The Rise of Rurik

Chapter 34: Peravina's Expectations

Chapter 34: Peravina's Expectations

At present, the calendar transmitted by the Eastern Romans to the Baltic region through the ancient northern trade line is still very accurate, so Veria can determine very precisely when the sun will disappear for a long time, and how long it will be before the dawn will pass. back to earth.

Veria even learned a little astronomical knowledge mastered by Eastern Rome, which made her, an ancient old man, full of curiosity and respect for the unknown southern people.

And the knowledge gained is really profound. She regrets that the young people of the tribe treat her with disdain, and she is even more distressed that her successor, Bona, doesn't have much thirst for knowledge of those "Roman knowledge".

Perhaps, all his worries will be shattered by the chief's son Rurik, a rare child with a thirst for knowledge.

On the night before the dawn, all the clansmen revelled all night, drinking and singing, to welcome the new sun and the beginning of the new year.

The tribal collective wedding was too lively, and quite a few families drank more than half of their wine reserves that night!

This year's Hanukkah is destined to be drink starved.

After a complicated ceremony, the newly married Aric and Peravina put on thick fur coats again. According to tradition, the groom's immediate family is to personally escort the newlyweds back to their new home. Usually, it is the biological father of the groom who serves as a witness, proving that the couple did return to the residence and stayed there until the next morning.

Arik's home was not far from Otto's. Otto didn't want to leave for a long time after he had delivered his nephew. He was pacing outside the house until he heard those voices, and his tense face finally laughed out loud.

In this way, Arik is completely grown up in every way. Married from Novgorod and came to Peravina, she became a woman completely.

The new day is another cold start. The sun rises late today, and the atmosphere in Rossburg is hot.

Early in the morning, Otto changed into a loose fur coat, and his close companions also gathered.

Rurik rubbed his sleepy eyes, wondering what the people outside were shouting.

"Dad! Are you going out with those people? Boating?!"

"No! I'm going to see your brother and your sister."

"Ah. Then I'll go take a look too?" Rurik got up smartly.

"Okay." Otto beckoned his son to come out immediately after having something to eat, and then instructed: "I have to go to other families to see, I want to make sure of something."

"Is it about something after the wedding?"

"You're so smart." Otto rubbed his son's head with satisfaction, and motioned to his wife Nia: "Don't go, hurry up and sew your clothes, Arik and his wife need it very much."

Nia watched her husband hold her son's little hand and the dozen or so people behind him. She watched it quietly for a while, and then returned to the warm house contentedly, and with the maid who came to help temporarily, seized the time to make new animal skin clothing.

The newly made clothes are all given to the newly married Arik family. Emotionally, Nia has long regarded Arik as his own son.

If his former son hadn't died accidentally, he would have been Arik's age.

Rurik clasped his father's hand, and he didn't know exactly what his father was going to decide.

When the group arrived at Arik's house, there were already a few children watching the excitement at the door.

Rurik did not hesitate to find a familiar figure.

"Ah! Kanuf, what are you looking at at my brother's door?"

Kanuf hurried over: "Hey, of course I'm waiting for you!"

"You should wait for me on the hillside. I guess it's just to see my sister's beauty?" Rurik said casually, and then saw his father disperse the idle people.

Otto ordered loudly: "Arik, you and your wife are out, let me make sure!"

In a while, the confinement animal skin door curtain was pulled open.

Arik looked high-spirited, and he took his embarrassed wife's hand and walked out.

Indeed, Peravina has changed a lot from her previous image. Rurik opened his eyes wide and saw that his sister in law had braided again, and fully understood the symbol of this braid.

Arik deliberately pushed his wife in front of his uncle, completely arrogant.

Otto smiled: "I know it all, you already finished it yesterday."

"Yes! When the weather turns cold next year, I'll be my father." Arik didn't forget to rub Rurik's face, he naively thought his brother didn't understand anything. "Rurik, did you know that? Next winter, you will be an uncle too."

Yes! I understand," Rurik said calmly. "Hopefully, it was a boy. We need more warriors, don't we?"

A child said very pragmatic words, and everyone around was amused. I am afraid that Otto at this moment is more emotional about his son. A seven year old child actually fully understands the meaning of the tribe's men who are good at fighting for the whole tribe.

Peravina felt the change in the atmosphere at the moment. She lowered her head shyly, looked at her husband's younger brother, and stroked her stomach: "I really hope to be a boy. If possible, I like more boy."

"Hey, at least there must be a beautiful girl like you." Arik took the opportunity to coax his wife, and the atmosphere became more joyful.

The Ross tribe will always need more people, both male and female! They lacked the opportunity to plunder the population in a barbaric manner from outside, so they began to peacefully demand the marriage of girls from other ethnic groups this year, so as to raise more members of their own ethnic group.

he girl Peravina has completely recognized her new identity. Otto is absolutely telling the truth. She wants to be the heroic mother of the tribe.

At this point, Otto said to Peravina in a deep, fatherly tone: "You are a beautiful girl, and the members of the White Tree Village you once belonged to are also a group of smart people. You will become a great mother, I sincerely Thank you."

"Thank you... Thank you, Lord Chief." Peravina seemed very flattered, but the blow felt that her praise was appropriate.

Otto nodded: "Let's live in peace. You don't have to worry about anything, you are not the clerk who will leave your girl forever. In the fall of next year, we will go to your girl routinely. At that time, you and your children will I will visit the members of White Tree Village and see your parents again."

Hearing this, Pelavina's dark blue eyes couldn't help but shed tears.

She had simply thought that leaving the Varyags would be a farewell to her hometown, but now the leader made a promise with honor, and she still had the opportunity to visit her family!

She began to look forward to the future, first of all, she needed to prove her great value - to give birth to healthy children, boys and girls.

For this goal, it seems that I can reasonably live a leisurely life for a long time?

It seems that the women of the Ross tribe are good at preparing meals and sewing clothes in the warm longhouse, if only so, it is simple.

In the distant hometown of Novgorod, a girl like Peravina had to go to the barren land with her family. Cultivated and planted seeds with a simple wooden plow, and always lived a hard life and poor life. Her original family was a very ordinary family in White Tree Village. They were so poor that they could not afford to buy even bronze tools from the blacksmith, and the ironware was the treasure of the village's patriarch.

Any metal utensils are precious, and as a result of marrying the Varyag Rosberg, she had to accept the fact that people here already use metal utensils on a large scale.

The clan's fjord settlement is always blowing black smoke, what's that?

The husband answered his curiosity, that is, the blacksmith was burning ore to smelt copper, and even used a more complicated method to burn stone to smelt iron. Although smelting metal is hard work, the benefits are very large, they are not tired of it, and even large-scale logging to make charcoal in order to smelt metal!

There are even some fates here. The Swedes, the tribal alliance of the current thinking Asians, have particularly high-quality iron ore in their living range. They use these ore to smelt and arm themselves and enrich their lives.

The people of Roseburg are one of them, so iron is not a luxury in their lives.

Now Peravina, although no more plowing, her diet will lack wheat, but it will be full of fish, and she will become completely Varyag.

She is also very smart to realize that her whole person must be completely dependent on her husband, and this is also a part of the life of the Varyag people, and it is also the common destiny of Varyag women. But no one wants to change that, simply because no one feels there is anything to change.

Even the clan's blacksmith door is too lazy to upgrade the smelting and forging technology because everything is enough.

Because the life of Rosburg, under the leadership of Otto leader for more than ten years, is indeed still getting better and better.


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