The Rise of Rurik

Chapter 38: Studying The Rune Alphabet Seriously

Chapter 38: Studying The Rune Alphabet Seriously

The child has arrived, and now Veria is not in a hurry.

She turned around slowly and asked, "Rurik, are you hungry?"

"Not hungry, I just hurry up and see those planks."

"You'd better eat some more meat. I have other things to tell you about seeing the plank."

Roasting the meat on twigs over a charcoal fire, Rurik knew that he was eating seal meat. Because there is no time to properly process the seal meat, the meat is full of blood. This kind of meat is really delicious only if it is roasted for a longer time and sprinkled with enough salt.

He nibbled at the meat while listening to Veria's instructions.

"You know what the writing on those boards is, and to understand what's on the boards, you have to learn the letters completely."

"Yes! I will."

"Of course you will. It's not that difficult, you have a lot of time to study with me, maybe you can master it in a few days."

"So I have to learn those letters first, right?"

"Yes. You eat the meat slowly, and I'll prepare it. In the next few days, I will teach you how to distinguish each letter well. Remember, those letters mark our language. When you can Master the alphabet without even needing my guidance, and you can teach yourself all about planks."

Veria was afraid that Rurik would be difficult to understand, so she explained it further.

How could Rurik know nothing about him? Even those rune letters, they certainly don't have any weird pronunciations.

Because the Old Norse language that he had to learn from birth was actually very easy to learn.

The consciousness named Liu Li resides in Rurik's body, this is a guy who has passed the English test. The life on that plane gave him an innate ability to logically analyze, as well as knowledge far beyond the commoners of this time and space.

With a simple comparative analysis, he found that the ancient Norse language and the English of a thousand years later, many words are related to each other. As if Old Norse were a special dialect of modern English, the pronunciation of all words was both familiar and unfamiliar, not strange after all.

Rurik had seen some rune letters before, and since there was no rune-Latin comparison table at all, for the time being he saw those letters and his scalp tingled.

Instead, he analyzed a clear point. No matter how strange the symbols of the rune letters are, they must be separated into vowels and consonants, and have strict correspondences. Dozens of letters can be arranged and combined to interpret Old Norse.

Rurik's analysis is correct, since the origin of the rune and the Latin alphabet is the same.

The dawn of civilization first shone in Mesopotamia, and the local residents established a state form early. In order to maintain the operation of a huge state, writing came into being.

Runeform was originally pictographic, but in pursuit of practicality and convenience, it gradually became a pure phonetic script. The ancient cuneiform alphabet was improved by the ancient Phoenicians, resulting in the birth of the Phoenician alphabet.

The neighboring Aegean region studied the Phoenician alphabet and created its own early Greek alphabet. Along the ancient trade routes, the Greeks of the Balkans sold their wares north, and naturally came into contact with the Germans. But when Rome controlled most of Europe, the Germans also began to learn the ancient Roman alphabet.

Rome declined, and the Franks among the Germanic people occupied a large part of Western Europe. They followed the standard ancient Roman alphabet. Finally, the Rune alphabet, which was invented by mixing various channels, was only in use in the Circum-Baltic region and Britain.

No matter how it evolves, because the Rune alphabet and the ancient Roman alphabet share a common origin of the ancient Greek alphabet, the writing of some letters is naturally strongly related, and the most important thing is that the logic of the spelling of the letters has not changed for thousands of years.

After Rurik had eaten the meat, he became more energetic.

Upon seeing this, Veria immediately ordered: "Now come to that room with me,

I'll be the first to show you a plank. "Rurik nodded, only following behind the faltering priest.

In the narrow compartment of the large high priest's house, Veria lit all the candles here.

Exactly the same as the scene seen for a while, there are still a lot of carefully polished wooden boards.

Rurik stood quietly at the door, watching Veria laboriously take out one of the many wooden boards.

I saw that she wiped off the dust on it, and finally took another breath, showing a satisfied smile.

She turned around to face Rurik and deliberately showed the board: "It's it, it records all the letters that can write our language. Next, you must be able to master all the twenty-four letters."

The rune alphabet is twenty-four? Rurik shook his body in surprise, thinking that the alphabet would have more letters.

Because there are as many as thirty-two Russian letters in later generations!

"Get out with me now, we're going to study somewhere more commanding. I'll show you how to pronounce all the letters, and I'll tell you the meaning behind it."

After a while Rurik was sitting cross legged on the soft buckskin, with a cast iron pot in front of him, and the charcoal fire inside was slowly burning.

Veria sat in front of Rurik, holding a plank in his hand, and began to point to each of them.

How to educate a student, Veria in his own way of teaching lower priests is the same way in teaching Rurik.

Those young priests are not interested in learning more, at least they can master the use of the rune alphabet very well, because they must be proficient in the ancient spells written in this alphabet to be used normally in sacrifice scenes.

Rurik was an open-minded student at this time, and he suddenly thought of another plane, the scene where he first learned the English phonetic system.

Soon, an extremely complicated feeling came over him.

Look at these twenty-four rune letters, arranged in a matrix on this rectangular oak board.

If you look closely, the structure of some letters is only slightly different from the modern Roman alphabet thousands of years later.

Roman letters like F, R, I, T, S, B, and Rune letters are actually similar writing patterns, and at first glance he can estimate how the letter should be pronounced.

Among the twenty-four rune letters, some seem to be modified Roman letters, some are written upside down, or written in mirror mode.

But some vowels, they all have strong characteristics.

The information is engraved on the wood, and the engravers use a small chisel to work. Based on the limitations of the equipment and the skill level of the operator, all the letters are sharp and angular.

Not surprisingly, its source, cuneiform, is angular. In the ancient Roman alphabet of the Roman era, the huge words made of stones were also angular, and only when they were written on soft parchment with a quill pen did the words begin to become curved.

Ross tribe, they currently do not have a clear writing tool.

Of course, ordinary people have no real opportunity to write in their entire lives. In this time and space, writing is an extremely luxurious act!


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