The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 104 How did you become this... ill fortunate?

Chapter 104 How did you become this... ill fortunate?

Among the group of talented individuals, Arnold Shen was with them. Seeing Lexi's stance, he raised his hand indicating them to stop and then place his erected index finger in front of his lips to silence the already silent group.

In his eyes, this was the perfect chance to proved to this colleague that the person he adamantly squeezed as Chang'e was right. After all, he received a call earlier and one investor wanted to place the actress name Che Diayu as Chang'e. However, Arnold Shen had seen the girls acting skills and even if he said that she's not bad, it just too mediocre and was certain that she wouldn't give justice to this important side character.

His refusal of the order, of course, lost him an investor but, Arnold Shen regarded this film with much more important than the rest of his previous project as this was his own script and his last masterpiece before he retires. Hence, he was willing to shell out more money if that's the cost of his noncompliance.

Lexi looked up to Che Diayu without a change on her expression. She kept peering at her like she was examining her whole soul. Slowly standing up, Lexi fixed her gaze on the girl who took a step back.

Slightly tilting her head on the side, Lexi's hand slowly raised and seeming to reach out to Che Diayu's face. However, she stopped midway and unhurriedly retracted her hand as she wordlessly knitted her brows while lightly shaking her head.

Her action obviously made Che Diayu confused. To her, Lexi had become more strange than earlier. Not to mention, why does she look like she was dismayed about something yet, she also seemed disheartened?

"Sis, I think she really lost her mind." One of Che Diayu's lackey whispered as she somehow got goosebumps seeing the strange action of Lexi. After all, Lexi was like a deranged person that was unaware of it.

"My…" Lexi finally spoke in a low disheartened tone as she held her closed hand on her chest. Glancing back at Che Diayu, Lexi shook her head again and she attempted to reach her hand to her -- and again, halted several inches away.

"My poor child… how did you become this… ill fortunate?" Lexi heavily sighed as if her heart was pulverized by what's in front of her. She added,

"God has created wonderful things… how come you had a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp?" As polite and demoralized Lexi may sound, there wasn't a touch of ridiculing on her voice. It is as if she was genuinely dispirited on Che Diayu's face while trying to be polite.

"You!" Che Diayu's face instantly reddened and her hand balled into a fist after being insulted right in front of her face. She had never been called 'ugly' as she maintained her slim face and fair skin with a huge price. Moreover, how could she accept these offensive remarks?

Just then, a loud, slow clapped reached Lexi, Che Diayu, and the rest's ears. Breaking the ominous atmosphere that was surrounding them, they subconsciously turned their heads to its source.

There, Arnold Shen was grinning as he made his way to them while clapping his hands. Behind him were other important individuals that were in-charged of the screening. Soon, Arnold's group reached Lexi's position as his claps stopped.

On the other hand, Abigail Fan abruptly stood from her seat as she respectfully bowed her head to the group that came into the scene. Somehow, she was relieved that they came to interfere as Abigail Fan was afraid that Che Diayu would lose it and start a catfight.

The instant Che Diayu saw Arnold Shen approached, her fury subsided. Since it came to this, the best revenge she could return to the insult Lexi spouted was to slap her by getting the role.

"That's my goddess Chang'e!" Arnold Shen heartily announced as he turned his gaze to his companions. The people behind him nodded in satisfaction as they were finally convinced of the director's choice after seeing her portray and give justice to the role.

Upon hearing this, Che Diayu's eyes lit up as she cast Lexi a mocking glance before sweetly smiling to Arnold Shen. Slightly bowing her head, she greeted.

"Good afternoon, Director Shen. I'm glad to finally meet you."

Abigail's heart sank when she heard Arnold Shen's statement. By the looks of it, since his right hand was laid open near Che Diayu's position while he boasts on his choice for Chang'e, she thought that he was referring to her. This gave her a much-dreaded feeling that Lexi's once in a lifetime chance vanished.

"Oh! Miss Che Diayu? I'm good." Arnold Shen was too excited hearing Lexi utter some of Chang'e's dialogues and he was utterly satisfied with it. He had almost forgotten about Che Diayu existence and his disgust for the girl. If she didn't greet him he wouldn't even bat an eye but, for professional reasons, he still did. As his assistant hand over a script and the said schedule of readings and other events before filming. He resumed,

"Oh, by the way, this was the script for Chang'e and the schedules..."

Che Diayu eyes lit up as she posts a receiving stance, but to her dismay, Arnold Shen's hand redirected and stopped in front of Lexi.

"Miss Lexi Yang. Hehe, I apologize to keep you waiting -- things happened earlier, hehe." He apologized with a smile while giving her the folders she needed.

Fortunately, there's another way to return on the screening room, hence, it only took him little time to argue with the people that tried to bribe his last movie to direct with money.

"You don't have to, Director Shen -- I truly understand. Thank you," Lexi received the folder with a reserved smile.

"Hehe, Okay then, I'm looking forward to working with you." Arnold Shen and Lexi exchange more pleasantries before the group excused themselves to tend to other things.

When they left, Abigail Fan was speechless to the core as she looked at Lexi in awe. Meanwhile, Che Diayu paled, not only she was ignored most of the time but also, Lexi got the role instead of her?

"Well, I guess I got lucky again…" Lexi purposedly blurted out in delight without giving Che Diayu and her two lackeys a glance. She added,

"Manager Abi, close your mouth, let's go."

"Lexi Yang! Just what underhanded means have you done to snatch this role from me?" Che Diayu bellowed through her gritted teeth, however, no matter how angry she was, Lexi apathetically gazed at her nearly popping vein on the forehead.

"Underhanded means? Do you mean bribing Director Shen just like you did? Do I have to though?" Smirking at the beet red complexion of Che Diayu, Lexi heeds her no mind as she began taking strides. As if being reminded about something, Lexi turned her head back to Che Diayu.

"Oh, by the way, thank you for being my acting partner… and you are right, I came here to try my luck and well… it seems I'm lucky." She uttered before resuming on her track with a smirk.


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