The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 582 Alice’s tail (part 4)

Chapter 582  Alice’s tail (part 4)

The previous ruckus caused by Aster and Alice clashing, drew quite a bit of attention, as a proof of it, disciples from many factions came to look for any opportunity or fortunate encounter, but besides a volcanic disaster zone, they found nothing else.

Also, they lava which had erupted from the ground, was quite active waving and bursting here and there through the area, so they didn't stay for too long before leaving.

About two kilometers deep into the magma layer of Breren, there were a couple of naked figures leisurely floating through the molten rock, there was an almost unnoticeable layer of golden light surrounding them.

"Mm~", Alice who had a happy satisfied expression, cutely rubbed her face against Aster's chest, she was resting on top of Aster's body with her tail coiled around her beloved brother's right leg.

Aster who was caressing her silky, smoothly moved his hand downwards to gently rub her back before he pinched on the base of her tail a couple of times.

"Wuuh~", as expected, her cuddly scales were a pleasure for Aster's touch, not to mention, Alice let out a few comfortable sounds over it being touched by Aster.

"You know, for something that practically blew away the equivalent of a small town with a single wave of it, this little thing is quite lovely", mumbled Aster as he scratched some of the scales on Alice's tail.

Her reaction was quite cute too, the tip of her tail wagged, while the rest of it tightened its grip around Aster's body.

"Pah!", Aster smiled and then he casually slapped Alice's butt with his right hand, producing a loud meat slapping sound, followed by a shameless moan coming directly from Alice.

"Hyaaa~", luckily, the sound was contained by the nearby tons of molten rock, so it couldn't reach the surface, that being said, Aster got to enjoy of Alice cutely clinging and purring in his embrace.

"Now that I think about it, how come your tail doesn't rip off your clothes when you manifest it, in Sarina's case, her wings can be both ethereal or solid, so she just makes them intangible at the base, but the same doesn't apply for you nor mom?", asked Aster.

He hadn't specifically inspected Alice nor Lilia's clothes, but he did know that even if their dragon traits could be soft and cuddly with him, their scales were beyond durable and sharp and yet, they manifested them without losing their clothes when they did.

Alice giggled as she took out a piece of black silk, which she put up close to Aster, who couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, that piece of black silk were the panties she was wearing earlier, but now they were being practically being rubbed against his face, not like he wasn't enjoying it, but he knew that sister of his was teasing him on purpose.

"Ahem, so you and mom are using double sided clothes with arrays on them", he said as he touched the black panties, just to see a piece of the upper part flexibly stretching.

The base of Alice's tail was right above her ass, so it wasn't really covered by her underwear, but by the skirt of her dresses, the lower part of her blouses etc. but the scales on the under part of the wail would still thorn part of her underwear if it wasn't for the fact that they adapted to the change.

"Luckily, mom had some of her clothes from when she was my age, the array was just moved from the upper back to the lower back and that was it, so that I'm not exposed when I use my tail, the only one who can lust at my ass is you after all~", she cutely said as she playfully bit Aster's shoulder.

Curiously enough, her canines were now sharp enough to actually bypass Aster's physical defense, the same applied to her nails, it was probably related to the fact that her Paragon body has become fully offensive.

And as a result, during their lovemaking, Aster's shoulders got quite a few teeth marks, and his back was also scratched many times, of course they didn't bleed, nor Aster showed any pain from then, also the marks disappeared a few seconds later due to his overwhelming vitality, but it was a proof of how much has Alice's lineage progressed.

Aster chuckled, as he took something out of the mind space, it was a large black jewelry box, which of course made Alice's eyes glow, she knew Aster had prepared a gift for her and she was eager to see it.

It was cute to see Alice being excited for the content of the box, so Aster softly laughed, the moment he offered it to her, the thing practically blinked out of his hands and the next second Alice had it.

She opened it and a bright smile couldn't help but appear on her pretty face, before she lewdly gazed at Aster.

"I don't mind if you want to put a leash to me, but wearing it in public will be a bit too much~", she playfully said.

What was inside of the large box was a round metal collar, which indeed looked like a choker, but while the idea did flash through Aster's mind a couple of times, it wasn't meant for her neck.

"It's a ring for your tail, you pervert of a sister", jokingly said Aster as he patted her ass a couple of times, making Alice giggle.

Her tail suddenly let go of Aster's leg and then she turned her body around, so that she was now mounting him with her ass pointed towards him.

"I can't reach it, so you'll have to put it on by yourself~", she said as she grinded her ass against Aster's body.

Aster chuckled, but he obliged, the "ring" was actually quite sturdy and it could be opened tot hen encircle the base of her tail which was the widest part, with a metallic "click", Aster united the two extremes and the ring became a solid single piece once again.

"Mm?", Alice was amazed at the soothing comfortable sensation coming from the thing that was now wrapped around her tail, the ring perfectly adapted to her tail leaving no gaps and yet it didn't enter into conflict with her scales.

"This feels… like you", she mumbled to which Aster nodded.

"Of course, it does, where do you think the golden color comes from", he said.

Alice's eyes sparkled, there was so much of Aster's blood mixed on that ring that its color became bright golden and yet she wasn't able to notice it earlier, only after putting it on, she felt as if Aster was touching her tail, that's where the comfortable sensation came from.

Of course, though the ring that was decorating her tail wasn't only used to embellish her already pretty tail, but it also came with a nice array engraved on it.

"Accumulation, weight, amplification and release, I asked Eris to use those divine runes to create a simple but practical array, basically it will increase the weight of whatever the ring is tied to when activated, then for the next ten seconds all the momentum it is built will be will be multiplied and stored in the ring, to then be released in a single exhibition".

"How is it, does it sound destructive enough for my Alice?", asked Aster, just to see Alice turning around to jump at him and then continuously kiss his face.

"I love it~", she said as she cutely licked his right cheek, something that she first did under the influence of her dragon instincts, Lilia did it too, apparently it was a way for dragons to express their affect, the little snake Espi did it too as a proof of it.

'Only you would be so moved by receiving a massacring type kinetic bombardment spirit weapon, as a romantic gift', amusingly thought Aster as he kissed Alice, making her tail form a heart shape.

Jokes aside, Aster couldn't help but pity the poor bastard that will be Alice's first target for her to test her new toy, her tail was already heavy as hell when she used it to fight, and she was good at building momentum with it, as she incorporated those rolls in her fighting style to then slash with her tail.

The armor is already weight that can be added according to the wishes of its owner, Aster never turns it off, because that's how he trains, besides he uses the immense heaviness of the armor to increase the impact of his attacks.

But Alice doesn't have the need to, her armor focuses on offensive and she prefers to move faster as she can compensate with her innately high physical strength, the next step was for her to add more weight to her fighting style.

Also, to coordinate all the previous for an explosive attack that would surpass the limits of her current realm, she needed quite a bit of practice and focus, which would graze what parallel thinking does for soul cultivators, that was Aster's goal, incorporate the three paths for Alice.

'You know you are creating a monster right; dragon's bodies are immensely denser than those of other races, in the future that tail of hers is going to crush planets with slight movements', said Rya from the mind space.

'Of course, she will, she is my Alice~', added Lilia who was lovingly laying down on the bed at the top of Hyperion.

Aster smiled in response, Lilia and Alice normally didn't act as mother and daughter, but more like sisters, they even had a certain rivalry regarding him, could be because despite their ages being quite different, in terms of their lineages, they are both at the infant stage, but regardless of everything, when it comes to it, they are as close as a daughter and a mother can be.

Aster returned to reality when he saw Alice's tail disappearing, he was glad that the ring went with it, instead of being left behind, honestly, he wasn't sure of how their traits worked.

Though they had those cute scales acting as the base of their wings and tail respectively, they didn't grow out of their flesh, but were manifested basically out of thin air while attached to their bodies.

Lilia said that her wings were different than the ones she knew about, which would be indeed part of the body of the members of the Drage family, they couldn't be "dispelled" but they were folded and flattened to stick against their backs as if they were embossed tattoos.

Alice pretty red eyes directly gazed at Aster, her face reddened a bit as she mumbled with a rare to see shy expression.

"I love you~".

Aster couldn't help but find her cute, he gently raised her face by her chin and then planted a kiss on her soft pink lips.

"Mm~", Alice accepted Aster's advances, her little heart was racing like crazy and she felt a comfortable warmth flooding her whole body.

Their kiss only stopped after the two of them had enough of each other's taste, with a transparent string still connecting their lips, Aster observed the charming reddish face of Alice and then he dragged her into his embrace.

"Being so passionate with me, who is the real pervert here~", playfully said Alice as she felt the hard scalding thing pressing against her belly.

Aster smirked, they were supposed to leave and visit the city, even if it was just a small town compared to others, and it was under the management of the Red Sword faction, he wanted to show Alice around.

But right now, none of them cared about anything else, they just wanted to be in the embrace of the other, their bodies, hearts and souls, urged them to become one.

"J-Just a quick one and we leave", said Alice as she rubbed herself against Aster, who nodded, despite knowing that once they started, they won't be stopping until they are basically forced to.

For the next hours, currents of magma surged to the surface as if there was some kind of giant being wallowing below the river of magma, this continued until the sun had started to leave the sky, before the magma finally calmed down.

The molten rock suddenly split apart as if to give way to a pair of figures, a young man and a young girl, both with looks that would put to shame to the most prized models from earth, the girl was lovingly hugging the arm of the youth as they ascended from the depths of the underground sea of magma.

Alice stretched her body which was brimming with "life" as she looked at the orange tone of the sky with an amused expression.

"Ahh, I'm going to have really nice night of sleep after so much "exercise", not to mention I won't be needing dinner~", she said as closer than before, all in all, the date was a major success.

"It's time to go back, ah right, I will be training with you using the she giggled.

Aster cleared his throat, they might have overdone a bit, but Alice was happy with her date, he got to see her progress and she loved the gift he prepared for her, not to mention they both felt even closer than before, all in all, the date was a major success.

"It's time to go back, ah right, I will be training with you using the ring and the armor at the same time, otherwise you won't be going to the next mission", said Aster which made Alice pout to then lick her lips.

"You just want to play with my tail, it's fine, I'm yours anyway", she said.

Aster inwardly sighed, but he couldn't get angry at that lovely sister of his, so he just snapped his fingers and the array of his ring manifested and dragged them into the portal.

The travel back to the valley was quite calm, Alice simply rested while being embraced by Aster, she didn't let go of him even after they left the dimensional tunnel, so Aster had to carry her like a princess since she now felt rather sleepy.

Their sudden appearance at the living room naturally caught the attention of the girls as well as Erick who were only finishing their daily activities, to rest or simply hang around with the others.

"Welcome back brother, it seems you had a nice adventure with sister-in-law hahaha!", shouted Erick, he didn't say it with malice, Aster naturally cleaned his and Alice's bodies with Rigel's flames after they finished their lovemaking session, they now only smelled a bit like lava.

So, Erick referred to that, thinking that Aster brought Alice to fight at a volcanic zone, such was the train of thought of that battle maniac friend of his, though he does know that Alice is one of Aster's lovers.

That being said, Aria and the other girls, could see the small mocking smile on Alice's face, so they of course knew what happened between those two.

"Let me put Alice to sleep and then, I'll come get some spirit jades from you all", said Aster, Erick, Tiana, Aria, Nerissa, Camila, Eris, Mylene, Kana and even Mira were playing cards, Tomas was gone but so was Tamara so it wasn't hard to guess that those two were out on a date as well.

"Oh, that sounds fun, I'll join as well", said Agnes.

Lilia and Felicia didn't join though, they were chatting and laughing at the sofa next to the others, Nim on the other hand was observing the human ritual from the sides while constantly pissing off Mira like usual.

Aster brought Alice to their room and then gently let her down on the bed, she wasn't exactly tired, but she wanted to have a nice nap after going wild earlier, it was more of like the sleepy sensation one gets after eating.

"Goodnight sis", said Aster as he kissed Alice's forehead, just to see giggling as she closed her eyes to sleep.

Aster changed to casual clothes and then left the room, by the time he arrived everyone was ready to play.

"Big brother, here~", enthusiastically said Kana as she patted the place next to her, the little snake was looking at the cards she had in her hand and then it hissed as if it was giving Kana advices on what to do, it was quite an amusing sight.

Aster naturally couldn't refuse after seeing the little girl giving him puppy eyes, so he sat next to her and waited for the current game to finish, before he joined.

Amidst the third or fourth game, Aster who has won the past two in a row, saw Agnes's sharp gaze on him and he revealed his hand to then ask.

"Who won today's sort by the way?".

Agnes almost couldn't contain her smile as she showed her hand to the others, this round ended with her victory, in more than one way as she said.

"I'm next", the enthusiasm could be heard in her voice.

Aster softly laughed, it was cute to see the physical training obsessed girl being so eager, he was also curious, since she said that they will be having fun at William's expense.

Others might not know it, but William holds a really high authority in the sect, probably as much as a real Ancestor, so having fun at his expense indeed sounded interesting for Aster.


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