The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 522 Preparations To Leave (Part 2)

Before entering through the portal, Aster stole a gaze at the yellow castle in which the third node was, there was a small tinge of unwillingness, because he wanted to take it into the mind space too.

Though unlike the walls that formed the underground maze, the castle wasn't fully made of yang accumulation crystal, it was still a material that has been radiated by yang energy for quite some time, it would definitely be a decent decoration for the palace that he was planning to build for his girls.

Unfortunately, he couldn't because he reached his limit when taking the walls inside of the mind space.

Certainly, the mind space was better than a spatial ring, as practically everything could be sent into it, but it wasn't as simple as just thinking about it to make it happen, like when using a spatial ring.

At least for the current Aster, the process required him to use his soul energy to make it happen, luckily Aster's soul energy was incredibly strong, so that he could even send in something as big as Lilia's spaceship and take it out a couple of times.

But the more "complicated" something was, the more soul energy was needed, that's was in part why Aster couldn't send living beings into it, according to Rya once he enters the Transcending realms his control over the mind space will be enough to ignore that limitation.

For now, Lilia and Rya whose control over the mind space had a different nature, will be the key for the success of Aster's plan.

Aster had previously taken the crystals that the Diamond Bone Orchid had created in the castle of the second node, so the Runic Oak took them directly to its castle, now that the Law Integration spirit beasts were dead, the interference on the space that they caused, was gone too.

So, the travel back to the castle didn't last long, after a couple of minutes they were at the entrance of it, the huge tree could be seen occupying the middle area of the castle.

Though the Ligress girl Mira tried not to show it on her face, the truth is that it's been so long since she has seen anything besides the insides of that block of ice, or the yellow cage where she was trapped, that she enjoying the different sight.

"I will call back all the roots that I sent to form the crystal trees, I'll leave you to make the newest addition to your "pride" comfortable with the rest, if you need me for something I'll be in the main hall", said the tree before its miniature copy flew into the corridors of the castle, leaving a Mira who softly growling at the Runic Oak.

Aster chuckled, apparently just like lions back at earth, the group of female partners of a dragon was called "pride", in a sense the term fitted dragons better, as they really put importance in the number of partners they have as well as other related aspects, not that Aster really cared about it.

Right now, what he wanted was to rest, so he and the girls walked towards the corridor where the guest rooms where.

Mira softly growled when she saw Aster suddenly taking out a bed, but the words she expected to hear, never appeared, Aster just threw himself on his bed and not even a couple of seconds later he was already sleeping.

She then noticed that each of the other girls also took their beds out and laid down or sat down on them to rest, Alexandra still didn't sit on any of the beds, but this time she didn't left to another room, her black spheric shield floated on the air with her laying down inside of it.

She didn't completely close it also, and just silently closed her eyes to rest.

"Aster only ordered you to not do anything that could be harmful to us, feel free to stretch your legs around the castle or rest on one of the couches", said Aria as she laid down next to Aster before she hugged him.

Mira's eyes glowed, she limited to nod and then left the room, after being restrained for so much time, she wanted to stretch her body.

Aria and the others left her be, the Ligress girl needed some time to process things, judging by her reaction when Aster took out his bed, it wasn't hard to imagine what the guy that the Yin Azure Palace tried to tie her with, thought about her.

Technically if Kana wanted to, she could order Esmeralda to do anything, such was the nature of the contract between a spirit element and its host, maybe while the host is weak the spirit element can resist or refuse, but as the host grow stronger the control over the spirit element increases.

That's why even after so many years inside of her secret realm, Esmeralda didn't accept any random guy as her host, Aster's talent wasn't the only thing that made her choose him, she questioned Mylene and the others, and it was their answers what convinced her, and she was positively surprised that he rejected the contract for Kana's sake.

While Aster slept like a log, Eris was inspecting the yin chain which Aster cut, he only destroyed the collar that was restraining Mira, but the piece of the chain that was separated from the main body was perfectly fine, with the exception that the blood connection which was engraved on it was destroyed by Aster.

She was given the leftover pieces of the cage as well, but Aster didn't do anything to it, that was destroyed by Mira, that wasn't all, she was also observing the nearby space, while making the calculations needed for what Aster asked her.

Time passed quite fast and before they noticed, it had been a couple of hours, Aster woke up and was received with the cute smiling face of Aria, his body felt quite comfortable right now, since pushing his limits was the way he trained in both the soul and energy paths.

Aster noticed that Mira wasn't in the room, but he expected that, what took him by surprise was that Alexandra stayed with them, but he didn't say anything and instead stood up from the bed.

Soft cracking noises could be heard coming from Aster's body which caught the attention of the girls.

'I should be breaking through in the energy path soon, mom was right going on missions is the best for me to advance', he thought, before he turned to see Eris.

"So, how is it, will it work?", he asked.

Eris proudly smiled as she answered.

"Mm, I can do it, but you and Aria will have to participate just like before, the rest will be up to them".

Aster nodded as he gazed at his ice princess, if his plan worked then, not only Aria but all the girls will be benefited.

Aster then called the Runic Oak, who was still in the process of retrieving all its roots and the nutrients it shared with the crystal trees.

"Can you open a portal to the area of the third castle and keep it opened for us?", he asked.

"Sure, I still have one hour or so before I wrap things up on my side", answered the tree, roots raised from the ground right there inside of the room, and portal appeared.

The girls weren't fully recovered but they wanted to see what Aster was going to do, since he kept everyone but Aria and Eris in the dark, regarding the last part of the plan saying that it was going to be a surprise.

Alexandra joined out of her own will, while the Ligress Mira mumbled some things as she had to accompany them, because she was limited to be within a certain distance of Aster, since he pronounced her true name, but she hasn't been "tamed" yet, it's not something Aster did on purpose, but a restriction that is placed by default.

In comparison the little wyrm who happily accepted the contract was free to go as it pleased, but why would it leave Aster and Kana's sides when it was enjoying its days playing with the little girl.

Seeing the aggrievance in Mira's eyes Aster inwardly chuckled, but he didn't say anything, his next actions will for sure make the Ligress girl see him a slightly better light.

They soon reached the other side of the portal, the tree took them to the vicinity of the underground area where Mira was kept prisoner, Aster raised his head and saw the two now cut off chains that came out of the one-way portals that where floating high up on the sky.

Aster turned to see Aria and they then flew towards the chains followed by Eris who placed some familiar objects in the nearby area, they were the four cores of the Law Integration spirit beasts, the broken chain which used to be attached to the collar that restrained Mira and the three yang chain links as well as the pieces of the cage.

Aster took a deep breath and then the golden armor cladded his body, Aria who was floating next to Aster entered the Ice Fairy state, her platinum blue hair gained a pretty dim glow, and her body leaked cold mist.

Aria held Aster's hand and then they both nodded at Eris, who immediately put hands to work, she made some gestures with her fingers, the cores lit up and then a blue symbol appeared on Aria's free hand, the same happened to Aster but in his case the symbol was yellow and it originated from the yang chain links.

What happened was that Eris stablished a temporal connection using Aster and Aria's blood to engrave a simplified version of the formation that was engraved on the chains,

"Now you just need to grab the chains, Aster already erased the previous connection so there shouldn't be any problem, the things we prepared will act as protection, if I see any problem I'll cut of the connection", said Eris.

Aster and Aria nodded and then grabbed the chains with the hands that had the symbols on them, the moment they did it, the chains lit up as they tried to expulse Aster and Aria, but the objects that Eris placed around also lit up and the cube necklace which acted as the core of the formation formed a barrier around Aster and Aria.

The ying and yang energies was then redirected to the objects, as they shared a similar energy firm as the chains.

Aster closed his eyes and then he changed his focus to the mind space, Aria couldn't enter but she was important for the plan, because she could handle the load of being the node for the yin chain, thanks to her body constitution.

The moment Aster entered the mind space, he rushed towards Lilia and Rya who were already waiting for him, and then he placed his hands on their backs.

"Now!", with Aster's greenlight, Lilia and Rya raised their hands at the sky, outside of the mind space, Camila and the others saw the portals from which the chains came, suddenly become unstable.

"Don't tell me he is going to…", Alexandra who more or less understood what was Aster trying to do was in awe, she couldn't finish her sentence before the sky of the Silicon Forest darkened.

Harsh gusts of wind started whistling, the ground trembled and the skies darkened it looked as if the world was about to end, but despite the ominous look of the current situation, Aster remained there floating in the sky with his eyes closed and a noticeable smile on his face.

"There it is", mumbled Aster, the next moment al the clouds dispersed as a small part of a blue and a yellow sphere were forced out of the portals, the sun and moons to which the chains were attached, were actually dragged down.

Under the surprised eyes of the girls, the stars that were forced to come down suddenly vanished into thin air, the sky returned to normal and the wind stopped blowing so violently, but the ground didn't stop trembling.

Aster and Aria who now had tired expressions on their faces slowly descended from the sky, the portals trembled and then closed, in exchange seriously large breaches on the space opened.

Needless to say, but the girls were at disbelief, they looked at Aster as if they wanted to confirm what their eyes witnessed a moment ago, just to see Aster smiling at them.

"It would be a shame to leave such a convenient formation behind right, now we can create our own yin and yang paradise".

The girls were in shock for a moment after seeing Aster smiling at them, before they all shook their heads, remembering that common sense didn't apply to him.

The only one that couldn't follow up with what has happening was Mira, even if the output of energy of the suns and moons used to power up the formation was restrained, those were special celestial bodies formed by the accumulation of yin and yang, to be able to manipulate them one at least needed to be in the Heavenly Realms, but that wasn't all, she has never heard of a spatial treasure that can contain a celestial body.

'I can't feel the moons anymore, how the hell did he do that!', she screamed in her heart, then a realization hit her like a lightning out of the blue, the black-haired youth in front of her, just easily robbed the Yin Azure Palace out of some really expensive resources, her included.

While Mira was lost in her thoughts, Aster observed the sky, he didn't just take away the suns and moons for future purposes, the clash between them and the portals completely destroyed the balance of the space in this area, and the affectation was spreading.

Aster told Esmeralda he wanted to destroy this secret realm to prevent the Yin Azure Palace from ever being able to create a connection between this place and the four Heavenly Quadrants, and she said that this will do the trick.

They just needed to worn out the space and nature will do the rest, it would have been way harder for Aster to manually destabilize the space, so the original plan was to just destroy the portal that connected the Silicon Forest with the territory of the Steel Tower sect.

But this was better, since the Yin Azure Palace will lose big time, judging by the resources they dumped into the chains to keep Mira restrained, they hoped to retrieve this secret realm and the formation attached to it, but now… there won't be nothing to retrieve.

"The secret realm will crumble, time to go ladies", said Aster, Aria fell directly asleep earlier, but he was still able to move with some difficulty.


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