The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 536 Back To The Sect (Part 2)

Oblivious to the fact that he screwed Sean Fritz over, Aster and the others made themselves comfortable in the spaceship.

Naturally after not seeing each other for such a long time, Tamara and Tomas were like lovebirds, so after being assigned a room, they said goodnight and left, leaving Alexandra who was speechless about it, behind.

'Where did the mother that was so against dual cultivators and shameless things went…', thought Alexandra, but she ultimately didn't say anything, her mother never allowed herself to show any sign of weakness or sadness when she raised her, so she deserved to have her fun too.

But that left her without anything to do for the rest of the travel, conveniently she saw that Aster wasn't isolating himself in his room to do lewd things, but instead he and the other girls went to the training area of the spaceship.

Even the grumpy Ligress girl Mira as well as the chatterbox Runic Oak tagged along, so Alexandra felt a bit curiosity about what was happening.

And the answer came to her as soon as she reached the entrance of the training room, the moment she opened the door, she was hit with the shockwave caused by two heavy objects colliding.

"Boooom!", a thunder-like explosion and bright sparks filled the sky, followed by a girl's wild laugh.

"What do you think, I have been training to take revenge from that charm attack of back then~".

The one talking was none other than Alice, the previous explosion was caused due to her fist clashing with Aster's, both were using their golden armors and so the friction of the impact not only caused a huge shockwave but sparks to fly all over the place.

Something worth mentioning is that Alice's spirit pressure was way stronger than before Aster left to this last mission, but that is understandable because his sister had taken another step and advanced from the peak of the Stellar Constellation to the early-stage Star Axys realm.

Aster chuckled, as he felt his hand shaking a bit over the previous clash, but he didn't care to reveal Alice's little trick.

"I was going to give you a little gift to congratulate you for your advance, but using Dragon Aura in secret when you were the one that asked for a physical clash, punishment it its", said Aster

Alice pouted and then fluttered her pretty long eyelashes as she licked her lips.

"Come on, I trained a lot with Mylene to make it invisible and undetectable, don't I deserve a nice reward for that, otherwise I won't show you my new ability~", she mumbled, which made Aster softly laugh.

Truth to be told he also cheated in a sense, because he was using his dragon eyes, and to be honest he couldn't feel her Dragon Aura at all unlike before, but he was able to see it, Alice's hands were covered in an ominous black and red light.

When his fist clashed with Alice's, there were two impacts, the first was caused by her hand, both Alice and Aster had the Paragon body, their armors are equally strong, and while Alice's physical strength is higher than Aster's as she is a body cultivator not to mention her dragon lineage focuses completely on offensive.

Aster's body is heavier and tougher than hers, from the very beginning his armor was different to Alice's, because his dragon lineage with which is merging is also different, that's why he has the ability to expand it, but Alice doesn't.

According to Rya, Alice's way to use the armor will result in a different variation, but she still needs time to master the Paragon Body enough to reach that point, it took Aster three years to be able to reach his current point, while Alice just got the ability to summon the armor less than a year ago.

Seeing Alice's playful smile, Aster ultimately decided to concede.

"Fine, you win, you can come on the next mission too", he said, all this happened because Alice wanted to go with Aster, and she refused to take a no as an answer, she had a solid argument though, she was the only one that could feel all the things Aster and Lilia did in the mind space, probably because her lineage resonated with theirs, especially because Lilia could let loose in the mind space without any worries.

And she felt that if she had to endure another "long" separation, while her mother had all the fun, she will go crazy, to be honest, the moment Aster noticed how "restless", Alice seemed to be, he was going to take her with him, but she proposed this exchange of blows with the purpose of convincing her brother to take her to the next mission, so Aster accepted it.

Having gotten what she wanted, Alice jumped into Aster's arms and kissed him repeatedly as they descended from the sky, the other girls also had their own things to show to Aster, but they were keeping them for their dates later, Alice still had another surprise for her brother, which she was keeping a secret for now too.

'Ahh, it sure does make me feel calm, knowing I won't be separated from him~', thought Alice, her blood which has been circulating like a storm the moment Aster returned, finally calmed down.

Alice then gazed at Aria with a smile of sufficiency, but as she was about to say "I caught up to you", Aria was faster, saying.

"I', reached my breaking point back at the Silicon Forest, I will advance once we return to the valley, don't think that you are the only one giving her all you, lewd dragon princess~", Aria's mellow voice made a contrast with her not so gentle words, which of course cause Alice to start arguing with her.

Aster chuckled, Aria wasn't the only one that has reached her breaking point, Camila, Felicia, Tiana and surprisingly Vivian were the same, in a sense Sarina and Kana went ahead of them this time, because the pair of mother and daughter both already advanced, but that is because they still had some impulse left from the awakening of their linages, so even if they wanted to wait until Aster returned, they couldn't, not like there was really a need to do so, it was just a personal preference.

The most surprised one was surprisingly none other than Mira, the feeling she got from Alice a moment ago was without a doubt, that of a first generation dragonkin, and that wasn't the only thing, there was a second completely different dragon lineage in the black-haired youth and her instincts still screamed every time she gazed at Lilia.

'Three completely different dragon lineages, of first-generation level… what the hell is this Mortal Plane!', she thought, little did she know that the surprises were just going to keep coming her way in the nearby future.

The rest of the travel was pretty smooth, with Lilia's spaceship functioning at the highest speed that the dimensional tunnel endured, they didn't take even twelve hours to return to Galatia, naturally the cost was a hefty amount of spirit jades, but with everything that Aster gained in his latest mission, a few hundreds of thousands of middle grade spirit jades, weren't even worth mentioning.

Especially because the girls were eager to return to the valley so they could get some love, you might think that they could have done it in the spaceship by asking Eris, Mylene, Vivian and the others to stay in another room, but twelve hours weren't enough for them, and all the girls agreed that once they started they won't be leaving the bedroom, until they are completely satisfied, which in Aster's experience can take more than a day, and that is without including Lilia into the equation.

Alexandra was secretly thankful of that, because she actually hanged around with them, since now she will be staying with Aster's family along with her mother, she at took advantage of this little period of time to present herself properly, she was a bit surprised when she heard that Alice was Aster's direct sister, but her mother was courted by many family members, so the subject wasn't unknown to her, besides that she got to know that the beautiful black haired woman she thought was Aster older sister, was actually his mother.

She also previously believed that Kana was Aster's daughter with Sarina, so that misunderstanding was also cleared, besides that she was surprised to realize that Eris and the others weren't his dual cultivation companions, she thought they had another kind of relationship since they were careless enough around him, to even stay to sleep in his room.

The moment the alarm of the automatic pilot indicated Lilia that they arrived at the border station of Galatia, where they just directly took the dimensional tunnel that led to the sect, Julian had already whitelisted Lilia's spaceship to not need to be inspected or anything after all.

Tomas and Tamara came to see Aster and the others, just to see that their daughter was also staying with them in Aster's room.

"Heh, and here I was worried that little Alexandra would be alone in a dark room, now that I think about it, I never saw her bringing a friend over or anything~", jokingly said Tamara who seemed to be in an incredibly good mood, she was even holding hands with Tomas, who looked a bit "lethargic".

Alexandra saw her parents acting like a young couple, which was the right thing to do, considering they would be in their early and middle thirties, even if they didn't advance in their cultivation ever again, originally Tomas should look younger, but a lot of his vitality was stolen, though he will recover with a few breakthroughs, in comparison Tamara was getting younger and brighter with each day that passed, and she hasn't even started cultivating again.

Tomas saw Aster gazing at him and he didn't know how to react, it was obvious what he and Tamara had been up to.

"Ahem, young master, have we arrived to Galatia, brother Julian invited me to have a drink at the neutral city of the Myriad Occupation sect, so I would like to pay him a visit if possible", asked Tomas.

"Sure, I need to go finish my mission first and formal, you can stay at the neutral city while I take the others directly to my valley, senior Julian can take you to the valley once you finish your business with him", said Aster.

With that solved, Lilia's spaceship finally left the dimensional tunnel, appearing at the port of the neutral city, naturally the appearance of a spaceship through the portal reserved for VIP'S drew the attention of the people that were passing by.

But they immediately recognized the Lord of the Twin Sword Valley, not because of his characteristic black hair and golden eye tone, but because there was a parade of beauties surrounding him, which included the unruly elder Agnes of the Black Sword faction, and they also recognized Nerissa as she is on the top ten in the Heavenly Ranks.

Tomas left to meet with Julian, and then Aster waved his hand using his authority to take everyone to the valley, the scenery suddenly changed from the neutral city to the inside of Aster's mansion in the center of the valley.

Without noticing, Aster had started to consider this place his home, though it's only been a few months since he arrived at the sect.

"You four make yourselves at home, while I go finish my mission", said Aster to Alexandra, Tamara, Nim and of course Mira, while Lilia and the others showed those four the mansion, he, Aria, Camila, Eris, Agnes and Nerissa, in other words those who officially were registered for the mission at the Silicon Forest followed him to the Central Capital where the mission hall was.

"Now that I think about it, that idiot left earlier and he seemed to have taken the mission too, I wonder what tricks will the Supreme Elder try to pull out this time", casually said Aster in the dimensional tunnel which made Agnes chuckle.

"I was there too, so she can't twist the results of the mission no matter what, unless she doesn't want her position as Supreme Elder anymore, of course", she said.

Aster and the others laughed, they then appeared at the entrance of the Central Capital, which was as concurred as always, some of the girls from the Black Sword faction who were returning from their missions saw Aster and greeted him, to then notice Nerissa was also with him.

"Heh, so senior sister got ahead of us, as expected of our strongest sister", said one of the girls, which made Nerissa raise an eyebrow, as she didn't know about the little competitions the juniors did to get a chance to go on a date with Aster.

They soon arrived at the mission hall and went straight to the second floor, Angela sweetly smiled at Aster the moment she saw him coming from the stairs, but she also seemed to have something to say.

"Welcome back Aster, I heard that this time the Silicon Forest was really harsh… it's good to see that you could safely return", said Angela.

Aster nodded at her before saying.

"Yeah, it was quite troublesome but the gains were nice too, can you help me complete the mission?".

Angela doubted for a second but ultimately, she could only bitterly smile as she explained what she learned earlier.

"I can, but the reward of a personalized weapon from elder Olivia has already been claimed by that guy from the Blacksmith Peak, apparently he found the exact amount of White Silicon Ore needed, and since he came back before, the reward was taken by him… sorry, I tried to put a complain but the Battle Peak's Supreme Elder hasn't returned yet", she said with an apologetic voice.

Aster shook his head, he already expected something like this to happen, but it was certainly strange, the White Silicon ore deposits laid in the deep inner area of the Silicon Forest, and as far as he knows that idiot of Edward didn't get to reach that area, before he had to run with the tail between his legs.

As for the custom-made weapon that the so called elder offered he was never interested on it to begin with, he took the mission due to the secret that laid in the Silicon Forest as he wanted to get a nice treasure to help Aria, in addition he wanted to stack merit points, and both objectives were more than met.

That being said, how can he leave a mere Core Elder try to play such tricks on him, the mission was vague enough to not mention that only one person would get the extra reward, but he was sure that the Supreme Elder had something to do with it as well.

"Don't worry, if I remember correctly the core elders of all the peaks either take turns, or get a chance to make a mission related to the legacy level places to which the sect has access, right?", said Aster.

"Mm, the Silicon Forest was assigned to the Blacksmith Peak this year, and this time it was elder Olivia from the Brown Anvil faction to make a mission", answered Angela, which made Aster smirk.

"I see, can you do me a little favor?", said Aster, to Angela as he mumbled a few things, which made the smart receptionist's eyes sparkle, as she nodded.

"Leave it to me!", she enthusiastically said.

Angela marked the mission as completed and the merit points were fairly distributed between Aster and the others, before they left.

The two junior sisters of Angela saw Aster leaving and they smiled before saying.

"Woah, so our senior sister Angela has enough weight in the heart of senior brother Aster, to be assigned such a profitable business, don't forget about us now that you have such a strong backer".

"Mmm, I wouldn't say backer though, normally the woman is the one to administrate resources in the household, it is normal that senior brother is "scouting" our senior sister, considering no one can match up to her when it comes to these kind of things", added the other girl.

Angela felt a vein popping on her neck, but then she put on a smile that wasn't smile as she said.

"Well, since you two have enough free time to gossip, how about you take care of the rest of today's work".


"That is bullying!".

With the two girls begging Angela to not make them work overnight, which is what will happen if they are left alone, Angela focused on doing what Aster asked her to, and soon a strange rumor spread though the sect, because every time a disciple with a decent rank entered the mission hall, she will hear Angela "speaking" with someone through a communication talisman.

The words were always the same "Can you believe it, the Core Elder Olivia accepted to only receive five kilograms of White Silicon ore, so the Lord of the Twin Sword valley, now has around fifty kilograms to spare, and he is selling them all to the Core Elder that is willing to pay a fair price for them, I even heard they are of the highest quality".

What are Core Elders, all of them are Void Manipulation realm cultivators who manage a faction each, since the Supreme Elders and Law Enforcers not to mention the ancestors, are most of the times busy, they hold the authority in the sect most of the time.

Getting to be in the good books of one of them, is a golden ticket to an easier life in a faction, and what is White Silicon ore, a peak Stellar grade material, which can be used as a main material for a peak Stellar treasure, or as secondary material for an Immortal grade treasure, meaning it stands at the top of the Stellar grade materials.

What makes it so desirable, is the fact that the places where it can be found are really scarce, the Extreme Silicon Forest being the best one of them in the nearby ten or so Stellar Systems, so whoever gets his hands on it, would 10/10 times prefer to use it to order the creation of a treasure than selling it.

It is scarce enough to be required through a mission by a Core Elder from the Myriad Occupation sect, instead of the latter to try and buy it on an auction house, where the price of a single kilogram will skyrocket, so you can imagine the reaction when suddenly fifty kilograms of it, enough for a whole set of weapons and armor made with it as the main material, were suddenly offered.


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