The Rise of Rurik

Chapter 52: We Are Heading For The Unknown Northeast

Chapter 52: We Are Heading For The Unknown Northeast

Under the glow of the Northern Lights, Otto urgently summoned his followers, who gathered around the largest bonfire for a special meeting.

Otto was as high-spirited as ever, and his image by the flames was also brilliant.

"Brothers, our people need more wealth. Now I have an idea, we will not go straight to the north, we will run to the northeast. There is an area that we have not set foot in, there must be more deer there. . I decided to go there, are you willing to follow?!"

The problem is so straightforward that everyone has to think about the leader's suggestion.

As expected, someone raised doubts.

A young man cried out, "What if we are in danger?"

"Oh? Are you afraid of bears?"

"No! I'm afraid of blizzards! I've never been there, I don't know what hills or streams are there, everything there is unknown. Great chief, the days ahead are getting shorter and shorter, and once we are in Lost in snow and ice and the result will be a disaster."

This question represented the worry of many people, and the crowd suddenly became noisy.

Someone else echoed loudly: "Yes! If it's summer, we can explore the end of the world in the north. It's too cold now, and the days are very short every day. We shouldn't take risks like this."

"Forget it! You are afraid of being frozen to death! Are you a coward? Your wife is waiting for you to carry a deer back."

"But it's still too dangerous to run to the northeast."

The quarrel in the crowd has already occurred. If this quarrel is condoned, the problem cannot be solved immediately.

There is actually only one road in front of Otto now, because he himself is determined to explore the northeast direction.

The vast land is full of unknowns, and the troops will rely on the light of Aurora in the sky to move forward.

Because it is full of unknowns and full of opportunities.

This year's Otto has experienced a lot of good things, and this year's Ross clan has clearly started a huge change. He believes that this is a change of great historical significance for the future of the tribe, not only because the tribe's acceptance of foreign women as wives is generally accepted by everyone, but also because of his son's continuous display of amazing intelligence.

Otto only hated that he was old. If he really lay in his own home and died, his life would be full of regrets.

All the way to the north, he thought of many things, thinking of how when he was young, he would go to the north to hunt a large number of wild beasts every winter.

The Ross tribe really had no experience of traveling long distances to the northeast, which was uncharted territory for the tribe.

Otto stomped his feet, and with his thick and hoarse voice, he scolded, and the noisy crowd suddenly quieted down.

The crowd has been divided into two factions. One faction intends to explore the northeast direction. As for the danger, it is life and death. The other faction is looking for stability, they just want to pull back a gigantic prey to make a beautiful barbecue for a wonderful Hanukkah, thus offsetting the large amount of food and wine consumed by the carnival after the mass wedding. .

"Be quiet! Brothers! Listen to me now! I hope the team will move northeast from tomorrow. I'm not afraid of any danger, because!"

Otto deliberately pulled out his jewel-encrusted sword and pointed it at the aurora: "I heard some of you worrying about your safety, is this what a real warrior should say? Look up at the sky, it's the Valkyrie parade , the Valkyrie is watching us! Those who are afraid of danger, please worry about your future. The Valkyrie is disappointed by your cowardice, and now you have only one way to prove your bravery, and that is to follow me!"

In the ninth century AD, Europa's wisdom was not open minded .Otto's rhetoric based on the belief in mythology has fully silenced those cowards/ But the so-called cowardice is suitable for cleaning up.

Those who have the guts to participate are brave people, and each of them has their own family. Hunting north in winter is not "prove your bravery to the Valkyries", they are very realistic hope of getting fur and a lot of meat, Just for a better life in the future.

A good leader must use his wisdom and power to make his followers reverence for something, and at the same time, he must also fully stimulate their desire for wealth and happiness.

Otto succinctly believed that everyone in the crowd believed that they would get a lot of wealth if they followed him, and that his position was the most stable, and even some unreasonable demands to them could be tolerated.

Now, it's time to show them a nice picture.

"Brothers, don't be afraid! Now you have to think about what might be in the northeast! There are probably a lot of deer there, and we can even meet those deer keepers."

When it comes to "deer keepers", the nerves of many older people in the team are stirred up.

Although the Ross tribe has made a home in the far north, the older people really know that they are not the complete masters of this area.

There are also many Finn tribes in the east of Rossburg, and the relationship between Ross and those Finn is very delicate.

Sometimes, some people will organize spontaneously, cross the bay with axes and spears, and land on the opposite coast to find the Finn tribe for trade. In fact, it is not so much a trade, it is better to say that these Ross people are just watching people eat dishes.

The Finn tribes encountered, they are stronger than themselves, so they do business honestly, and use silver or copper coins to buy their fur and some linen fabrics.

If you encounter someone who is obviously weak, then you don't need to do business, just grab the battle axe and loot, and then leave quickly.

Therefore, the Ross tribe and those Finn tribes have never established any stable trade relations, and even the outbreak of conflict is the most common way of getting along. Among them, the Ross tribe, which is a Viking, is always the initiator of the attack. There is no guilt in doing so.

The "deer keepers" that Otto referred to were another group of people, the elders of the tribe still hearing some ancient memories from their parents.

For example, there are legends claiming that Roseburg was once the home of deer breeders, who tried a futile resistance, abandoned their deer herd and ran away, disappearing into the vast snowstorm in the north middle.

No one knows where those people went, maybe to the northern end of the world? !

After all, the world view of the commoners of the Ross tribe is based on those ancient legends. The so-called human world is a piece of land on a disk held up by the world tree. The farther north, the colder it becomes.

Otto did not hesitate to describe the "big pie" that made these bearded followers irresistible.

"We haven't met deer breeders for a long time, maybe they have come to the end of the world and fell into the abyss outside the world tree. But I asked us my priest Vilia before I set off. Vilia told me that those Deer breeders hide at the end of the world because they believe we can't get that far.

But don't expect to meet deer breeders and the indescribably huge herd they keep. As long as we encounter them, those deer are ours! Together with those who keep deer, they can become our slaves.

Don't worry if we don't come across it. We didn't go to the northeast, where the woods must be full of ferrets, forest cats, and deer. We can even spot the white bear's hole.

You don't have to worry about your identity. The priest clearly told me that if we dare to go to the northeast, we must return to our home with a large number of treasures before Hanukkah.

Brothers, think of the compliments your wives and children have given you, and the great quest you will make.

Do you have any objections now?

Everyone's eyes trembled involuntarily. Everyone remained calm in the excitement, and when one of them finally couldn't hold back his excitement and roared, the crowd also boiled.

No more disputes, Otto looked at everyone with satisfaction, full of hope for the future.


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