The Royal Contract

Chapter 1154 - 1154 Set in stone

1154 Set in stone

He looked at the clock on his wrist and turned to the door. He was supposed to meet a client in this restaurant. But his client was late. He had been waiting for half an hour on the appointed schedule, but she was still a no-show.

However, he was not like the other attorney who got paid by the hour. In his case, this was a pro bono. Therefore, he did not get even a dime for doing this job. Nevertheless, he knew how important this was to his client, so he opted to wait.

“Would you like to order something else with your coffee?” The waitress in the diner asked as she refilled his cup with freshly brewed.

“Let me have a pancake.” He knew it was rude if he kept drinking their refillable coffee without ordering anything else.

That was one more thing about his current employment. He barely earned anything. Truthfully, he had to spend most of his income to cover the expenses of his pro bono work.

But it did not matter to him. The pleasure he derived from helping those people who could not afford representation was more than enough satisfaction.

Of course, proving that money could not buy justice was an additional bonus. And lastly, beating those corporate sharks who loved bending the law for their large corporate firm and their client’s benefit gave him so much thrill. He believed it was all worth it.

“Good choice. That is our specialty.” The young lady smiled at him as if he had just made her day.

As he waited, his eyes ended up staring at the busy street outside the window. People had come and go, probably on their way to work, school, the grocery, or something.


Then, his mind suddenly returned to last night, recalling the rest of his evening. Honestly, he thought he was going to get laid. At least, one part of his mind did. Although, it was not like he wanted it. He just thought it was inevitable.

Fortunately, Roseann seemed to understand his situation, offering him some wine but only to talk. Yes, they talked for hours, telling things about each other and sharing a few funny moments that made them laugh.

It was refreshing to hear stories that did not involve the law, although he might not want to discuss some of them over dinner. It was just too gruesome for his taste. But Roseann seemed to love her profession, which he found fascinating.

“I thought that was you.” A man greeted him, making him look up at a familiar face. “How have you been, Adam? Sorry, it has been a while since we saw each other.” His friend clapped him on the shoulder.

“Evan, please join me.” Adam welcomed his old pal, offering him the other seat. “Would you like some breakfast?”

He thought his client might not show up at all. It was not unusual in cases like this. But he still wished she would turn up eventually and seek his help.

“I will just have a coffee.” He hollered to the young lady serving on the other table nearby. “Anyway, I am in the neighborhood and happen to see you in the window.” He explained as he made himself comfortable opposite him.

“I am also glad to see you. I thought you were still on your honeymoon.” He supplied, hearing that from his friend, David, the last time he saw him. “Congratulations, by the way. She is a lucky woman.”

“Thanks, but I am the lucky one. Amelia is amazing, a one-of-a-kind.” Evan proudly expressed as he talked slightly about his wife.

“I think you are both lucky. You are a good man. You will be a good husband.” He insisted as they continued to chat about life. “But be careful since karma can be a bitch.” He warned his friend.

Of course, he knew all of Evan’s womanizing ways. He once called him the modern-day Don Juan because of his charm. He never remembered ever hearing that Evan made a woman cry. But the ladies swarmed to him like flies.

“I know. But I have changed my ways. I will never hurt my darling wife.” Evan swore to his friend. “Anyway, I am glad that I have run into you. But I meant to see you.”

When his friend turned on his serious face, Adam could tell Evan meant business. Now, he wondered if this was about a case. Did they have a conflict of interest with one of the cases he handled? Or something else.

“Now, we are here. So, what is it?” He did not find a reason not to discuss it now. He had nowhere else to go anyway.

With how his face contorted and his crooked smile, in addition to his slight hesitation, he knew his friend was treading lightly. It could be something significant that he wished for a favorable result in the end.

“Ok. I will tell you straight.” Evan eventually said as he placed his entwined hands on the table. “I want you to work for us.” That was not new.

Adam heard that before when David offered him a job, taking the position that Dani vacated. But he declined since he never liked working for a firm. He never needed the money since he never had a lavish lifestyle.

Besides, he already had enough savings to last him a lifetime from working in a firm like Blake and Anderson. When he decided to quit and start his small firm that handles mostly pro bono and small cases, he swore never to work with the giant firm again.

“I already said no to David.” He reminded his friend. “You know I am through with Corporate Law and all the bullshit of those rich assholes. Not referring to you guys, of course.”

Still, David and Evan’s firm was not as dirty as the previous firm he had worked for in the last five years of his career. How else did he acquire all those wealth? He called them dirty money.

Now, he used them to do good and correct his mistakes. Yeah, his goal and dreams were too idealistic, but he tried his best to achieve at least even a portion of them. It was the least he could do to save his soul from his previous wrongdoings.

“I know what you said, but I am here to convince you to change your mind,” Evan told him. “I know this is a big ask, but we need you to step up and take Gerald’s position.”

He heard about their top litigator’s murder. But that was one of the top positions in their company. And Evan was offering it to him. Honestly, it would be a big promotion if he accepted the job, but he still did not feel right taking it.

“We can always compromise. Name your price and demands, and we will work on a more amicable arrangement.” Evan generously offered, which was surprising since he never considered himself of Gerald’s caliber.

He believed the late litigator was a legend in his ability to win cases in and out of court. Gerald was one of the best closer in the industry. Therefore, he could not help but doubt that he could step on his shoes.

“That is one heck of a package for someone like me. Are you sure you are talking to the right guy?” He still could not believe that his friends would think he could step into Gerald’s position.

“I am positive, Adam.” Evan nodded with a wide grin on his lips. “You are the only one perfect for the job.” He even commented. “So, tell me how to persuade you to accept.”

He could see the determination on his friend’s face. His friend seemed convinced that he would do good things like Gerald did. He had heard that Gerald had free rein in his pro bono cases. Maybe he could also do that.

Besides, with a backing of a large firm, he could do more good like what Dani had done before. But this time, in Gerald’s position, he had more control. Suddenly, the idea did not seem so bad.

“Because David and I can’t think of anyone more deserving of that position than you.” Evan persisted. “I will add a few bonuses to make it enticing and even introduce you to some of my wife’s friends. I am sure you will like one of them.”

He suddenly smiled at his friend’s attempt to coerce him to join the dark side. He used to call his opposing counsels with those terms. However, as tempting as it might sound, he was still unconvinced.

“Can you at least give me some time to think about it?” He requested. He did not find this an easy decision to make.

He asked the young lady for another refill, believing he needed something that would kick his ass to wake him up because it sounded like he was dreaming. Truthfully, it looked too good to be true.

However, he knew he could count on David and Evan to keep their word if he ever considered their proposal. But he needed time to weigh the pros and cons of accepting the job.

“I can only give you a couple of days. We are barely making it without enough manpower.” Evan explained to him the urgency of their situation, which was understandable because of the abrupt death of one of their best lawyers.

Was he considering his offer?

Could his friends eventually change his mind about joining their company where others had failed? He guessed the saying was true. Nothing in life could remain set in stone as he considered the possibility.


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