The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 577 Sarina’s Wings (part 4)

Chapter 577  Sarina’s Wings (part 4)

Aster and Sarina who were sitting down, floating in the air while being covered by the rotating current of wind, created by the motherly blond woman, could see other people going in the direction from where they came.

Naturally, the other cultivators knew that someone was leaving and were tempted to approach and ask, for the simple reason that Sarina's breakthrough was too eye catching.

She created a storm in a desertic planet after all, it wasn't only her fault though, there are many marvelous occurrences in the cultivation world, among which natural treasures are one of the most desirable by cultivators.

Here in mortal realms, normally only those that come from relatively strong forces from high ranked Stellar Systems, know about spirit elements, since there have been cases in which one is birthed to then vanish into thin air.

They are treated as rare encounters, some even think that they are omens of either good luck or misfortune, since they can't be reasoned with, nor tamed or captured, so the people just see them as representations of forces of nature.

The previous is the reason as to why Julian didn't inform of Esmeralda's secret realm to the Drage, even though he was supposed to, back then he needed Esmeralda's help desperately for Vivian, and out of what he knew about the Drage, it wasn't impossible to make a deal with them.

In fact, if he would have done it, Galatia would have been directly ascended to a high ranked Stellar System, and he would have received direct support from the Drage, and help to enter the Heavenly Realms, such is the "value" they would have put for Esmeralda.

The problem is that they are also known for being "beauty admirers" and with Vivian not only being a beauty in all the meaning of the word, but also a really talented cultivator, it's not hard to imagine that they would have asked for an arranged marriage, between her and someone from the main branch of their family, which is why he never informed about it to them.

Amusingly enough, he ended up inviting to the mission, to the one who technically has the right to inherit the whole Heavenly Quadrant.

Anyway, the previous is how much value does one of the three possible situations, in which a phenomenon like the one that just happened in Randar, has.

But most the people wouldn't think on the birth of a spirit element, but will jump right into concluding that its either the second or third possibility.

The second one being the birth of an outstanding natural treasure, like the Diamond Bone Orchid for example, that would be the most desirable option for the vast majority but not the most common result, most of the cases, such a phenomenon will be caused by a cultivator making a major advance.

And that is why even if Aster and Sarina were coming from the direction in which all the nearby cultivators, where leading to, they only stole a gaze at them and then continued their way with excited expressions.

Because Sarina was leaving her realm be noticeable to others, she was "just" a peak Mortal Transcending realm cultivator, so she couldn't have caused such a phenomenon, otherwise she would be a Sea of Knowledge right now, also why would a wind attributed cultivator come to a planet where earth spirit energy is the most abundant, that will only complicate the process.

Also, if they had obtained the treasure everyone was theorizing just appeared, they wouldn't be drawing unnecessary attention towards them, so the others ultimately ignored them and rushed, they all wished to be the ones to have a lucky encounter, who knows that might turn them into the next rising star.

It was a common occurrence in the cultivation world, however Aster laughed at them, it was his Sarina the one that caused that phenomenon, certainly a minor realm advance normally doesn't trigger a phenomenon, even for him, but it wasn't just a minor advance, Sarina also obtained basic control over her lineage ability, for her three attributes, hence why it was quite a flashy minor advance.

Of course, how could Aster not take the chance to flirt with Sarina.

"No matter how much they look through the area, the "treasure" they are looking for, is right here in my arms", playfully said Aster as he pecked Sarina's right cheek, earning a few giggles from her.

Only now, she came out of the excitement that had overtaken her mind, due to not only having advanced but also now being able to properly use her lineage ability for her three attributes.

"Now that I think about it, where should we go… I don't know anything about this plane", she mumbled, realizing she just took off without asking Aster where they were supposed to go.

Aster softly laughed; he found this Sarina who was overjoyed by her advance rather cute.

"Northeast from here, there is a city which acts as the outpost from the sect in Randar, we should be able to get a nice meal there", said Aster.

"Mm", Sarina nodded and then she adjusted the direction in which the current of wind they were riding onto, moved, to follow the direction Aster pointed out.

The way the Battle Peak administrates its territory is the laxer among the four peaks, their goal is to be strong and so when they obtain a planet, they classify it depending on the level of threats that exist there.

After that, an outpost from the Battle Peak is created in that planet and depending on who discovered that planet, or other factors like bets or duels between the Core elders of the peaks, an elder from the one who gets jurisdiction over it, is stationed in said planet.

If there were people already living there, they become a subordinate force of the sect, however that doesn't make them a part of the sect, unless they can contribute with something valuable or have a certain number of people from their respective force or family, joining the sect, they don't gain anything.

Randar is a middle grade Stellar ranked planet, meaning that its only a challenge for those at the Genesis Manifestation realm and below, as such there are no dangers of the Void Manipulation realm or above, including spirit beasts and cultivators, as a regulation, all those who surpass the limit decided by the sect, are given a space at a planet that fits them.

So, Sarina didn't have any trouble to travel at fast speed through the skies of Randar and before they noticed, they were arriving at Rock Sword city, where the outpost of the sect was located.

Randar is under the management of the White Sword faction, in other words the neutral faction of the Battle Peak, which means that people from all the three factions were allowed here, also there were no restrictions of rank here, which is why most male disciples spent their time in planets like these, as they could enter to all the cities without any problem, not to mention that as members of the sect they were revered by the natives most of the time.

From above, Aster could see the entrance to the city which was surrounded by a tall stone wall, normally they would have to descend and go through the process of identifying themselves, as disciples weren't allowed to just fly into the city.

But he was a Holy Son, so he could bypass the barrier protecting the city, in fact with his current authority if he wanted to, he could have transported into the city, but the idea was to enjoy the day with Sarina and travelling through the planet with her was better than just using portals to skip the process.

Naturally the previous drew the attention of the guards of the city, but since to enter Aster used his Twin Sword ring which was the proof of his status, the guards were informed through the device they used to make sure that no one wanted by the sect was entering their territory, of Aster's identity so they didn't bother him.

Aster and Sarina descended from the sky as they observed the city, Randar has a rocky desert domineering environment, and the city stone.

It was a rustic place but quite well-designed there were some trees administrated by the sect went along with that, the buildings, roads and most of the structures were mostly made of some kind of stone.

It was a rustic place but quite well-designed there were some trees planted here and there as well as a shallow canal that ran through the city.

The moment they landed, Sarina happily held onto Aster's right arm as they walked next to each other, like a couple, observing the nearby stores as well as the street stalls from the natives of Randar, as expected of a city managed by the sect, the scenery was quite lively.

Naturally, Aster did his homework, he already knew what the best restaurant of this planet was, and of course it belonged to the sect, which is understandable, they have all the connections to obtain the best ingredients, chefs and so on, which is good because thanks to that, Aster could easily make a reservation, being a celebrity in the sect had its benefits after all.

For example, right now, just as they were arriving at the restaurant, which is called "Blessed Oasis", there was already a small welcoming committee in the form of the manager of the restaurant, waiting outside.

The manager, a man that appeared to be in his middle thirties, smiled as he slightly bowed towards Aster and Sarina.

"Hector Sanders, greets to the Lord of the Twin Sword Valley and his esteemed companion, welcome to Blessed Oasis, please follow me", he said as he showed Aster and Sarina the way to the highest floor of the restaurant.

Aster wasn't joking when he said he wanted to spoil Sarina, he booked the private room for the whole day, as he didn't know at what time they will be over with Sarina's training, which is in part what had Hector so happy, it's not like the most expensive private room of his restaurant is occupied the whole day every day, much less by the current rising star of the sect.

"Here are the menus, to not interrupt with the privacy of our VIPS, the waitress won't come unless you specifically ask for them, the orders can be made through the communication array on the menus, and they will be sent through the array on the table, if you have any question, feel free to call for me, please enjoy your meal", said Hector as he bid farewell.

Normally one would believe that a private waiter ready to serve them at all times as part of the service of an expensive place, but what Aster wanted was to have as much private time with Sarina as possible and this restaurant had an interesting dynamic.

Now that Hector was gone, Aster pulled the chair for Sarina to sit down and then took his own seat in front of her, naturally Sarina immediately noticed the interesting stuff on the menu and she smiled knowing that Aster chose this place especially for her.

"So, you will be my personal chef for the rest of the day~", she cutely said as she made her order, to which Aster nodded.

"Everything for my Sarina".

'Luckily, things come already seasoned here, so I just have to cook them', he mentally added.

That's right, the specialty of this place was ordering plates with ingredients ready but not cooked, then a chef will personally prepare your dish at your own table, something rather uncommon in the cultivation world, as high ranked cultivators don't really take the time for these kinds of things.

It might be different if a family has a spirit chef working for them, but such a thing is basically impossible in low and middle ranked Stellar Systems, the few spirit chefs that live there, have restaurants so they have deals with strong forces for protection, but they don't work exclusively for them, nor directly work for them, only tending to the most VIP clients.

Aster could have gotten a reservation in a place like that, but he could do that anytime, not to mention he was convinced that at least in terms of taste, they wouldn't be that better than Sarina, so what would be the point of it.

Instead, he thought of a more meaningful way to have his meal with Sarina, which was him acting as her chef all day long, luckily in this restaurant, though the dish could come unprepared, all the ingredients were already seasoned and delivered in order, after that the chef only had to cook them.

Of course, if Aster had asked for a chef like normal, while it wouldn't have been a spirit chef, the staff of the restaurant would have made some tricks here and there as part of the experience, but Sarina was enjoying more seeing Aster struggling with the ingredients.

Aster poured the ingredients on a pot where the soup was supposed to be prepared, while at the same time he put the seasoned meat on the grill, he had to look at the instructions from time to time, to follow the proper order.

"Despite you saying your cooking is bad, you are doing it quite good if you ask me~", playfully said Sarina to which Aster chuckled.

"Well, everything was prepared beforehand, and there is an instruction manual, even I can make something decent under these conditions", he said as he sauteed some vegetables on a wok.

Sarina giggled, she didn't miss a single detail from what Aster did, the result was bowl of creamy tomato soup, a plate with a large juicy piece of grilled meat from a spirit beast and sauteed vegetables with pepper, it was a relatively simple dish.

And yet, they both enjoyed feeding it to each other from the beginning to the end, the dessert couldn't be prepared by Aster though, as it was a special tart, a recipe that belonged to Hector's family, and it was quite tasty as well, all in all, they enjoyed their meal.

"So, did my lady enjoy her meal?", asked Aster as he gave Sarina the last piece of the dessert.

"Mm, it was delicious~", said Sarina as she accepted the last spoon of the tart, to then say.

"You could become a nice chef, if you want to, I can teach you", she playfully said just to see Aster stiffen on the spot, which she found rather amusing.

It was really rare to find something in which Aster didn't excel, so she was enjoying teasing him, just like he does with them.

"Ahem, I don't mind helping from time to time, but I don't think it can become my thing", said Aster to then poke Sarina's nose.

"Look at you, mocking your husband, I guess I will have to "punish" you later", he said with a perverted smile on his face.

Sarina's face reddened on the spot; she was suddenly reminded of how Aster teased her earlier by using telekinesis to caress her.

"Lewd dragons", she mumbled to which Aster loudly laughed.

It was getting late, so it was time to go to the last stop of the day, which wasn't the restaurant of course.

Aster paid for the food and then they left with a good impression of Hector's restaurant's concept, he wondered why this haven't been brought to the sect, at least he didn't hear about a place that offered this kind of dynamic, but right now that didn't matter.

Despite being a desertic place, the sun left quite early at Randar and at night the temperature plummeted quite a bit so even if right now, it was only a bit past 5 pm, the sky was of a mix of orange and the slight dark blue of the night.

Aster took Sarina to the peak of a large rock formation that 

outstood in terms of height from the rest of the rocky desertic landscape, and then he just placed a sheet on the ground to lay down with Sarina next to him.

Sarina snuggled with Aster as they observed the previously scorching sky turn into a beautiful starry night.

"Say, Aster, what did you see in me back then?", mumbled Sarina as she drew little circles on Aster's chest with her fingers.

Aster smiled in response as he caressed Sarina's silky blond hair, before saying.

"Well to begin with my Sarina was a beauty even when sick, but if I have to say it, it was your honesty what moved my heart".

Sarina's eyes sparkled, Aster had already told her, he started seeing her in a different light after the thing with the maid trying to kill them, when she worried about him even with those horrible chemical burns in her hands.

"Words are cheap, a person's true self can only be determined by their actions, and back then I didn't see even an ounce of falsehood in your eyes, you were genuinely worried about me", said Aster as he brought a lock of Sarina's hair closer to him to enjoy the flower-like natural scent of the motherly blond woman.

"I could have been worried that you wouldn't have been able to finish my treatment you know?", said Sarina as she looked upwards at Aster's face, only to see him shaking his head.

"You knew I didn't specifically need my hands to treat you, otherwise I would have had to touch more than what I did, not like I would have cared though", said Aster which made Sarina blush remembering how Aster basically saw almost her whole body naked even before they became a couple.

Aster then dragged her upwards while wrapping his right arm around Sarina's waist, her hair slightly covered her face due to the sudden movement, so Aster accommodated it with his free hand.

"Besides, my Sarina doesn't know how to lie, even Kana knew you were way sicker than you told her", said Aster which made Sarina pout as she mumbled.

"Damn corruption…".

Aster rubbed his face against Sarina's as he pecked her cheeks and nose repeatedly, earning some laughs and giggles from her, this was done as a couple and yet Sarina was loving till the last second of it.

Aster then smiled as he took out something from the mind space.

a really tame moment compared to other things they have already done as a couple and yet Sarina was loving till the last second of it.

Aster then smiled as he took out something from the mind space.

"I almost forgot about the gift I said I was going to give you, here try it on", he said.

Sarina's eyes glowed, she immediately got up and took the thing from Aster's hand, it was a light green jade belt with white borders, that she could use as an accessory, it was quite detailed, having feathers carved into it.

And its green color went perfectly with Sarina's eyes, it's clearly something that was made specifically for her.

Naturally, it wasn't just a pretty accessory, Aster stood up and then took some distance before saying.

"Now, inject some spirit energy into it, I suggest you to try it out with wind first".

Sarina did as she was told and the moment she injected wind spirit energy into the belt, she saw one of the many jade plaques of the belt separate and then orbit around her, the thing had a diamond shape and was sharp.

But the important part is that Sarina could see an invisible thread of spirit energy attached to it, allowing her to control its direction.

"I had gotten a certain material from an auction with the help of our "lucky charm", and I think it goes perfectly with your lineage ability, try making a slight cut on your finger", said Aster.

Sarina didn't hesitate to do so, the cut wasn't deep, she just bled a bit, but the sharpness of the little blade wasn't what took her by surprise, but the fact that she could feel the circulation of spirit energy in her finger slowing down.

"This is…", Aster nodded at Sarina who was baffled at the ability of the little blade.

"The "jade" used for the belt was created by mixing yin accumulation crystal, Espi's scales and lastly, Prison Mercury, though it was just a bit of it, ah right I also added my blood".

Sarina was baffled at Aster words, all the girls have been reading about resources and materials by Aster's request, so that they can identify it if they find it, so she knew that Prison Mercury is an Immortal grade material, and a really rare one on top of that, as it has the property to dispel spirit energy.

And he used such a valuable material to make a Stellar rank spirit treasure for her, when if he held out, it could have been used to make an Immortal rank one!

Naturally, Aster knew what she was thinking and he just smiled as he hugged Sarina.

"Don't think too much about it, I got it basically for free and also those godmothers of mine, where painfully calculative enough to only put exactly the amount needed for a Stellar rank treasure, with my blood it could have been stretched to the half Immortal grade, but I will add another material for when the time comes, only the best of the best for my Sarina", he playfully said.


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