss, you will be lucky if you can find even one person to commit to you.”

Amethyst glared at the Duke.

“Okay, maybe you are right. Whatever, it is not my concern”, he quickly added, trying to douse the heavy air between them. Amethyst shrugged and changed the conversation. “So will this do?”

“Yes, I will announce the engagement tomorrow. We will have the wedding in a month’s time and exactly a year from now we will part ways.”

“That sounds good. Can I ask you a question?”

“No.” Duke Skad was wary of Amethyst at this point.

“Come on! You don’t even know what it is.”

“Exactly why I don’t want to hear it.”

“You are so stubborn. I am still going to ask. Why do you want to have a contract marriage?”

“Just like that.”

“Just like that?!”

His fiery eyes narrowed down on her and then he looked away. He seemed to have no intention to reveal his motives.

He spoke softly, looking at the room at large. “Let’s just say it is for my own privacy and freedom. And for my sister’s inner peace.

“Speaking of privacy and freedom, you can’t have affairs with other women for the entire duration of our relationship.”

“What do you take me for?!”

“Not even an affair with a man.”

“Are you serious right now?”

“Aw, you can be endearing when you want to be”, Amethyst teased him.

‘He is not bad-looking, either.’

She may lie to herself, but his good looks had played a large part in her agreeing to the whole sham. She, who loathed even the mention of marriage, had been convinced just because he was so dreamy to look at. It would certainly make the relationship more bearable.

All men are the same, Amethyst. Don’t fool yourself.

Yet, Duke Skad was the best possible option. Amethyst, who was living the second chapter of her life, had nothing to be afraid of.

“It’s Alec.”

“Excuse me?”

“My name. You can call me Alec.”

“You can call me Amethyst too.”

“Okay, Ash.”

“Ash? My name is Amethyst.”

“I know that.” Amethyst was frustrated but decided to not let it show. I am not going to argue with this stubborn fool.

Their relationship had begun, and he could call her whatever he desired as long as he met all the conditions of this contract.


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