The Romance Of Mr. Walton

Chapter 1127

That one over there is indeed Lucus.

In front of him stood a woman in an entertainment center uniform.

It seems that she should be young.

I don't know why. She's apologizing to Luzhou.

On the other side, Ji Shubai asked everyone to go to the private room.

He didn't want to see this man for a moment.

But who knows, Kang Guxin, the boss of the entertainment center that they went with, didn't go in.

See her to go, Ji Shu white pull her, low voice way: "Gu Xin, don't go."

Kang Guxin said with a sallow face: "this is still the entertainment center of our Kang family. He is bullying the employees of our Kang family. I can't take it as if I didn't see it."

She said, break away from Gu Mo, and go to Luzhou.

After Ji Shubai pushes Gu Mo and his party into the private room, he follows Kang Guxin.

In the private room, Gu Mo was worried because Ji Shubai was there.

Seems to see the uneasiness of her eyes, simonan patted her hand, warm voice: "come on, I'll take you to have a look."

Gu Mo looked at him: "but..."

"It's OK. This is my place."

He said, pulling Gu Mo up.

When they came out, there was no one in the corridor, but Gu Mo saw on the glass door of the private room opposite, and his uncle was leaning there.

Gu Mo pulls simonan to push the door in.

In the private room, there are only Kang Guxin, Ji Shubai and the waitress.

Although the waiter was wearing work clothes, he was extremely pure and lovely.

It's just that she doesn't look very well, she's a little haggard.

Kang Gu Xin picked the eyebrows of simonan and Gu Mo who came in later, motioned them to sit down, looked at the waiter and said, "you sit too."

The girl shook her head.

Kang Guxin didn't force him either. After Gu Mo and his wife sat down, he said to the girl, "just after Luce Zhou left, don't you ask me to help you? Tell me about you and what you want me to do for you. "

"Miss, my name is Suyu, Suyu in Suzhou, Yuer's fish."

The girl's voice was also very good. After introducing herself, she talked about her relationship with luczhou.

Su Yu is a junior at the Western University. When she came to work in the club, she filled in a false resume.

The reason why I wrote a fake resume in my previous job was because I wanted to protect myself.

She is afraid that if others know that she works here, they will look at her with colored glasses.

She doesn't want to ruin her future because of the past she worked here.

It's a must to come here to work.

She needs money, she needs a lot of money, and this is where she gets the most tips.

Su Yu said, dropping his eyes and closing his eyes: "I'm really desperate when I come here today, because I To protect my children. "

Su Yu said and stroked his hand to his belly.

Gu Xin was surprised: "you Pregnant? "

Su Yu nodded: "yes, I'm pregnant. I've been eight weeks."

Kang Guxin is speechless. What's wrong with this world.

Older women like her had been single for so many years before.

But these young girls, who are still young, are going to be mothers

"Then why do you want me to help you protect your children? Is there any danger to your children? Why don't you go to the father to help you? "

"The father can't help me. He wants me to knock the baby out."

Gu Xin Ning Ning eyebrow: "your child's father, will not happen to be luczhou that day."

Su fish head down, lip biting, nodding.

"My God..."

Kang Guxin can only use these two words to describe a moment of surprise.

At this time, she was more than surprised.

The other three people in the private room were also a little shocked. There was a time when he was so careless.

Kang Guxin said: "how did you tell him How did you get pregnant with his baby? Do you know him? You dare to sleep with him. "

Su Yu shed tears and shook his head: "I don't know him. Before that night, I didn't even know him. That day, I was on duty in the private room, where he met his friends. I went in to pick up the vomit of the guests, and he kept staring at me.

He asked me how old I was and where I came from. He kept looking at my face and chatting with me. I know it's common for me to be chatted up when I work here, so I didn't pay attention to him at the beginning, just went out after work. "

Su Yu originally thought that it was the guest's whim.

But who knows the next afternoon after class.

Su Yu is ready to come to work. As soon as he leaves the school gate, he sees another eye-catching white sports car.

Luczhou stopped his car in front of Su Yu and said, "Su Yu, get in the car. I have something to tell you."When he called out Su Yu's name, Su Yu was really surprised.

She works in the entertainment center. Her name is Su Su.

She never told anyone her name was Su Yu.

She didn't know how the man knew his name.

At that moment, she was afraid.

But there is the school gate, it is school time, the crowd come and go, many people with different eyes to see me.

He was afraid that other people would find out that she worked in the entertainment center because of this man.

I'm also afraid to be seen by my classmates and say that she doesn't learn to be rich.

So she got in the car without saying a word.

That day, luczhou took Suyu to a well decorated western restaurant.

He said, "I'll treat you to dinner."

Su Yu said, "no, I have to rush to work."

"No matter how important a job is, you must first fill your stomach. No job is more important than your body," he said

It's been many years since no one cared so much for Su Yu.

At that moment, Su Yu was really grateful to him.

But when the waiter brings the menu.

Without a word, she stood up and said she was leaving.

Because of the price on the menu, any meal is her living expenses for a year.

She doesn't understand why the rich world is so luxurious.

It's just a meal. Is it really necessary to eat like this?

Luczhou may have seen Su Yu's mind, so he said: "don't worry, I'll take this meal. Next time, if you want, you can invite me back. You can decide the place, even if you want to eat Malatang. "

Su Yu was surprised that he said it was OK to eat spicy hot. He was really curious about what the man wanted to do.

For three or four days in a row, he would pick up Su Yu every day, eat with her and send her to work.

Su Yu is used to being alone.

After such a small change in her life, she felt very happy.

Maybe everyone is a bit adventurous by nature.

Su fish also has a heartbeat, but also for someone's heart.

Therefore, she easily fell in love with each other under the attack of the other party.

But she knew it.

This very rich man and she are not from the same world.

He's in the clouds and he's in the mud.

She doesn't believe in Cinderella stories.

So she knew that there would be no result between him and Lucus.

That night after work, luczhou did not drive Suyu back to school.

Instead, he took himself to his villa.

Su Yu is not a child. Of course, he knows what will happen between himself and him after he goes there.

But she didn't flinch.

At that time, she thought, rather than spend her life so mediocre.

It's better to love once, even if only for a few months.

After all, her first time is to give her favorite man, also worth it.

But Su Yu never thought that at the most intimate moment between them, luczhou called out another person's name


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