The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 520 The Real Appearance Of The Liger

Aster, who couldn't stop himself from looking at how those two finished their enemies with a single move, though those were probably their current strongest techniques, a Genesis Manifestation insta-killing a Law Integration being isn't something to joke about.

Especially because those two spirit beasts weren't small fries, like the snake and the falcon whose lineages had diluted too much for them to return to their origin before reaching the Heavenly Realms.

In a sense the gorilla and the centipede were on par with the people from the main branches of the Drage, because they develop a dragon characteristic in the Transcending realms, it's the proof that their lineage hasn't diluted to the point of being useless.

That being said, if their bloodline was on par with first generation dragonkin, they would have developed dragon characteristics while being in the Earthly realms… like Aster, Alice and Lilia, who even before all this had the dragon characteristic of the Drage.

But nowadays that was overwritten as she got wings, which is the evolution of that characteristic when the most talented among the Drage reach the Heavenly realms.

Anyway, Aster had to admit that those two were amazing, most of the people with battle prowess that allows them to cross realms, follow the rhythm of the enemies and look for a chance to aim at victory.

But Eris and Agnes completely destroyed their opponents, both literally and figuratively, the fact that Eris could temporarily use the power of a Soul Queen was a surprise, that tree was made with both formations and soul power, it was a "realistic illusion" or a palpable illusion as some call it.

Something only a few Soul Kings who focus in illusions can make, as soul energy at that level has started to have matter, not only that but he could feel a familiar sensation from that tree she created, it was similar to what he felt when she used that one in a life time, oath with the Cosmos Tree as her witness, with him, so she obviously inspired on that tree.

Despite all that and considering she comes from a Divine Firmament, Agnes wasn't left behind at all, not only she had third level intent, which nor Eris or Mylene had, something Aster didn't understand why, but Agnes even found a way to infuse her Genesis Core into her Soul Avatar.

Something unheard of for him, though judging by Lilia's giggle she already knew about it, but she left him discover it by himself, saying "If you have seen a girl from the Fey family do that, and you are still alive, you are either incredibly luck or incredibly liked by her, darling~".

Obviously, Lilia has seen his Fey Godmother using what probably is an innate ability of her lineage, or maybe an application of her soul constitution, if you follow the supposition that the talent of a generation from the main branch who are the ones that have the capacity to look at other people's souls, have soul constitutions.

Speaking of Lilia, she said the same thing as those two, she wanted to participate in a fight while being inside of the armor, so that she could fight alongside Aster.

Which made Aster sigh.

'I created this for the others to fight in battles that surpass their current limit, you three are way stronger than me, so it won't boost your techniques at all, you know?', he said.

Eris and Agnes's slightly blushed feeling a bit ashamed, but Lilia pouted, it was obvious she won't let go of the matter until she gets her share, so ultimately Aster shrugged.

'We can try it out later, but don't expect too much, it's probable that the armor can't resist your powers and it gets dispelled'.

Though the answer was in the best case a "maybe", Aster could feel the moods of those three improving on the spot, which made him chuckle.

Also, it's not like he was just taking his sweet time to talk with those three in the middle of a battle, thanks to parallel thinking he finished his sharing his plan with Aria and the others, so it was time to wraps things up.

The Liger which was getting frustrated seeing that all its attacks, whether they were energy based of physical, were being blocked, suddenly roared and those blue energy clouds on its paws appeared once again.

The only flaw that the Liger could find after clashing so many times with the enemy in front of it, was that the gold giant lacked the capacity to move at high speed and fly.

The first "flaw" was useless for the Liger, because even though it could rush and move probably faster than the giant, the latter's reaction time made up for it, so even if it tried to use speed as its advantage, it didn't work.

Under another circumstances its speed would have allowed the Liger to escape, but it was chained too, so that was it for its speed advantage, but the other thing in which the Liger surpassed the enemy which was flying, could give it the win.

The Liger charged frontwards and tis figure raised into the sky as it started running through the air, around Aster as if it was stalking its prey, the figure of the Liger blurred and a blizzard storm was created around Aster and the others.

It was using the surroundings to hide and hunt as its white fur made it mingle with the blizzard, like a real spirit beast would have hidden in the snow, despite the fact that it was a spirit ice.

The snow blizzard covered the whole area of dozens of kilometers that was isolated by the barrier created by the spirit beasts, which now that hat they have died had started to crack, the Liger had effortlessly created a natural disaster in the form of a storm in a moment.

For Aster and the girls who were in the center of the snow storm, the atmosphere darkened as everything was covered in the storm, the ground started trembling as an ice layer covered it, ice peaks started raising trying to keep Aster in place.

Aster's eyes glowed, his pupils which were those of a dragon, silently followed a white figure that was fused within the storm, before he gave Tiana the signal, at the same time the storm closed in on them, the Liger was planning to drown them into in ice while it aimed for the kill.

Tiana nodded, her black hair turned white-silver and then the golden giant punched the ground.

"Booom!", the ground cracked and all the ice was sent flying due to the impact, then an invisible wave was released with the right arm of the armor as the center.

To the Liger's surprise the storm was blown away, Tiana's ability to repel broke the momentum of the storm, and the ability was dispelled, revealing the Liger which was floating above Aster.

But that wasn't all, the armor suddenly flashed as Tiana used the last bit of her soul energy to repel the armor, making it appear behind the Liger, which was taken by surprise.

"Roaarr", the Liger tried to move but it was already too late, Tiana's ability was immediate, so before the Liger could react, Aster grabbed it by its head and then rolled on the air using the momentum to smack the Liger against the ground.

"Crack!!", the head of the Liger as well as the barrier couldn't resist the impact and both shattered on the spot, the shockwave destroyed everything in the vicinity including the rest of the body of the Liger.

"Keep it in check!", Aster shouted as he jumped out of the armor, Aria who was given the command of the left side of the armor nodded, while Camilla who was in control of the right arm, also nodded, they both moved their hands towards the Liger and the arms of the armor grabbed the block of ice which contained the real body of the Liger.

Naturally the Liger didn't just stay quiet and wait for its defeat, the hands of the armor trembled as it tried with all its might to escape, the yin chain also injected yin energy into it, because it was programmed to prevent anyone from stealing the Liger.

But it was futile, the left hand of the armor was covered in blue flames which prevented the ice of the Liger from affecting it, while the right one was radiating heat and melting the ice that the Liger tried to create.

Aster looked at the yin chain and he took out the best sword he had in his spatial ring, taking a deep breath, the golden sword lit up in golden energy, this is the first time that Aster didn't dilute annihilation with his spirit energy, he just injected everything he could handle as well as his sword intent.

The sword started cracking on the spot, but Aster managed to slash it once towards the blue chain, which was cleanly cut on the spot, there wasn't any sign of resistance from it, not only that but a horizontal line appeared on the atmosphere, the space was actually cut by Aster's sword, and lightning as well as wind surged from the breach on the space.

The previous fight had made the space become unstable already, and Aster's slash was the last drop, but right now he didn't pay attention to that, the moment where the chain was cut, a miserable scream could be heard coming from it.

"Aghhhh!!!", but contrary to what Aster expected, nothing happened, he thought that maybe a projection of the one to whom the chain was linked will appear, which would have been probably the case, if not for annihilation eliminating all the runes along with the connection.

Aster landed on the ground, his breath was unstable, the golden armor also started dispelling and the girls returned to his side, while the golden specs in which the armor turned, returned to Aster's body.

He has used practically everything he had, and now he was quite tired, but it was worth it, the moment the chain was cut, the Liger stopped resisting and the block of ice which still had a piece of the chain attached to it fell to the ground.

Small cracks started appearing on it and to everyone's surprise a voice could be heard coming from within the block of ice, it wasn't a beastly roar like before, but a clear voice.

"Mir lost, just kill me already, I won't submit to you humans".


The girls stared at each other, before they all gazed at Aster, naturally the voice that came from within the ice was that of a girl.

Aster saw the accusatory gazes of the girls on him and he cleared his throat, naturally he already knew how the one inside of the block of ice looked, since the moment when he destroyed half of the head of the Liger, thanks to his dragon eyes.

But he didn't say anything, in any case it's not like the gender of the Liger mattered, this is what his ice princess needed so he was going to get it for her no matter what, Esmeralda is also a woman, so he didn't think there was any problem with it.

"Say Eris, are all spirit elements women or…", Aria whose eyes were sharply looking at the ice block, turned to see Eris as she asked what was in her mind.

Eris shrugged in response.

"I don't know, this is the second time I see one, and the first was Esmeralda, but I think there are male ones too, I guess this is… luck", she said.

Aster bitterly smiled, as he walked towards the block of ice, his hand glowed with a faint trace of annihilation, this wasn't the one he produced, but the one that Hyperion radiates on a daily basis, which is normally used to nurture the mind space somehow.

"Human what do you want to do?", asked the Liger feeling the dangerous sensation, what annihilation caused on living beings wasn't the fear of death but something even worse, the Liger was prepared for death, but being turned into nothingness was on another level.

Of course, Aster wasn't going to do that, he punched the block of ice to destroy it, and the thing exploded into many blue crystal shards, revealing the figure hidden inside, white dress, snowy long hair, tall, pale skin and… white tiger ears and a tall?

There was a woman with a tight black necklace residing inside of that ice block, the yin chain was attached to that necklace, normally it would restrain the woman to not talk, or be able to move which is why she created that giant Liger.

As for the block of ice, it was her ultimate defense, and the reason as to why the guys from the Yin Azure Palace, couldn't force her to form a contract with their young master.

Even if it has been worn out after so many years of being affected by the formation, forcing her to burn out her cultivation to maintain it, the woman clearly didn't expect for it to be so easily destroyed with a single punch.

"Form a contract with her", said Aster to the shocked tiger girl, which was the best way to describe her, as he pointed at Aria.

Needless to say, but the tiger girl was still in shock over seeing her most trusted defense being so easily crushed, she didn't understand why if the human in front of her could have cut off her ice creation with that dreading golden light with which she saw him destroying the chain link, he didn't do it.

That being said, she didn't move an inch and instead she let her body fall on the ground as she closed her eyes.

"The strong consume the weak, and the fight was glorious such is the law of the nature, you can refine me if you want, but I won't submit to humans, do as you please", she remained silent after that quietly waiting for her death.

Aster shook his head; he doesn't have time for this kind of things right now.

"For my ice princess's sake, I can't force you into a contract, but that doesn't mean I can't do anything to you, stand up and follow my orders Mirajane".

"Y-You, how did you gyaaa!", the eyes of the tiger girl opened the moment Aster said her real name out loud, the fur on her ears and tail stood up before she received an electric discharge that took her by surprise, which forced her to stand up as Aster ordered.

Aster on the other hand was genuinely surprised, he was just bluffing because after beating the Liger he could see for a single second a name floating above her, but half of it was blurred, so he just managed to read the first part.

The strange thing is that this phenomenon matched with spirit beasts, but not with spirit elements, so it didn't make sense that he could order the tiger girl just because he knew her name.

Ultimately Aster shrugged, he just had to ask Esmeralda and now that the Liger was under his control, he could take a moment to talk through Lilia in the mind space.


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