The Romance Of Mr. Walton

Chapter 43

"You still want to greet me when you return home?" Huo Tingchi was also quite calm, "Or do you take me as an outsider?"

In Wen Qing's opinion, the rumors were true, and this was really brotherly discord. After all, the words of the Huo Family Second Master were filled with hostility.

When Huo Tingchi said this, even Wen Qing felt embarrassed for Huo Tingshen. She didn't expect him to be so calm: "Didn't you insist on moving out? If we went to your place without a word of greeting, wouldn't you think it would be sudden? "

The silence was awkward.

Wen Qing pursed her lips. At this time, shouldn't she pick up her bag and say, 'I'm leaving first'?

Before she could say anything, Ye Wanluo said, "Tingshen, you misunderstood. I said I was worried about little brother, so I wanted to come back to see him."

Seeing that, Huo Tingren said: "Second sister in law, thanks to Teacher Wen, I think this time, I will do well."

Ye Wanluo once again shifted her gaze onto Wen Qing. "Miss Wen, you really are our family's great benefactor."

Tingren laughed, "That's why I invited Teacher Wen over for di

er. This is a thank teacher feast, second sister in law of the Second Brother, why don't you all stay and eat together."

Ye Wanluo looked at Huo Tingchi and said, "How about we forget about it?"

Huo Tingchi looked at Ye Wanluo lovingly, "You just said that Miss Wen is our family's meritorious general, isn't it rude to leave now?"

Wen Qing was depressed. If they had nothing to do, they would just talk about their own things. Why would they drag her into anything?

She smiled awkwardly.

Huo Tingshen walked to her side and naturally put his arm around her shoulders.

"Let me introduce you. This is my Second Brother. Huo Tingchi, in the future, you can call me Second Brother. This is … Since you know each other, you don't need me to introduce you anymore. "

Huo Tingshen's other hand naturally helped her to straighten her hair that was fluttering in the wind.

She frowned. He came again.

Seeing that she didn't respond, he tightened his grip on her shoulder.

Wen Qing nodded to the two of them once again, "Hello."

Huo Tingchi raised his eyebrows, "Miss Wen is still a student, right?"

Wen Qing nodded. "Mn, I'm still in my fourth year at Northern City Normal University. I'll be graduating in a few days."

"So you are a student of the Polytechnic University. No wonder you can teach Wu Tie so well. It seems like Tingshen, you have the eyes of a teacher."

"Second Brother, you should say that I have the eyes to choose women," After he finished speaking, he naturally brought Wen Qing into the house. "Come in and eat."

Huo Tingren pushed Huo Tingchi into the house, "Why do I feel like what my third brother said was wrong."

Huo Tingchi didn't reply, but his gaze landed on Ye Wanluo, who was beside him.

She looked at Huo Tingshen and Wen Qing, who had entered the room, and did not move at all.

As his wheelchair passed her, she looked back and met his gaze.

She quickly composed herself, smiled, and said to Huo Tingren, "Tingren, let me push."

Huo Tingren waved his hand: "It's been awhile since I've seen my Second Brother, let me push."

Huo Tingshen, who had already entered the room, said coldly to Wen Qing, who was in his arms, "Tonight, you must help me put on a good show."

"Why would I do that?" She looked at him. "I don't want to get involved with you."

"Wen Qing, you have no other choice. If you don't cooperate, then I have no obligation to keep this a secret."


"That Spring Festival Gala of yours and I, didn't you want others to know about it?"

"Huo Tingshen, you're despicable!" Her voice wasn't loud, but it was filled with fury.

He smiled naturally and pinched her cheek, "I am despicable. So, whether we cooperate or not is all up to you. I can tell the truth within minutes anyway. I don't care if we're involved in this."

She turned her head to the side and pulled her cheek away from his hand.

At this moment, Ye Wanluo had already entered the room.

His hand reached Wen Qing's head at the same time.

Wen Qing glanced at Ye Wanluo and rolled her eyes at Huo Tingshen in embarrassment, "You're hurting me."

He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

Wen Qing's face instantly flushed red. "Stop messing around. There are so many people."

He looked at her doting smile and said, "There's nothing to be shy about. They're all family members."

Behind her, Ye Wanluo's footsteps froze.

It had been a long time since she saw Tingshen's warm smile.

Could it be that Wen Qing was really different to him?

Huo Tingren pushed Huo Tingchi in, causing Butler Tong to quickly step forward to help.

Everyone sat down at the dining table.

Huo Tingshen said, "Butler Tong, go open a bottle of red wine. We are very happy today, let's have a drink together."

"Alright, Lord Third." Butler Tong brought red wine and poured wine for them.

When she walked behind Wen Qing, she pushed her wine glass to the side and politely said, "Thank you. I don't drink."

Huo Tingshen hugged his chest, "Hmm, Teacher Wen really ca

ot drink. If she drinks too much, she will make a fool of herself. Alright, take everyone out first."


Wen Qing rolled her eyes at him. He smiled, raised his glass, and took a sip of wine.

Huo Tingren was puzzled, "Third Brother, how did you know that Teacher Wen would make a fool of himself when he's drunk? Have you seen it before? "

Huo Tingshen looked at him: "What do you think?"

Huo Tingshen looked at Wen Qing, "Teacher Wen, you drank wine with my third brother?"

Wen Qing blushed slightly and shook her head. "No."

Huo Tingshen smiled when he saw her expression. This was a completely different world.

"Tch, why do I smell that strange scent again? Teacher Wen, is there some secret between you and Third Brother?"

Wen Qing was a little embarrassed. "You're thinking too much."

"But you clearly …"

"Tingren, the so-called secret is something that ca

ot be shared with others. Don't ask."

"I'm just curious." Huo Tingren said honestly.

Huo Tingchi also picked up his wine cup and gently shook it: "A man starting to get curious about a woman, that's a good thing. Heh..." My family's Tingren has also grown up. He has his own ulterior motives. "

Huo Tingren was no longer a child and hurriedly said: "Second Brother, what are you thinking about? Teacher Wen is my teacher, I am just curious about the secret between my third brother and Teacher Wen."

"I see that Miss Wen isn't much older than you, isn't it very popular nowadays to have a sibling relationship with a little milk dog?"

Wen Qing looked embarrassed: "Mr. Huo, you really misunderstood me on this point. I don't like brotherly love, and Tingren is not my type. Please don't make any assumptions, it would make people very uncomfortable."

"That's right, that's right." Huo Tingren also nodded.

"I just think that the Miss Wen and my little brother look to be very compatible. If you guys can meet eye to eye, I will support you guys."

"We can't see …" Before she could finish, she was interrupted.

"Second Brother, stop flirting around. Wen Qing is my girlfriend."


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