The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 584 Agnes’s soul avatar (part 2)

Chapter 584  Agnes’s soul avatar (part 2)

Now, Aster was sure that he could quench a part of his curiosity, by using his dragon eyes to scan Agnes's soul avatar, contrary to what most people believe, even ethereal beings have a "solid" thing to them.

The explanation is actually quite simple, ethereal beings manifest in energy form, so they are bound to have meridians, just like cultivators, anything that wishes to circulate energy has meridians, they just have a different name or form depending on the nature of its owner.

For example, the "meridians" of a formation are the runes used to create it, veins, organs or bones can be meridians for body cultivators, if we take a page from Aster's previous world, the cables of an electronic would be meridians, that's the best way to see it, anything which can circulate energy has the potential to be a meridian.

And following the previous principle, souls also have meridians, since soul energy is created and stored there, the thing is that unlike meridians that form in the body for either energy or body cultivators, which can be "felt" by those who specialize in the enhancing their spirit sense with soul energy.

But as far as Aster knows, there is no records of someone even feeling meridians in another people's souls, and there is a proper explanation for that, the meridians used to conduct soul energy are manifested outside of the body, in the space between one's eyes and the crown of the head to be more accurate.

And yet his eyes have the capacity to see the meridians in someone's soul, or more accurately in one of the "representations" of a cultivator's soul, which is the soul avatar, not to mention he can see through it.

The Martial Soul, which is what the soul avatar represent, is where all the techniques, abilities and knowledge regarding cultivation is stored, Aster had for the first time looked at a soul avatar with his dragon eyes, not too long ago by peeking at Eris's soul avatar.

And the result brought surprising results and a small accident, where he saw a bit more than what he should have, since he saw through the clothes of Eris's avatar, however he stopped immediately and instead focused on the meridians he could discern.

Which is why, he now realized about one of the functions of the armors that the soul avatars of those with soul constitutions have.

"I can't see them", mumbled Aster, making Agnes's wonder what he was talking about, she did see Aster's eyes changing and she more or less knew what his eyes could do, and was fascinated by it, but she didn't know about the recent discovery made with Eris's help.

But then a wild thought flashed through her mind, one or two generations an extremely talented person in the soul path appears in the Fey family, they al share a few things in common, for example they are always girls and they all can see certain "aspects" of other people's souls, a strange and quite coveted ability, since one's soul can't lie.

It's not like the Fey can read one's mind, but they can see the real nature of others, naturally there are restrictions and if the target is strong enough it can be blocked, but doing so means that the other party isn't trustworthy, thus those among the Fey with that capacity are treated like treasures, since they can determine whether a deal with a certain person, or family is beneficial for them or not.

"This is just a supposition but can you… see through my soul avatar?", she curiously asked, making Aster chuckle.

"Just the surface for now, but if I have a sparring partner who knows", he jokingly said.

"Not even the most skilled Soul King in my family can do that you know", mumbled Agnes with a pout, but then her pretty eyes widened a bit as a realization hit her like bolt out of the blue.

"Wait a moment… what do you mean with only the surface?", she said as her eyes narrowed a bit.

Aster felt Agnes's sharp gaze on him and he cleared his throat in response, unlike Eris who though used her soul avatar too, her main focus was her genesis core, Agnes family put a lot of emphasis in their soul avatars.

It's understandable though, those without soul constitutions can't "interact" with their soul avatars even if they are soul cultivators, at least not at the current level of the soul path which the four Heavenly Quadrants have reached.

Imagine it like this, the soul avatars of those with soul constitutions are like top grade expensive dolls, who come with their respective outfits and accessories that can be changed, while the soul avatars of regular soul cultivators are cheap dolls who come with the "clothes" painted on the plastique.

In other words, the first are more realistic than the second ones, it's one of the perks of having a soul constitution, a noticeable head start because for those without soul constitutions or a lineage oriented to the soul path, to reach that point, they have to reach the Heavenly realms when a cultivator takes a qualitative jump in terms of existence.

Eris probably knew about it, but didn't take into account as she doesn't dive into the properties of her soul avatar, but Agnes who is way more sensitive regarding the realistic "doll" replica of herself, blushed and then flew to cover the private parts of her soul avatar with her body and her sword.

Aster bitterly laughed at her reaction, but he couldn't complain, he did see the upper body of Eris's soul avatar, but it was an accident, which is why he didn't use his dragon eyes on Agnes's avatar.

"Did you see it?", she mumbled as she gazed at Aster who couldn't help but find her reaction rather cute.

"No", he said.

"But you can do it if you want to right…", she said as her pretty blue eyes looked at Aster's directly only to see him smirking.

"Well, I won't deny that every cell of my body yelled "take a peek", but I can't do anything about that, dragon bloodline remember, that being said I won't do it, so you'll have to trust me", he said.

Agnes's eyes glowed for a second before she giggled as she got out of the way.

"Dragons are lascivious but… Aster is Aster~", she cutely said.

'So, it is something like "I don't mind being seen by you", how cute, don't let her go darling!', Lilia's voice echoed in Aster's mind, making him chuckle.

But then Agnes seemed to have remembered something, which made her mood darken a bit, she bit her lips before she managed to squeeze her next words.

"Did you meant what you said earlier…".

Aster raised an eyebrow not knowing what part of all the conversation she was referring to, luckily that mother of his knew more about the Fey, so she quickly explained.

'The Fey family is neutral, or at least the majority of their leaders are, and while their descendants are most of the times free to find their partner, the princesses who have the ability of seeing the aspects of other people's souls, have a line of suitors formed by "geniuses" that will go from one extreme of a planet to the other one, and that is only from the Heavenly Quadrant that the Fey rule'.

Aster nodded understanding the problem, certainly if Agnes said that she had already found someone, whether it was feigned or not, the attention will fall on that someone instead of her, in other words he'll be receiving a lot of hate but… so what.

"Mm your worries are understandable, going that far for a princess of the Fey family is not justified, however doing it for a member of my family is only normal", casually said Aster.

Needless to say, but Agnes's felt her heart clenching when she heard the first part, but not even a second later it turned into a sweet blissful sensation that flooded her whole body, only then she noticed Aster playful smile and she realized he was teasing her.

"You bully…", she mumbled with a slightly reddened face.

'You stood up for me without a second of hesitation, why wouldn't I do the same', thought Aster before saying.

"Speaking of secret backgrounds, I never told you my last name, right?".

"Mm?", Agnes who was lost in her little world a second ago, turned to see Aster with a contemplative expression on her pretty face.

"Wasn't it the same as Camila's, "Wolfstein" was it?".

Aster's smile made Agnes raise an eyebrow as a weird premonition appeared in her heart, to be confirmed the next moment.

"My last name is Drage", he said.

Agnes was in awe for a second, it's not like she didn't know that Aster, Alice and obviously Lilia who is their mother, have a dragon lineage, but despite the similitudes with the publicly known strongest dragon lineage clan in the four Heavenly Quadrants, she never thought that they were part of the Drage family.

For a good reason, Alice didn't really use destruction that much, but the golden armor mainly not to mention her spirit energy has gained a bright red tone, instead of the dark red that one would normally see, or the black with red borders that Lilia has, speaking of Lilia, the few times she has fought since she met Agnes, she has used her body path and the overall sensation that Agnes felt from her, isn't like the one of the Drage she know.

And last but probably the most important, Aster cultivates in the soul path, which is impossible for the dragon bloodline of the Drage, Agnes always thought that Aster belonged to a family that fell and was buried in the history, just for an incredibly outstanding member of the young generation to appear out of nowhere, it's not that uncommon, though unlike most cases, Aster does have the capacity to create ripples in the four Heavenly Quadrants from Agnes's point of view.

"Wait, your age doesn't match with any of the renowned members of those guy's youngest generation, also did your miss Lilia dye her hair, there is no one in the Drage with both black hair and red eyes…", Agnes stopped midway.

It's been quite a while since Lilia disappeared from the public scene, more than fifty years at least, and while for cultivators of the of the old generation that's like a breeze, Agnes is part of the young generation, Lilia hadn't even reached the one thousand mark, so when Lilia was active, she was probably cultivating at closed doors in the main territory of the Fey family.

Of course, given all the amazing feats Lilia achieved back then, it's not normal that she wasn't recognized by Agnes, but not only those from the other branches of the Drage family obviously took the chance to promote themselves, but the only friends she has also disappeared from the public scene as a sign of solidarity towards their sister, saying that they will return once Lilia does.

Agnes knows about that part, because one of those two is none other than her cousin, which is the Ancestor of the Alchemy Peak, and she used to tell her stories about their sisters back when she couldn't leave the security of the main territory of the Fey.

"Cousin never mentioned the name of the third "sister" of the story and I didn't dig into it, since I personally don't like those fake bastards… but then it means you are currently the young master of the Drage family", mumbled Agnes only to see Aster shrugging.

"It's not exactly something I take pride in, but yes that seems to be the case according to my mother", he said.

Agnes saw that Aster didn't really seem to care about the Drage, despite what they represented and she couldn't help but laugh.

'That's the Aster I know~', she thought as she looked at her soul avatar, which then moved its hand to place it on the ground in front of Aster.

Now, Agnes's soul avatar isn't as huge as the golden armor in all its splendor, but it is still a replica of Agnes, od around ten meters of height, her hand is enough for Aster to stand on top of.

On the other hand, a soul avatar is normally ethereal since it is formed of soul energy, but Aster didn't doubt Agnes and happily accepted the offer as he jumped to land on the hand of her soul avatar.

Agnes's soul avatar then raised its arm and brought Aster ten meter upwards, while Agnes floated until she was next to Aster.

"As you probably noticed you can't fly in this place, unless you have the seal of exception which belongs to William or if you are an Ancestor, that is a unique property of the Treasure Graveyard, since you are supposed to look for a part of the whole area which suits you… but that will be a waste of the precious time of our date", mumbled Agnes before she brightly smiled.

"So, we'll be having fun at William's expense by skipping the boring part, in any case I'm pretty sure you are able to easily find where the swords are buried~", she said as her soul avatar as well as herself flew into the sky until they reached around two hundred meters of height.

From this height, the mountain range was much more visible, and so was the distribution of the treasures that were buried here.

"Those two are really something else, to think they will use the treasures used by people that at least reached the peak of the Transcending realms, to trick members of the young generation", said Aster making Agnes softly laugh.

"Cousin really… likes to mess with others, so you know the purpose of this place then?", she asked.

"Not really, I just felt the lingering aura on some of the nearby treasures", said Aster as he shrugged.

Agnes nodded in response to then say.

"Even if not all the treasures have "intelligence", something that has been radiated by a cultivator's spirit energy and intent over a really long time, ends up being in the same wavelength as its owner, to the point that traces of intent are engraved into the treasure itself".

"If the conditions are met, even after the owner stops using said treasure, some of its intent will end up showing through them, of course it won't be as clear nor strong as the real thing, but that's the point of having a Treasure Graveyard".

"The first trial of this place is for a cultivator to move through the countless different treasures, to find the most suitable area for them to train, but that's not necessary for someone that has put a step into the third level of intent, you actually got one over cousin this time, since a member of the youngest generation achieving such a thing is unheard off".

After saying that, Agnes descended from the skies with Aster standing on the hand of her soul avatar, they landed on a mountain at the northeast area which was filled with swords, it wasn't the only mountain with swords actually, there was at least five mountains of each kind of treasure.

"Now, show me that intent you used at the life and death arena!", enthusiastically said Agnes, as she left Aster on the ground.


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