The Royal Contract

Chapter 1161 - 1161 You are in, or you are out

1161 You are in, or you are out

He watched the man as he entered the small room. The man silently brooded by the window as if he enjoyed the view beyond the glass panel. But he knew nothing about the scenery outside was appealing to the eyes.

Only criminals and the poorest of the poor could live in a dump like this. And even they would not appreciate their living conditions. At least he knew he would not. He had worked hard to get out of such a place like this.

“I am here.” Mike finally spoke up, letting him know of his presence. But he knew he noticed him. The man just did not want to acknowledge him just yet.

He walked to the small kitchen on the other side of the house and grabbed a bottle of cold beer from the fridge. At least the man had something nice to offer him, despite his shabby accommodations.

He could only wonder what was going through the other man’s mind. He could hardly read any emotion from his dark clouded eyes and stoic expression. But he could see that he was deep in his thoughts.

“I brought you this.” He placed the briefcase on the table near his side, pushing it closer to him. “You can check, but I think everything is already in order. Just give the word, and the plans will start in motion.”

He took a sip of the beer in his hand and enjoyed the cold sensation it brought to his mouth and throat. Haley was right about one thing. She was cramping his style.

He should be out there, having the time of his life. Instead, he was babysitting her. He had to guarantee she was always safe and cared for, especially in her condition.

He kept telling himself that he could not wait to get rid of her and out of his life. However, something also nagged at him that he had enjoyed her company. Despite not wanting to like her, he had learned to tolerate her presence.


He guessed he would miss her when she was gone from the house. But he knew she was not safe if she continued to stay under Gerald’s protection. Once Haley’s father learned about that property, he would not hesitate to search the place.

“Then, set it in motion.” The man finally spoke without looking at him. He just stared at the vacant lot across the street with calligraphy’s vandalizing the walls. “Proceed with the plan.”

The man did not even look at the files he brought with him. He just closed his eyes as if he had had enough of the view outside. “Are you sure about this?” Mike asked again, not wanting to make any mistake.

“Yes, it is for the best.” The man finally opened his eyes and stared at him. “Thank you for doing this for me.” Suddenly, the man looked defeated but only for a brief second. He could not help but wonder if he had imagined it because it was gone just like that.

“Don’t you want to, at least, see her before she leaves?” Mike asked the man, who returned his attention to the blank space before him. Still, he knew that he had heard him.

He brought the beer to his lips and took a large gulp of the brown foamy liquid into his mouth, wanting to feel the familiar heat that went through his body when the alcohol spread to his system.

“No. There is no need.” The other man finally spoke again, but, this time, he turned to him. “What about the other things that I ask you to do?” He put his hand on the briefcase and pushed it back to him.

He guessed he had already trusted his work, not bothering to check it anymore. Nevertheless, he wanted his opinion since this was Haley he was talking about in this case. He did not want to screw up.

Anyway, he knew he would not screw this up. He never did fail in his missions, not before and not now. “I am still working on them. It is hard when it seems many are interested in finding you.”

“Besides, I have to prioritize Haley above all else. Her father has teamed up with Don and used all their resources to find her.” Mike informed him. “I need to take her out of the country before they find her.”

“Make sure that nobody suspects anything. Alfred should never learn about our plans and his daughter’s whereabouts.” The man reminded him.

“Just give me a few more weeks to arrange everything.” Mike put down the empty bottle and stood up. “I think we have nothing more to discuss, so I have to go for now. I still have one more meeting before returning to the house.”

The man just nodded, acknowledging what he said. “Are you sure you are ok in here? I can arrange more suitable accommodation for you if you like.” He offered as his eyes roamed once more at the dilapidated state of the room.

He could already see the walls chipped away, exposing their rough surface underneath the paint. The place was worse than where he had grown up, and he swore never to return to a place like that or this ever again.

“Don’t worry about me? Do what I told you? The sooner you accomplish your task, the sooner we can return to our lives.” Mike heard him loud and clear.

“Ok. I will work on it, even if I have to do it day and night.” He took his briefcase and walked out of the room, leaving the man behind.

He stood before the big man that stood, guarding the door. He did not know him, but the man inside said he could trust him. Maybe. So far, he had not seen any reason not to, not yet anyway.

“Inform me if there is any problem around here, Samson.” He instructed as he looked at him. “Anything that is out of the ordinary, even if it seems like nonsense. You call me.”

“Yes, Sir.” The big man answered before he dismissed him to guard the man inside.

He quickly moved downstairs and into his car, ready to meet his next appointment. It would be a long drive, but he had ample time. He swerved into the traffic, finding the best route to his new destination.

This time, he was going to the opposite side of the weighing scale, the upscale side of the city. Here the balance tilted in their favor. The place only screamed luxury, extravagance, money, and power.

“I am here to see Don Lorenzo.” He announced to the hostess by the door.

She quickly guided him inside the restaurant, where a table was still empty. He glanced at his watch and saw that it was still early. He could wait a little more before he decided that the man stood him up.

He looked around the room and saw many familiar faces. One way or another, he had dealt with them directly or indirectly in his career or his line of business.

These were the kind of people who had made him rich beyond his wildest imagination. Well, it was a cruel world out there. He only made opportunities for himself. Fortunately, it paid well.

“I am sorry if I made you wait, Mr. Carter.” The man came to stand before him.

He immediately stood up and invited the newcomer to join him. “Please, sit down, Mr. Lorenzo.” Quickly, he called the server, snapping his fingers at him. “I just arrived myself.”

Then, he ordered a special bottle for his friend, only the best for the new leader of the underworld. Afterward, another man joined them. It was his new protege.

“Mr. Michael Prescot, it is great to meet you finally.” Mike greeted the other younger man, even a few years younger than him. “I heard great things about you. I hope it is all true.”

“Well, it is also great to put a face to a man like Mike Carter. And your name precedes you.” The other man also complimented his work.

“I think we are not here to discuss our previous accomplishments. On the other hand, I am ready to offer my services for the organization’s future.” He offered. “After all, I have already proven my loyalty and worth under your leadership.” Slightly reminding them of his enormous contribution.

The older man chuckled while nodding his head. He seemed amused by what he said, but that was better than furious. He had to gain their trust so they would give him more responsibility in this new organization they were building.

And, of course, so he could keep his head attached to his body. These people meant business. One wrong move and his life would be in danger. Look at what they had done to his friend.

These people would never hesitate to kill, just like he would never have a second thought about ending someone’s life if necessary for survival. That was how their lives worked under the dark umbrella of their organization.

It was either you are in, or you are out.


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